Pasta de ton cu nuci este o reteta delicioasa si usor de preparat, perfecta pentru un aperitiv rapid sau un snack sanatos. Asadar, descoperiti o reteta care transforma tonul simplu din conserva intr-o experienta culinara rafinata si surprinzatoare. Pateul de ton cu nuci este o combinatie perfecta intre gustul intens al pestelui si textura crocanta a nucilor, completata de prospetimea cepei verzi si cremozitatea branzei. Este o reteta ideala pentru un aperitiv deosebit in cadrul unei mese festive sau pentru un snack sanatos in mijlocul unei zile agitate. Usor de preparat, dar cu un impact gustativ impresionant, acest pate va deveni cu siguranta favoritul vostru. Asadar, pregatiti-va pentru o aventura culinara care imbina traditia cu inovatia si care promite sa va incante papilele gustative.
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INGREDIENTE (pentru 6 portii)
- 180 grame ton din conserva
- 30 grame miez de nuca
- 1 ceapa verde
- 200 grame crema de branza
- 45 grame iaurt grecesc
- 15 grame mustar
- 2 linguri suc de lamaie
- Piper
- Sare
Incepem prin a pune nucile, ceapa verde, sarea si piperul intr-un blender puternic si mixam pana la obtinerea unei consistente omogene.
Adaugam apoi iaurtul grecesc, mustarul, sucul de lamaie si crema de branza, continuand sa amestecam.
Adaugam tonul scurs de ulei si mixam din nou pentru a obtine o crema fina. Pentru un plus de textura si gust, presaram cu nuci prajite si tocate grosier.
Servim pateul pe paine prajita sau alaturi de legume proaspete pentru o experienta culinara deosebita.
Detaliile video ale retetei:
Daca v-a placut reteta de Pasta de ton cu nuci, va invit sa incercati si:
English version
Tuna Dip with Walnuts
Tuna pasta with walnuts is a delicious and easy to prepare recipe, perfect for a quick appetizer or a healthy snack. So, discover a recipe that transforms simple canned tuna into a refined and surprising culinary experience. Tuna pate with walnuts is a perfect combination between the intense taste of the fish and the crunchy texture of the walnuts, complemented by the freshness of the green onions and the creaminess of the cheese. It is an ideal recipe for a special aperitif during a festive meal or for a healthy snack in the middle of a busy day. Easy to prepare, but with an impressive taste impact, this pate will definitely become an instant favorite. So, get ready for a culinary adventure that combines tradition with innovation, and that promises to delight your taste buds.
INGREDIENTS (for 6 servings)
- 180 grams canned tuna
- 30 grams walnut kernels
- 1 green onion
- 200 grams cream cheese
- 45 grams Greek yogurt
- 15 grams mustard
- 2 tablespoons lemon juice
- Pepper
- Salt
Start by putting the walnuts, green onions, salt and pepper in a strong blender and mix until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.
Then add the Greek yogurt, mustard, lemon juice and cream cheese, continuing to mix.
After adding the tuna, mix again to obtain a fine and smooth cream. For a better texture and taste, sprinkle with roasted and coarsely chopped walnuts.
Serve the pâté on toasted bread or with fresh vegetables for a special culinary experience.
If you liked the recipe for Tuna Pasta with Walnuts, I invite you to try Tuna vs. Salmon Rillettes, Tuna and Sardine Spread or Tuna Rillettes.
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