Dorada la cuptor cu sos Mojo


Esti in pana de idei si ai chef sa gatesti ceva usor si gustos? Salveaza aceasta reteta de Dorada la cuptor cu sos Mojo pentru zilele de weekend in care vrei sa ii rasfeti pe cei dragi cu un pranz senzational. Sosul Mojo cu arome de citrice si patrunjel verde va completa perfect dorada fierbinte proaspat scoasa de la cuptor.

Dorada la cuptor cu sos Mojo


(pentru 2 portii / for 2 servings)

Pentru peste / For the fish

  • 2 dorade / 2 sea breams
  • 1 lingurita oregano / 1 teaspoon oregano
  • 2 linguri ulei de masline / 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • Sare / Salt

Pentru sosul Mojo / For Mojo sauce

  • 20 grame patrunjel verde / 20 grams parsley
  • 2 cepe verzi / 2 scallions
  • 2 catei de usturoi / 2 garlic cloves
  • 25 ml ulei de masline / 25 ml olive oil
  • 50 ml suc de portocala / 50 ml orange juice
  • 25 ml suc de lime / 25 ml lime juice
  • Piper / Pepper
  • Sare / Salt
Dorada la cuptor cu sos Mojo

Curatam pestele de solzi si il spalam foarte bine in interior. Il uscam foarte bine cu servetele absorbante si il presaram cu sare si oregano, atat pe interior cat si pe exterior. Il invelim in folie de aluminiu si il introducem la frigider pentru 2 – 3 ore.

Intr-o tava asezam hartie de copt si pestele. Turnam uleiul de masline si ungem pestii pe interior si pe exterior. Introducem tava in cuptorul incins la 180 grade Celsius pentru 25 – 30 de minute pana cand este rumenit.

Dorada la cuptor cu sos Mojo

Intre timp pregatim sosul Mojo. Punem intr-un blender de putere mare ceapa si patrunjelul. Maruntim si pastram separat. In bolul mixerului adaugam usturoiul si uleiul de masline. Mixam si adaugam restul ingredientelor. Amestecam din nou si adaugam patrunjelul si ceapa verde tocate. Pastram sosul la frigider pana in momentul servirii.

Servim dorada alaturi de sos Mojo, felii de portocala si bagheta calda.

Detaliile video ale retetei le gasiti aici.

Dorada la cuptor cu sos Mojo

Daca v-a placut Dorada la cuptor cu sos Mojo va invit sa incercati si:

Biban la cuptor cu legume
Caracatita la gratar cu linte verde si sos Romesco
Dorada la cuptor cu salata Fattoush

English vesion

Baked Sea Bream with Mojo Sauce

Are you out of ideas and in the mood to cook something easy and tasty? Save this recipe for Baked Sea Bream with Mojo Sauce for the weekend days when you want to spoil your loved ones with a sensational lunch. The Mojo sauce with citrus flavors and green parsley will perfectly complement the hot sea bream fresh from the oven.

Clean the fish from the scales and wash it very well inside. Dry it very well with absorbent napkins and sprinkle it with salt and oregano, both inside and outside. Wrap it in aluminum foil and put it in the refrigerator for 2 – 3 hours.

Place baking paper and the fish in a tray. Pour the olive oil and grease the fish inside and out. Put the tray in the oven heated to 180 degrees Celsius for 25 – 30 minutes until it is browned.

In the meantime, prepare the Mojo sauce. Put the onion and parsley in a high-powered blender. Shred and keep separately. Add the garlic and olive oil to the mixer bowl. Mix and add the rest of the ingredients. Mix again and add chopped parsley and green onion. Keep the sauce in the refrigerator until serving.

Serve sea bream with Mojo sauce, orange slices and warm baguette.

You can find the video details of the recipe here.

If you liked the sea bream in the oven with Mojo sauce, I invite you to try Branzino al Forno, Grilled Octopus with Green Lentils and Romesco Sauce or Baked sea bream with Fattoush salad.


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