Salutare prieteni! Cu ce va ocupati astazi? Aveti chef de un desert super rapid si gustos? Haideti sa incercam o combinatie minunata de arome cremoase si dulci intr-un pahar de Mango Panna Cotta Cheesecake. Aceasta pana cotta cu iz de cheescake este desavarsita cu un strat de piure de mango si fructul pasiunii pentru o placere (ne)vinovata.

(pentru 2 portii / for 2 servings)
- 250 grame ricotta / 250 grams ricotta
- 150 grame iaurt grecesc 2% / 150 grams greek yogurt 2%
- 100 grame smantana dulce / 100 grams double cream
- 75 grame indulcitor sau zahar / 75 grams of sweetener or sugar
- 5 grame gelatina / 5 grams of gelatin
- 25 ml apa rece / 25 ml cold water
- 1 lingurita vanilie / 1 teaspoon vanilla
- 30 grame muesli / 30 grams muesli
- 1 mango / 1 mango
- 2 fructul pasiunii /2 passion fruits

Intr-un ibric mic punem gelatina si o amestecam cu 25 ml apa rece. Lasam la hidratat timp de 10 minute.
In bolul unui blender mixam iaurtul cu branza ricotta, smantana dulce, vanilia si 50 grame de zahar. Mixam bine pana obtinem o crema fina. Topim gelatina pe foc mic, avand grija sa nu o fierbem si o adaugam peste crema de branza.

Impartim muesli in 2 parti egale si le asezam la baza unor forme rotunde. Turnam deasupra crema de branza si lasam la rece pentru 5 – 6 ore.

Inainte de servire taiem mango in cubulete mici. Pastram cateva bucatele pentru decor, iar pe restul in mixam in blender impreuna cu 25 grame de zahar.
Turnam piureul de mango peste pana cotta, decoram cu fructul pasiunii si cubuletele de mango pastrate.

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English version
Mango Panna Cotta Cheesecake
Hello friends! What are you doing today? Are you in the mood for a super fast and tasty dessert? Today we are trying a wonderful combination of creamy and sweet flavors in a glass of Mango Panna Cotta Cheesecake. This cheesecake panna cotta is topped with a layer of mango puree and passion fruit for a (non) guilty pleasure.
Put the gelatin in a small kettle and mix it with 25 ml of cold water. Let it hydrate for 10 minutes.
In the bowl of a blender, mix the yogurt with ricotta cheese, double cream, vanilla and 50 grams of sugar. Mix well until we get a fine cream. Melt the gelatin over low heat, being careful not to boil it, and add it over the cream cheese.
Divide muesli into 2 equal parts and place them at the base of round shapes. Pour the cream cheese on top and let it cool for 5-6 hours.
Before serving, cut the mango into small cubes. Keep a few pieces for decoration, and mix the rest in a blender together with 25 grams of sugar.
Pour the mango puree over the panna cotta, decorate with the passion fruit and preserved mango cubes.
If you liked Mango Panna Cotta Cheesecake, I invite you to try Salted Caramel Panna Cotta & Praline, Double mango pudding or Vegan tart with raspberries, white chocolate and coconut.
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