Ati incercat vreodata Cantuccini de casa? Acesti biscuiti crocanti italieni cu alune sau migdale sunt usor de pregatit si sunt grozavi atat pentru servit cat si pentru oferit pe post de cadou. Aceste fursecuri sunt facute cu ingrediente simple si sunt dublu coapte. Mai intai le coacem sub forma de rulou, apoi le feliem si le coacem din nou pana devin aurii si crocante. In mod traditional, cantuccinii sunt serviti inmuiati in Vin Santo, un vin dulce de desert. Dar sunt la fel de deliciosi atunci cand sunt savurati alaturi de bautura preferata, cafea, cappuccino, ceai sau chiar ciocolata calda.

(pentru 8 portii / for 8 servings)
- 200 grame zahar / 200 grams sugar
- 400 grame faina / 400 grams flour
- 3 oua / 3 eggs
- 200 grame alune de padure coapte / 200 grams baked hazelnuts
- 30 ml ulei / 30 ml oil
- 1 lingurita amoniac / 1 teaspoon ammonium bicarbonate
- 1 lingura lapte / 1 tablespoon milk
- 3 lingurite coaja de portocala / 3 teaspoons orange zest
- 1 lingurita vanilie / 1 teaspoon vanilla
- Sare / Salt

Intr-un bol mixam ouale cu zaharul, sarea, vanilia si coaja de portocala timp de 5 minute pana cand obtinem o crema deschisa la culoare. Intr-un bol amestecam amoniacul cu laptele si il adaugam peste crema de oua.
Cu mixerul pornit adaugam uleiul si faina. Incorporam toate ingredientele si adaugam alunele intregi. Incorporam alunele cu ajutorul unei linguri.

Rasturnam aluatul pe masa infainata si ii dam forma de rulou cu latimea de 5 cm si inaltimea de 3 cm. Mutam ruloul pe o tava acoperita cu hartie de copt si introducem in cuptorul incins la 180 grade Celsius pentru 25 de minute pana cand este usor rumenit.
Scoatem ruloul pe un gratar metalic si il lasam sa se raceasca timp de 15 minute. Taiem apoi felii de 1 cm latime, pe diagonala. Asezam biscuitii pe o hartie de copt si ii introducem din nou in cuptorul incins la 160 grade Celsius pentru 10 minute.

II scoatem din cuptor si ii lasam la racit pe un gratar metalic.
Servim biscuitii cu un pahar de vin pentru desert, un pahar cu lapte sau o cafea.

Detaliile video ale retetei:
Daca v-a placut reteta de Cantuccini, va invit sa incercati si:

English version
Have you ever tried homemade Cantuccini? These crunchy Italian cookies with hazelnuts or almonds are easy to prepare and are great both for serving and for offering as gifts. These cookies are made with simple ingredients and are double baked. First we bake them in the form of a roll, then we slice them and bake them again until they become golden and crispy. Traditionally, cantuccini are soaked in Santo, a sweet dessert wine. But they are just as delicious when enjoyed with your favorite drink, coffee, cappuccino, tea or even hot chocolate.
In a bowl, mix eggs with sugar, salt, vanilla and orange zest for 5 minutes until we get a light cream. In a bowl, mix the ammonia with the milk and add it over the egg cream.
With the mixer on, add the oil and flour. Add all the ingredients and add whole hazelnuts. Incorporate the hazelnuts with the help of a spoon.
Turn the dough on the floured table and give it the shape of a roll with a width of 5 cm and a height of 3 cm. Move the roll on a tray covered with baking paper and put it in the oven heated to 180 degrees Celsius for 25 minutes until it is lightly browned.
Remove the roll on a metal grill and let it cool for 15 minutes. Then cut slices 1 cm wide, diagonally. Place the biscuits on a baking paper and put them back in the oven heated to 160 degrees Celsius for 10 minutes.
Take them out of the oven and leave them to cool on a metal grill. Serve the biscuits with a glass of wine for dessert, a glass of milk or a coffee.
Video details of the recipe:
If you liked the Cantuccini recipe, I invite you to try Apple Strudel, Puff Pastry Christmas Stars or Mini Savarins.
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