Tiramisu cu zmeura si Cheesecake cu fistic


Bucurati-va de o incursiune culinara in lumea deserturilor rafinate cu doua retete care promit sa va incante papilele gustative: Tiramisu cu zmeura si Cheesecake cu fistic. Aceste delicii, pregatite cu ingrediente de la Sweeteria, sunt nu doar un festin pentru simturi, ci si o dovada a simplitatii cu care se pot crea capodopere culinare. Fie ca alegeti sa va rasfatati cu aroma bogata si textura cremoasa a cheesecake-ului sau preferati combinatia vibranta de zmeura si mascarpone din tiramisu, aceste retete vor transforma orice moment al zilei intr-o ocazie speciala. In plus, cu timpul de preparare de doar 15 minute, aceste deserturi sunt perfecte pentru cei care doresc sa impresioneze fara a petrece ore in bucatarie. Asadar, pregatiti-va pentru o experienta culinara de neuitat, unde gustul autentic se intalneste cu eleganta si simplitatea, intr-un dans de arome care va aduce bucurie in fiecare inghititura.

Tiramisu cu zmeura si Cheesecake cu fistic

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INGREDIENTE (pentru 1 portie)

Pentru Cheesecake cu fistic:

  • 1 napolitana cu vanilie si frisca Sweeteria
  • 20 grame indulcitor Sweeteria
  • 1 plic coaja de lamaie
  • 1 lingurita esenta de vanilie
  • 40 grame unt de fistic
  • 250 grame ricotta
  • 50 grame iaurt
  • 1 lingurita fistic tocat marunt
  • 1 praf de sare

Pentru Tiramisu cu zmeura:

  • 1 napolitana cu lamaie Sweeteria
  • 2 galbenusuri
  • 65 grame indulcitor Sweeteria
  • 250 grame mascarpone
  • 1 praf de sare
  • 25 ml lichior limoncello
  • 50 grame zmeura
Tiramisu cu zmeura si Cheesecake cu fistic

Retetele sunt foarte simple si in principiu in maxim 15 minute sunt gata. Asadar sa incepem!

Pentru cheescake punem intr-un blender indulcitorul si coaja de lamaie si mixam pana obtinem o pudra fina. Adaugam esenta de vanilie, untul de fistic, ricotta si iaurtul si mixam timp de cateva secunde pana obtinem o crema fina.

Tiramisu cu zmeura si Cheesecake cu fistic

Taiem napolitana cu vanilie si frisca in cubulete mici pe care le asezam pe fundul unui pahar. Presam usor cu o lingurita si adaugam crema de ricotta cu fistic.

Presaram cu fistic tocat marunt si pastram la rece pana in momentul servirii.

Pentru tiramisu, mixam galbenusurile cu indulcitorul timp de 5 minute pana obtinem o crema consistenta deschisa la culoare. Adaugam mascarpone mixand in continuu pana cand este incorporat.

Tiramisu cu zmeura si Cheesecake cu fistic

Intr-un bol mic punem limoncello si trecem fiecare bucatica de napolitana prin lichior, asezand pe fundul paharului cate un strat de napolitane, jumatate din crema de tiramisu, zmeura proaspata si inca un strat de crema.

Decoram cu zmeura liofilizata, tot de la Sweeteria si pastram la rece pana in momentul servirii.

Tiramisu cu zmeura si Cheesecake cu fistic

Detaliile video ale retetei:

Daca v-au placut retetele de Tiramisu cu zmeura si Cheesecake cu fistic, va invit sa incercati si:

Mango Panna Cotta Cheesecake
Rainbow Yogurt Parfait
Amaretti Tiramisu Tart

English version

Raspberry Tiramisu and Pistachio Cheesecake

Enjoy a culinary foray into the world of refined desserts with two recipes that promise to delight your taste buds: Raspberry Tiramisu and Pistachio Cheesecake. These delicacies, prepared with ingredients from Sweeteria, are not only a feast for the senses, but also proof of the simplicity with which culinary masterpieces can be created. Whether you choose to indulge in the rich aroma and creamy texture of cheesecake or prefer the vibrant combination of raspberry and mascarpone in tiramisu, these recipes will turn any moment of the day into a special occasion. In addition, with a preparation time of only 15 minutes, these desserts are perfect for those who want to impress without spending hours in the kitchen. So, get ready for an unforgettable culinary experience, where authentic taste meets elegance and simplicity, in a dance of flavors that will bring you joy in every bite.

INGREDIENTS (for 1 portion)

For Pistachio Cheesecake:

  • 1 Sweeteria wafer with vanilla and cream
  • 20 grams Sweeteria sweetener
  • 1 tablespoon lemon zest
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla essence
  • 40 grams pistachio butter
  • 250 grams ricotta
  • 50 grams yogurt
  • 1 teaspoon finely chopped pistachios
  • 1 pinch salt

For Tiramisu with raspberries:

  • 1 Sweeteria lemon wafer
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 65 grams Sweeteria sweetener
  • 250 grams mascarpone
  • 1 pinch salt
  • 25 ml limoncello liqueur
  • 50 grams raspberries

The recipes are very simple and in principle they are ready in a maximum of 15 minutes. So let’s start!

For the cheesecake, put the sweetener and lemon peel in a blender and mix until you get a fine powder. Add the vanilla essence, pistachio butter, ricotta and yogurt and mix for a few seconds until you get a smooth cream.

Cut the wafer with vanilla and whipped cream into small cubes and place them on the bottom of a glass. Press lightly with a teaspoon and add the ricotta cream with pistachios.

Sprinkle with finely chopped pistachios and refrigerate until serving.

For the tiramisu, mix the egg yolks with the sweetener for 5 minutes until you get a consistent, light-colored cream. Add the mascarpone spoon by spoon, mixing continuously until it is incorporated.

Put limoncello in a small bowl and pass each piece of wafer through the liquor, placing a layer of wafers, half of the tiramisu cream, fresh raspberries and another layer of cream on the bottom of the glass.

Decorate with dried raspberries, also from Sweeteria, and keep cold until serving.

If you liked the recipes for Raspberry Tiramisu and Pistachio Cheesecake, I invite you to try Mango Panna Cotta Cheesecake, Rainbow Yogurt Parfait or Amaretti Tiramisu Tart.


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