Foietaj cu caise și vanilie este o patiserie de vara perfecta, care combina dulceata fructelor coapte cu textura cremoasa a budincii de vanilie și textura crocanta a aluatului foietaj. Aceasta rețeta simpla și rapida este ideala pentru un desert de weekend sau pentru a impresiona oaspeții la o cina spontana. Caisele, cu aroma lor bogata și culoarea vibranta, adauga nu doar gust, ci și un aspect estetic placut preparatului. Servit cald, direct din cuptor, sau acompaniat de o cupa de inghetata de vanilie, acest foietaj este o adevarata incantare pentru papilele gustative.
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INGREDIENTE (pentru 6 portii)
- 400 grame aluat foietaj
- 6 caise
- 6 linguri budinca de vanilie
- 6 linguri zahar brun
Prepararea acestui desert delicios cu caise este un proces simplu si rapid. Incepem prin a taia aluatul de foietaj in doua, apoi fiecare jumatate in trei parti egale. Spalam si taiem caisele proaspete in sferturi pentru a elibera aroma lor dulce-acrisoara.
Pregatim o tava tapetata cu hartie de copt, impartind-o imaginar in sase dreptunghiuri. Pe fiecare sectiune, presaram o lingurita de zahar, adaugam patru felii de caise, o lingura de budinca cremoasa si finalizam cu un strat de aluat de foietaj.
Sigilam marginile aluatului apasand ferm si perforam suprafata cu o scobitoare pentru a permite eliberarea aburului.
Coacem la o temperatura initiala de 200 de grade Celsius timp de 10 minute, apoi scadem temperatura la 180 de grade Celsius si lasam sa se rumeneasca pentru inca 10 minute.
Rezultatul este o patiserie cu caise savuroasa, perfecta pentru a fi servita simpla sau insotita de o cupa de inghetata racoritoare.
Am acompaniat acest preparat atat la sedinta foto cat si la servire cu un Vinars Black Sea de la Vinvico. In compozitia acestui Vinars remarcabil conceput la sfarsitul secolului XX, intra trei distilate de vin de calitate superioara, selectionate pentru potentialul sau deosebit. Triada a fost formata in anul 2001, dupa ce a fost pastrat separat in butoaie de stejar pentru a onora “partea ingerilor”, fiind cupajate 3 distilate de vin din anii 1997, 1999 si 2000. Vinarsul Black Sea dezvaluie multivalenta extraordinara aromatica, care este evidentiata discret de textura sa catifelata. Vinars veritabil, produs pe tarmul Marii Negre, cu un caracter expresiv indigen.
Detaliile video ale retetei:
Daca v-a placut reteta de Foietaj cu caise si vanilie, va invit sa incercati si:
English version
Puff Pastry with Apricots and Vanilla
Apricot and vanilla puff pastry is a perfect summer pastry, which combines the sweetness of fruit with the creamy texture of vanilla pudding and the crunchy texture of puff pastry. This simple and quick recipe is ideal for a weekend dessert or to impress guests at a spontaneous dinner party. Apricots, with their rich aroma and vibrant color, add not only taste, but also a pleasant aesthetic aspect to the dish. Served warm, straight from the oven, or accompanied by a scoop of vanilla ice cream, this puff pastry is a real delight for the taste buds.
INGREDIENTS (for 6 servings)
- 400 grams of puff pastry
- 6 apricots
- 6 spoons of vanilla pudding
- 6 tablespoons of brown sugar
Making this delicious apricot dessert is a simple and quick process. Start by cutting the puff pastry in half, then each half into three equal parts. Wash and quarter the fresh apricots to release their sweet-sour flavor.
Prepare a tray lined with baking paper, dividing it imaginary into six rectangles. On each section, sprinkle a teaspoon of sugar, add four apricot slices, a spoonful of creamy pudding and finish with a layer of puff pastry.
Seal the edges of the dough by pressing firmly and pierce the surface with a toothpick to allow the steam to escape.
Bake at an initial temperature of 200 degrees Celsius for 10 minutes, then lower the temperature to 180 degrees Celsius and let it brown for another 10 minutes.
The result is a savory apricot pastry, perfect to be served plain or accompanied by a refreshing scoop of ice cream.
I accompanied this dish both at the photo session and at the serving with a Vinars Black Sea from Vinvico. The composition of this remarkable Vinars, conceived at the end of the 20th century, includes three high-quality wine distillates, selected for their special potential. The triad was formed in 2001, after it was kept separately in oak barrels to honor the „part of the angels”, being combined 3 wine distillates from the years 1997, 1999 and 2000. The Black Sea wine reveals the extraordinary aromatic multivalent, which is discretely highlighted by its velvety texture. Genuine Vinars, produced on the shores of the Black Sea, with an indigenous expressive character.
If you liked the recipe for Puff pastry with apricots and vanilla, I invite you to try a Crispy Burrata & Gorgonzola Bruschetta, Tomato Fruits Buratta Salad or a Ricotta Toast.
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