Daca esti in cautarea unui preparat versatil, rapid si plin de savoare, rulada cu omleta, dovlecei si pecorino este alegerea ideala. Cu o combinatie proaspata de legume, branzeturi fine si oua, aceasta reteta nu doar ca arata spectaculos, dar este si foarte gustoasa, fiind perfecta pentru un mic dejun satios, o gustare usoara sau chiar un aperitiv festiv. Textura fina a branzei ricotta si gustul intens al pecorino-ului adauga o nota sofisticata omletei, iar lipia crocanta completeaza perfect acest preparat.

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INGREDIENTE (pentru 2 portii)
- 1 lipie
- 1/2 dovlecel
- 3 oua
- 100 grame branza feta
- 100 grame ricotta
- 25 grame pecorino
- 1 lingurita ulei de masline
- Sare

Taiem dovleceii in felii subtiri si uniforme. Incingem o tigaie pe foc mediu si o ungem cu o lingurita de ulei de masline. Asezam feliile de dovlecel in tigaie, le presaram cu un praf de sare si le prajim pana devin aurii pe ambele parti. Presaram deasupra pecorino ras, apoi turnam ouale batute si le lasam pe foc mic pana incep sa se coaguleze usor. Adaugam o lipie deasupra si o presam usor cu palma pentru a se lipi bine de amestecul din tigaie.

Cu ajutorul unei farfurii plate, intoarcem omleta astfel incat sa se rumeneasca frumos si pe partea cu lipia, timp de aproximativ un minut. Cand e gata, rasturnam omleta pe un tocator de lemn si o ungem generos cu un amestec fin din feta si ricotta. Rulam lipia strans si o lasam la rece pentru cateva ore, astfel incat aromele sa se intrepatrunda.

Cand este racita complet, taiem rulada in felii subtiri, perfecte pentru a fi servite ca aperitiv sau pentru un mic dejun delicios si satios.

Detaliile video ale retetei:
Daca v-a placut Rulada cu omleta, dovlecei si pecorino, va invit sa incercati si:

English version
Omelet, Zucchini, and Pecorino Roll
Zucchini and pecorino make the ideal choice. With a fresh combination of vegetables, fine cheeses, and eggs, this recipe not only looks spectacular but is also delicious, perfect for a hearty breakfast, a light snack, or even a festive appetizer. The smooth texture of ricotta cheese and the intense flavor of pecorino add a sophisticated note to the omelet, while the crunchy flatbread completes this dish perfectly.
INGREDIENTS (for 2 servings)
- 1 flatbread
- 1/2 zucchini
- 3 eggs
- 100 grams feta cheese
- 100 grams ricotta
- 25 grams pecorino
- 1 teaspoon olive oil
- Salt
Slice the zucchini into thin, even slices. Heat a pan over medium heat and lightly coat it with a teaspoon of olive oil. Arrange the zucchini slices in the pan, sprinkle them with a pinch of salt, and cook until they are golden on both sides. Sprinkle grated pecorino on top, then pour in the beaten eggs, letting them cook on low heat until they begin to set. Place a flatbread on top and press it gently with your palm to adhere it well to the mixture in the pan.
Using a flat plate, flip the omelet so it browns nicely on the side with the flatbread, cooking for about a minute. When done, turn the omelet onto a wooden board and generously spread it with a smooth mixture of feta and ricotta. Roll the flatbread tightly and refrigerate for a few hours to allow the flavors to meld together.
Once fully cooled, slice the roll into thin slices, perfect for serving as an appetizer or a delicious and filling breakfast.
If you enjoyed the Omelet, Zucchini, and Pecorino Roll, I invite you to also try Spinach Roll with Cream cheese and Ham, Turkey Salami or Scrambled Eggs with Parmesan and Prosciutto Crudo Chips.
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