Chiftele de pui cu sos de pecorino si vin reprezinta o reinterpretare rafinata a unui preparat clasic, aducand impreuna aromele delicate ale carnii de pui si savoarea complexa a branzei pecorino. Aceasta combinatie surprinzatoare adauga o nota de eleganta chiftelutelor clasice, transformandu-le intr-un preparat demn de o masa festiva sau de o cina sofisticata. Sosul cremos de pecorino si vin alb se armonizeaza perfect cu chiftelutele aurii, oferindu-le un gust bogat si o textura catifelata, in timp ce notele de usturoi si ceapa completeaza profilul aromatic al preparatului. Alaturi de un piure fin de telina si un pahar de vin alb, chiftelele de pui cu sos de pecorino si vin devin vedeta unei cine savuroase, gata sa impresioneze orice invitat.

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INGREDIENTE (pentru 6 portii)
Pentru chiftele
- 500 grame pulpa de pui dezosata
- 80 grame paine veche
- 1 ceapa mica
- 2 catei de usturoi
- 4 fire patrunjel verde
- 1/2 lingurita cimbru
- 1/2 lingurita oregano
- 20 grame ulei masline
- 20 ml lapte
- 1 ou
- 1/2 lingurita sare
- 1/2 lingurita piper
- 2 linguri ulei de masline
Pentru sosul de pecorino si vin
- 60 grame pecorino
- 60 ml vin alb sec
- 1 lingura amidon de porumb
- 2 catei de usturoi
- 1 ceapa alba
- 40 grame unt
- 20 ml smantana dulce
- 1 fir de patrunjel verde
- Sare
- Piper

Pentru a pregati chiftelele, incepem prin a transforma painea in pesmet fin, folosind un blender, dupa care o transferam intr-un bol si o lasam deoparte.
In acelasi blender, adaugam ceapa, patrunjelul, usturoiul, oregano si cimbrul, mixand cateva secunde pentru a obtine un amestec omogen. Acesta se rastoarna intr-o tigaie, se adauga uleiul si se soteaza la foc mic timp de 2 minute, amestecand usor pentru a elibera aromele. Dupa ce s-a racit putin, compozitia se adauga peste carnea tocata de pui, alaturi de lapte, ou, sare, piper si pesmet. Framantam bine pana la omogenizare si formam aproximativ 28 de chiftelute.

Incalzim o tigaie unsa cu ulei de masline si prajim chiftelutele pe toate partile, pana cand devin frumos rumenite. Le transferam intr-un vas termorezistent, pastrandu-le la cald.
In paralel, pregatim sosul fin de pecorino si vin. Intr-un bol mic, dizolvam amidonul in vin. Mixam in blender ceapa si usturoiul, apoi incalzim o tigaie cu putin unt, unde calim usor amestecul de ceapa si usturoi timp de 30 de secunde. Turnam amestecul de amidon si vin, lasandu-l sa fiarba la foc mic timp de 3 minute. Adaugam sare, piper, pecorino ras si smantana dulce, si mai gatim totul inca 3 minute, amestecand constant pentru un sos cremos si aromat.

Servim chiftelele aurii alaturi de un piure catifelat de telina, stropite cu sosul de pecorino si vin, si presarate cu patrunjel verde proaspat. Recomandam savurarea acestei delicii alaturi de un pahar de Sauvignon Blanc Protocol, de la Crama Stramutata, un vin vivace, cu arome subtile de soc, accente de agrise, ierburi salbatice si lime, proaspat si mineral.

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Daca v-a placut reteta de Chiftele de pui cu sos de pecorino si vin, va invit sa incercati si:

English version
Chicken Meatballs with Pecorino Cheese and Wine Sauce
Chicken meatballs with pecorino cheese and wine sauce represent a refined reinterpretation of a classic dish, bringing together the delicate flavors of chicken and the complex taste of pecorino cheese. This surprising combination adds a touch of elegance to classic meatballs, transforming them into a dish worthy of a festive meal or a sophisticated dinner. The creamy pecorino and white wine sauce perfectly harmonizes with the golden meatballs, providing a rich flavor and velvety texture, while notes of garlic and onion complete the aromatic profile of the dish. Served alongside a smooth celery puree and a glass of white wine, the chicken meatballs with pecorino sauce become the star of a savory dinner, ready to impress any guest.
INGREDIENTS (for 6 servings)
For the meatballs
- 500 grams boneless chicken thigh
- 80 grams bread
- 1 small onion
- 2 cloves garlic
- 4 sprigs fresh parsley
- 1/2 teaspoon thyme
- 1/2 teaspoon oregano
- 20 grams olive oil
- 20 ml milk
- 1 egg
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 teaspoon pepper
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
For the pecorino cheese and wine sauce
- 60 grams pecorino cheese
- 60 ml dry white wine
- 1 tablespoon cornstarch
- 2 cloves garlic
- 1 white onion
- 40 grams butter
- 20 ml heavy cream
- 1 sprig fresh parsley
- Salt
- Pepper
To prepare the meatballs, start by turning the bread into fine breadcrumbs using a blender, then transfer it to a bowl and set aside.
In the same blender, add the onion, parsley, garlic, oregano, and thyme, blending for a few seconds to obtain a homogeneous mixture. Pour this mixture into a skillet, add the oil, and sauté over low heat for 2 minutes, stirring gently to release the flavors. Once it has cooled slightly, add the mixture to the ground chicken, along with the milk, egg, salt, pepper, and breadcrumbs. Knead well until homogeneous and form approximately 28 meatballs.
Heat a skillet greased with olive oil and fry the meatballs on all sides until they are nicely browned. Transfer them to a heatproof dish and keep them warm.
Meanwhile, prepare the fine pecorino and wine sauce. In a small bowl, dissolve the cornstarch in the wine. Blend the onion and garlic, then heat a skillet with a bit of butter, where you will lightly sauté the onion and garlic mixture for 30 seconds. Pour in the cornstarch and wine mixture, letting it simmer on low heat for 3 minutes. Add salt, pepper, grated pecorino, and heavy cream, cooking for another 3 minutes while stirring constantly for a creamy and flavorful sauce.
Serve the golden meatballs alongside a velvety celery puree, drizzled with the pecorino and wine sauce, and garnished with fresh parsley. We recommend enjoying this delight with a glass of Sauvignon Blanc Protocol from Crama Stramutata, a lively wine with subtle elderflower aromas, hints of gooseberries, wild herbs, and lime, fresh and mineral.
If you enjoyed the recipe for Chicken Meatballs with Pecorino Cheese and Wine Sauce, I invite you to try Adana Kebab, Chicken with Tomato Sauce and Garlic & Parsnip Puree or Chicken Kebab with Yogurt Sauce.
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