Bruschete cu steak de vita, buratta si hribi


Bruschetele cu steak de vita, buratta si hribi sunt o combinatie rafinata de arome, perfecta pentru o masa eleganta. Aceasta reteta imbina carnea frageda de vita, gustul cremos al burattei si bogatia hribilor, toate pe un pat crocant de ciabatta, pentru un rezultat absolut delicios. Prepararea este simpla, dar plina de detalii care fac diferenta, de la marinarea steak-ului pentru a-si pastra suculenta, pana la gatirea ciupercilor intr-un sos cremos care adauga o savoare aparte.

Bruschete cu steak de vita, buratta si hribi

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INGREDIENTE (pentru 2 portii)

  • 250 grame rump steak maturat
  • 150 grame buratta
  • 150 grame hribi congelati
  • 100 grame smantana dulce
  • 50 grame unt
  • 8 felii ciabatta
  • 1 lingura ulei de masline
  • Cimbru proaspat
  • Rozamarin proaspat
  • Chives
  • Sare
Bruschete cu steak de vita, buratta si hribi

Uscam foarte bine steak-ul cu servetele absorbante, apoi il presaram pe ambele parti cu sare mare. Lasam carnea pe un fund de lemn, la temperatura camerei, timp de o ora si jumatate.

Intre timp, dezghetam hribii si ii scurgem foarte bine. Intr-o tigaie, topim 20 de grame de unt si adaugam ciupercile. Le calim usor, apoi adaugam sare, doua crengute de cimbru si smantana dulce. Gatim la foc mic spre mediu timp de 5 minute, pana obtinem un sos consistent.

Bruschete cu steak de vita, buratta si hribi

Taiem feliile de ciabatta si incalzim o tigaie grill. O ungem cu o lingura de ulei de masline si prajim feliile pana devin aurii.

Stergem bine carnea cu servetele absorbante pentru a indeparta toata umezeala si o adaugam in tigaia grill incinsa, dupa ce scoatem feliile de paine. Gatim timp de 3 minute pe o parte, apoi inca 2 minute pe cealalta parte. Adaugam 30 de grame de unt si crengute de cimbru si rozmarin. Stropim friptura cu unt si ierburi si mai gatim inca un minut si jumatate, pana cand ajunge la o temperatura interna de 60°C, obtinand astfel un steak medium. Daca preferati friptura mai bine facuta, puteti sa mariti timpul de gatire cu inca un minut.

Bruschete cu steak de vita, buratta si hribi

Scoatem friptura pe un platou, alaturi de ierburi, o acoperim cu folie de aluminiu si o lasam sa se odihneasca timp de 10 minute. Dupa aceea, stergem carnea de sosul lasat si o feliem.

Pe fiecare felie de ciabatta punem buratta, sos de ciuperci si felii de steak, presaram cu chives tocat marunt si servim cu pofta.

Bruschete cu steak de vita, buratta si hribi

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English version

Rump Steak, Burrata, and Porcini Mushrooms Bruschetta

Rump Steak, Burrata, and Porcini Mushrooms Bruschetta are a refined combination of flavors, perfect for an elegant meal. This recipe blends tender beef, the creamy taste of burrata, and the richness of porcini mushrooms, all on a crispy bed of ciabatta, for an absolutely delicious result. The preparation is simple but full of details that make a difference, from marinating the steak to keep it juicy, to cooking the mushrooms in a creamy sauce that adds a unique flavor.

INGREDIENTS (for 2 servings)

  • 250 grams aged rump steak
  • 150 grams burrata
  • 150 grams frozen porcini mushrooms
  • 100 grams heavy cream
  • 50 grams butter
  • 8 slices of ciabatta
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • Fresh thyme
  • Fresh rosemary
  • Chives
  • Salt

Pat the steak dry with paper towels, then sprinkle both sides with coarse salt. Let the meat rest on a wooden board at room temperature for one and a half hours.

Meanwhile, thaw the porcini mushrooms and drain them well. In a pan, melt 20 grams of butter and add the mushrooms. Sauté them lightly, then add salt, two sprigs of thyme, and the heavy cream. Cook over low to medium heat for 5 minutes, until a thick sauce forms.

Slice the ciabatta and heat a grill pan. Brush it with a tablespoon of olive oil and toast the slices until golden.

Pat the steak dry with paper towels to remove all moisture, then add it to the hot grill pan, removing the bread slices. Cook for 3 minutes on one side, then 2 minutes on the other. Add 30 grams of butter and sprigs of thyme and rosemary. Baste the steak with the butter and herbs and cook for another 1.5 minutes, until it reaches an internal temperature of 60°C (for a medium steak). If you prefer your steak more well-done, you can increase the cooking time by another minute.

Remove the steak to a platter with the herbs, cover with aluminum foil, and let it rest for 10 minutes. Afterward, remove any excess sauce and slice the steak.

On each ciabatta slice, add a portion of burrata, mushroom sauce, and slices of steak, then sprinkle with finely chopped chives and serve with pleasure.

If you enjoyed this recipe for Rump Steak, Burrata, and Porcini Mushrooms Bruschetta, I invite you to try Tortillas with Beef Loin and Mashed Beans, Arayes or Calf Liver with Caramelized Onions.

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