Cheese-Brûlée Salad


De multe ori cand auzim de o salata ne gandim ca este fada, fara gust sau culoare. Dar Cheese-Brûlée Salad este genul de salata cu care iti atragi prietenii la masa. Aceasta salata nu numai ca este extrem de delicioasa, dar este si foarte aspectuoasa, combinand culorile vibrante ale grapefruit-ului roz cu verdele crud al marului si piesa de rezistenta din centru farfuriei, branza cu o crusta caramelizata perfect.

Cheese-Brûlée Salad


(pentru 2 portii / for 2 servings)

  • 50 grame valeriana / 50 grams lamb lettuce
  • 50 grame baby spanac / 50 grams baby spinach
  • 50 grame nuci pecan / 50 grams pecan nuts
  • 1/2 mar verde / 1/2 green apple
  • 1 grapefruit roz / 1 pink grapefruit
  • 200 grame soft cheese sau brie cheese / 200 grams soft cheese or brie cheese
  • 2 linguri ulei de masline / 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 linguri otet balsamic cu mango / 2 tablespoons balsamic mango vinegar
  • 2 linguri germeni / 2 tablespoons germs
  • Sare / Salt
  • 2 linguri zahar brun / 2 tablespoons brown sugar
Cheese-Brûlée Salad

Spalam bine valeriana si baby spanacul si le impartim in doua boluri.

Intr-o tigaie incinsa, fara adaos de ulei, prajim usor nucile pecan.

Curatam grapefruit-ul si taiem marul in felii subtiri apoi in bete inguste. Adaugam fructele, nucile pecan si germenii peste frunzele de salata.

Cheese-Brûlée Salad

Taiem branza in 4 felii egale si le presaram cu zahar brun. Cu ajutorul unei torte speciale caramelizam zaharul de la suprafata. Adaugam branza caramelizata peste salata.

Asezonam salata cu sare, ulei de masline, otet balsamic si servim cu multa placere.

Detaliile video ale retetei le gasiti aici.

Cheese-Brûlée Salad

Daca v-a placut Cheese-Brûlée Salad, va invit sa incercati si:

Salata cu caracatita
Creamy Cheese Salad
Salata de fasole cu lime si menta

English version

Cheese-Brûlée Salad

Many times when we hear of a salad we think that it is bland, without taste or color. But Cheese-Brûlée Salad is the kind of salad with which you attract your friends to the table. This salad is not only extremely delicious, but it is also very beautiful, combining the vibrant colors of the pink grapefruit with the raw green of the apple and the piece de resistance in the center of the plate, the cheese with a perfectly caramelized crust.

Wash the valerian and baby spinach well and divide them into 2 bowls.

In a hot pan, without adding oil, lightly fry the pecans.

Clean the grapefruit and cut the apple into thin slices and then into narrow sticks. Add the fruits, pecans and GERMS over the salad leaves.

Cut the cheese into 4 equal slices and sprinkle them with brown sugar. With a special torch, caramelize the sugar on the surface. Add the caramelized cheese over the salad.

Season the salad with salt, olive oil, balsamic vinegar and serve with pleasure.

The video details of the recipe can be found here.

If you liked the Cheese-Brûlée Salad, I invite you to try Octopus Salad, Creamy Cheese Salad or Lime Mint Bean Salad.


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