Cheesecake cu fistic si menta


Cheesecake-ul cu fistic si menta este o alegere rafinata si delicioasa pentru orice ocazie speciala sau pentru o simpla rasfat. Combinatia de fistic, menta proaspata si o crema fina de branza si ricotta creeaza o experienta culinara inedita, perfect echilibrata intre texturi si arome. Prepararea acestui desert este simpla si rapida, iar rezultatul va impresiona cu siguranta prin gustul sau delicat si aspectul elegant.

Cheesecake cu fistic si menta

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INGREDIENTE (pentru 4 portii)

  • 30 grame fistic macinat
  • 10 grame unt
  • 6 frunze de menta
  • 1 lingurita coaja de lamaie
  • 20 grame amidon
  • 75 grame zahar sau indulcitor
  • 180 grame crema de branza
  • 180 grame ricotta
  • 3 oua
Cheesecake cu fistic si menta

Ungem cu unt patru forme de ramekin si le tapetam cu fistic macinat, avand grija sa acoperim complet fundul si peretii acestora. Scuturam formele pentru a indeparta excesul de fistic, pe care il pastram pentru decor.

In bolul unui blender, punem frunzele de menta, coaja de lime, amidonul de porumb si zaharul, pe care le macinam fin. Adaugam crema de branza, ricotta si ouale, mixand pana obtinem o compozitie omogena.

Cheesecake cu fistic si menta

Turnam aceasta crema in formele pregatite, lasand o margine libera de aproximativ 1 cm. Acoperim fiecare forma cu folie de aluminiu si le gatim la abur timp de 25 de minute, sau intr-un cuptor preincalzit la 180°C, in baie de abur.

Dupa ce le scoatem din cuptor, le lasam sa se raceasca pana ajung la temperatura camerei, apoi le punem in frigider pentru cel putin o ora.

Cheesecake cu fistic si menta

Rasturnam cheesecake-ul pe farfurii si il servim decorat cu fistic, alaturi de ananas, mango sau un topping de fructe de padure, in functie de preferinta.

Cheesecake cu fistic si menta

Detaliile video ale retetei:

Daca v-a placut reteta de Cheesecake cu fistic si menta, va invit sa incercati si:

Baklava Cheesecake
Baklava Cheesecake
Mango Panna Cotta Cheesecake
Mango Panna Cotta Cheesecake
Tiramisu cu zmeura si Cheesecake cu fistic
Tiramisu cu zmeura si Cheesecake cu fistic

English version

Pistachio and Mint Cheesecake

Pistachio and Mint Cheesecake is a refined and delicious choice for any special occasion or simply for a treat. The combination of pistachio, fresh mint, and a smooth cream of cheese and ricotta creates a unique culinary experience, perfectly balanced between textures and flavors. The preparation of this dessert is simple and quick, and the result will surely impress with its delicate taste and elegant appearance.

INGREDIENTS (for 4 servings)

  • 30 grams ground pistachios
  • 10 grams butter
  • 6 mint leaves
  • 1 teaspoon lime zest
  • 20 grams cornstarch
  • 75 grams sugar or sweetener
  • 180 grams cream cheese
  • 180 grams ricotta
  • 3 eggs

Grease four ramekin molds with butter and line them with ground pistachios, ensuring the bottom and sides are completely covered. Shake the molds to remove any excess pistachio, which can be kept for decoration.

In a blender, place the mint leaves, lime zest, cornstarch, and sugar, and blend until finely ground. Add the cream cheese, ricotta, and eggs, and mix until a smooth and homogeneous cream is obtained.

Pour the cream into the prepared molds, leaving about a 1 cm margin. Cover each mold with aluminum foil and steam them for 25 minutes, or bake them in a preheated oven at 180°C in a water bath.

Once removed from the oven, let the cheesecakes cool to room temperature, then refrigerate for at least one hour.

Turn the cheesecakes onto plates and serve them decorated with pistachio, alongside pineapple, mango, or a berry topping, according to your preference.

If you liked the Pistachio and Mint Cheesecake recipe, I invite you to try Baklava Cheesecake, Mango Panna Cotta Cheesecake or Raspberry Tiramisu and Pistachio Cheesecake.


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