Christmas Board este unul dintre cele mai inspirate aperitive pentru masa festiva. Pentru a obtine un platou impresionant de sarbatori avem nevoie de o selectie de branzeturi si salamuri, acompaniate de arome fructate. Deoarece, in esenta, acest platou se rezuma la culoare si forma, exista multe combinatii delicioase pentru care puteti opta, alegand in functie de preferintele mesenilor.
(Pentru 6 portii / for 6 servings)
Branzeturi / Cheese
- 1 branza Camembert / 1 Camembert cheese
- 200 grame cascaval / 200 grams hard cheese
- 150 grame branza maturata Horezu / 150 grams Horezu aged cheese
- 150 grame mini mozzarella / 150 grams mini mozzarella
Mezeluri / Salami mix
- 100 grame salam Sibiu / 100 grams Sibiu salami
- 150 grame Mortadella / 150 grams Mortadella
- 100 grame salam uscat Italian / 100 grams Italian dry salami
- 100 grame prosciutto / 100 grams prosciutto
- 100 grame salam Fuet / 100 grams Fuet salami
- 100 grame bresaola / 100 grams bresaola
Diverse / Other
- 100 grame masline kalamata / 100 grams kalamata olives
- 100 grame masline verzi / 100 grams green olives
- 1 mar / 1 apple
- 200 grame struguri / 200 grams grapes
- 3 linguri peltea sau gem de gutui / 3 tablespoons quince jam
- 2 linguri dulceata de ardei iute / 2 tablespoons hot pepper jam
- 2 linguri gem de rodie / 2 tablespoons pomegranate jam
- Felii de portocala confiata / Candied orange slices
- Felii de paine prajita / Toast bread
- Coacaze rosii / Redcurrant
- Afine / Blueberries
- Cimbru pentru decor / Thyme for decor
Taiem branza camembert pe jumatate. Decupam apoi jumatatea superioara cu ajutorul unei forme de stea. Ungem jumatatea inferioara cu gem de rodie si acoperim cu partea decupata. Aranjam pe platou.
Taiem si restul branzeturilor sub forma de cuburi sau felii si le aranjam pe platou alaturi de bolurile de masline si dulceturi.
Pentru mini frigarui, punem pe fiecare bat cate o bila de mini mozzarella, o felie de salam de Sibiu impaturita in patru si o maslina verde. Aranjam pe platou si restul mezelurilor feliate alaturi de felii de paine prajita.
Decoram cu fructe: struguri, felii de mar, afine, coacaze rosii, felii de portocala si crengute de cimbru.
Detaliile video ale retetei:
Daca v-a placut Christmas Board, va recomand sa incercati si un platou Antipasti Festivi, cel mai “Instagramabil” platou de aperitive sau o colectie de 23 de idei de aperitive.
English version
Christmas Board
Christmas Board is one of the most inspired appetizers for the festive table. To get an impressive holiday plate, we need a selection of cheeses and salami, accompanied by fruity aromas. Since, in essence, this plate is based on color and shape, there are many delicious combinations, choosing according to the diners’ preferences.
Cut the camembert cheese in half. Then cut out the upper half with the help of a star cutter. Spread the lower half with pomegranate jam and cover with the cut side.
Cut the rest of the cheeses in the form of cubes or slices and arrange them on the plate next to the bowls of olives and jams.
For mini skewers, put a ball of mini mozzarella, a slice of Sibiu salami folded into 4 and a green olive on each stick. Arrange the rest of the sliced salami on the plate along with slices of toasted bread.
Decorate with fruit: grapes, apple slices, blueberries, redcurrant, orange slices and sprigs of thyme.
You can find the video details of the recipe here.
If you liked the Christmas Board, I recommend you also try a Festive Antipasti platter, the most „Instagrammable” appetizer platter or a collection of 23 appetizer ideas.
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