Nu cred ca stiu pe cineva care sa nu adore cartofii noi prajiti. Mi-am adus aminte de ei, cand, trecand prin piata, un vanzator striga „hai sa iti dau cartofii de ceaun!”. Reteta de cartofi noi la „ceaun” este o adevarata delicatesa, iar reinterpretarea ei intr-o varianta mai sanatoasa este o idee minunata! Aceasta metoda de gatire pastreaza gustul autentic al cartofilor, adaugand doar o nota subtila de ulei de masline, care nu doar ca imbogateste aroma, dar aduce si beneficii sanatatii. Este o reteta perfecta pentru o cina in familie sau pentru a impresiona oaspetii la un gratar in aer liber. Iar combinatia cu salata verde crocanta si sosul de ulei de masline si otet de mere este pur si simplu divina.
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INGREDIENTE (pentru 4 portii)
- 1 kg cartofi noi
- 1 lingura ulei de masline
- Sare
Curatam cartofii si ii spalam bine, asigurandu-ne ca indepartam orice impuritati.
Punem cartofii intr-o oala cu apa rece si adaugam sare dupa ce apa incepe sa clocoteasca. Fierbem timp de 10 minute apoi rasturnam cartofii intr-o strecuratoare.
Scurgem bine carofii si ii rasturnam in Tefal Actifry. Presaram cu sare si adaugam o lingura de ulei de masline. Alegem programul pentru cartofi prajiti si gatim 30 de minute pana obtinem cartofii perfecti: cremosi pe interior si crocanti la exterior.
Servim acesti cartofi extraordinari alaturi de o salata verde acompaniata de ridichi, ceapa si castraveti, stropita cu un sos rafinat de ulei de masline si otet de mere, pentru o nota de prospetime si savoare.
Detaliile video ale retetei:
Daca v-a placut reteta de Cartofi noi la „ceaun”, va invit sa incercati si:
English version
New Potatoes at the „Cauldron”
I don’t think I know anyone who doesn’t love new fries. I remembered them, when passing through the market a seller shouted „let me give you the potatoes from the cauldron!”. New potatoes in the „cauldron” are a real delicacy, and reinterpreting the recipe in a healthier version is a wonderful idea! This cooking method preserves the authentic taste of the potatoes, adding only a subtle touch of olive oil, which not only enriches the aroma, but also brings health benefits. It is a perfect recipe for a family dinner or to impress guests at an outdoor barbecue. And the combination with the crunchy green salad and the olive oil and apple vinegar sauce is simply divine.
INGREDIENTS (for 4 servings)
- 1 kg of new potatoes
- 1 tablespoon of olive oil
- Salt
Clean the potatoes and wash them well, making sure to remove any impurities
Put the potatoes in a pot of cold water and add salt after the water starts to boil. Boil for 10 minutes, then turn the potatoes into a colander.
Drain well and pour them into the Tefal Actifry. Sprinkle with salt and add a spoonful of olive oil. Choose the program for fried potatoes and cook for 30 minutes until we get the perfect potatoes: creamy on the inside and crispy on the outside.
Serve these extraordinary potatoes with a green salad accompanied by radishes, onions and cucumbers sprinkled with a refined sauce of olive oil and apple vinegar, for a touch of freshness and flavor.
If you liked the recipe for new potatoes at the „cauldron”, I invite you to try Kartoffelsalat – Viennese Potato Salad, Smashed Baked Potatoes and Fried Chicken or Potatoes with Yogurt Sauce.
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