Pentru un brunch mediteranean usor si plin de savoare, nimic nu se compara cu un toast caprese cu burrata alaturi de oua ochiuri. Cu arome proaspete de busuioc si rosii suculente, acest preparat simplu aduce o parte din farmecul Italiei direct in farfuria ta. Combinand cremozitatea burratei cu gustul intens al sosului pesto, aromele se completeaza perfect cu painea integrala crocanta si uleiul de masline. Serveste acest toast caprese alaturi de oua ochiuri gatite simplu, condimentate cu un strop de sare si cimbru, pentru o experienta culinara echilibrata si plina de aromele mediteraneene ale verii.

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INGREDIENTE (pentru 2 portii)
- 2 chifle integrale
- 4 linguri sos pesto
- 150 grame burrata
- 1 rosie
- 2 linguri ulei de masline
- Sare
- Cimbru

Incepem prin a pregati chiflele, taindu-le pe fiecare in doua, astfel incat sa obtinem patru jumatati. Punem o tigaie pe foc mediu si adaugam cele doua linguri de ulei de masline. Cand uleiul este bine incins, asezam chiflele in tigaie si le lasam sa se prajeasca pe ambele parti pana capata o textura crocanta si o culoare aurie. Dupa ce sunt bine rumenite, le scoatem din tigaie si le asezam pe o farfurie.

Pe fiecare jumatate de chifla intindem cate o lingura generoasa de sos pesto, acoperind uniform suprafata painii. Rupem burrata in sferturi, pastrand textura sa cremoasa si o asezam cu grija peste fiecare jumatate de chifla. Peste stratul de burrata, adaugam felii subtiri de rosii proaspete, aranjate frumos pentru un plus de culoare si prospetime. Stropim fiecare tartina cu putin ulei de masline si presaram deasupra sare si cateva frunze de cimbru proaspat, pentru o nota aromata.

Pentru a completa aceasta experienta mediteraneana, servim tartinele alaturi de oua ochiuri, pentru un brunch de mare exceptie, plin de savoare.

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English version
Burrata Caprese Toast
For a light and flavorful Mediterranean brunch, nothing compares to a Caprese toast with burrata, served with sunny-side-up eggs. With fresh basil aromas and juicy tomatoes, this simple dish brings a touch of Italian charm right to your plate. Combining the creaminess of burrata with the intense taste of pesto sauce, the flavors perfectly complement the crispy whole-grain bread and olive oil. Serve this Caprese toast alongside sunny-side-up eggs, simply seasoned with a pinch of salt and thyme, for a balanced culinary experience full of Mediterranean summer flavors.
INGREDIENTS (for 2 servings)
- 1 whole-grain roll
- 4 tablespoons pesto sauce
- 150 grams burrata cheese
- 1 tomato
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
- Salt
- Thyme
Begin by preparing the roll, slicing it in half to get four pieces. Heat a pan over medium heat and add the two tablespoons of olive oil. Once the oil is hot, place the roll halves in the pan and toast them on both sides until they’re golden and crispy. After they’re nicely toasted, remove them from the pan and place them on a plate.
Spread a generous tablespoon of pesto on each half, covering the surface evenly. Tear the burrata into quarters, keeping its creamy texture intact, and place it carefully on each half of the roll. Add thin slices of fresh tomatoes over the burrata, arranged beautifully for a pop of color and freshness. Drizzle each toast with a little olive oil and sprinkle with salt and a few fresh thyme leaves for an aromatic touch.
To complete this Mediterranean experience, serve the toasts with sunny-side-up eggs for an exceptionally flavorful brunch.
If you enjoyed the Burrata Caprese Toast recipe, we invite you to try also Crispy Burrata & Gorgonzola Bruschetta, Insalata Caprese (Winter Edition) or Toast with Mozzarella and Oven Baked Tomatoes.
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