Chicken Popcorn sau fast-food la tine acasa. Popcorn de pui gatit intr- o varianta cu mai putini aditivi si grasimi, cu care iti vei incanta toata familia. Bucatele mici de pui crocante, servite cu cartofi prajiti si sos delicios pregatit acasa vor transforma o masa de pranz intr-o distractie. De multe ori copiii prefera mancarea de tip fast-food, dar aceasta reteta este o alternativa sanatoasa a meselor servite in oras.

(pentru 2 portii / for 2 servings)
Pentru popcorn de pui / For the chicken popcorn
- 300 grame piept de pui / 300 grams chicken breast
- 100 grame faina / 100 grams flour
- 1 albus / 1 egg white
- 1/2 lingurita usturoi pudra / 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
- 1/2 lingurita cimbru / 1/2 teaspoon thyme
- 1/2 lingurita oregano / 1/2 teaspoon oregano
- 1/2 lingurita busuioc / 1/2 teaspoon basil
- 1/4 lingurita piper alb / 1/4 teaspoon white pepper
- 1/4 lingurita piper negru / 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
- 1 lingurita praf de copt / 1 teaspoon backing powder
- 1/2 lingurita ulei / 1/2 teaspoon oil
- Sare / Salt
Pentru sos / For the dressing
- 1 iaurt grecesc 2% / 1 greek yogurt 2% fat
- 2 lingurite mustar / 2 teaspoons mustard
- 4 lingurite ketchup / 4 teaspoons ketchup
- 1 ceapa rosie mica / 1 small red onion

Taiem pieptul de pui in cubulete foarte mici, de aproximativ 1.5 x 1.5 cm, pe care le presaram cu sare. Ideal ar fi sa lasam la rece cateva ore, minim 2 ore.
Intre timp, amestecam intr-un bol faina, condimentele, sare si praful de copt.
Scoatem puiul din frigider si adaugam deasupra un albus de ou. Amestecam bine, astfel incat toate bucatile de pui sa fie bine acoperite.

Trecem toate bucatelele de pui prin amestecul de faina si le punem in tava de la Actifry, unsa in prealabil cu ½ lingurita de ulei de masline.
Alegem programul special pentru pui si prajim timp de 20 de minute, pana cand popcorn-ul devine auriu.

Pentru sos, mixam iaurtul cu mustarul si ketchup-ul (ideal ar fi sa alegem o varianta gatita acasa). Adaugam ceapa rosie data pe razatoarea mica si mai adaugam sare, dupa gust.
Servim popcorn-ul de pui cu cartofi prajiti, ideal pregatiti tot la Actifry, sos delicios si castraveti murati.

Detaliile video ale retetei:
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English version
Chicken Popcorn
Chicken Popcorn or fast food at your home. Chicken popcorn cooked in a version with fewer additives and fats, with which you will delight your whole family. The small pieces of crispy chicken, served with fried potatoes and delicious sauce prepared at home will turn a lunch into fun. Children often prefer fast food, but this recipe is a healthy alternative to meals served in the city.
Cut the chicken breast into very small cubes, about 1 cm x 1 cm, sprinkle them with salt. Ideally, let it cool for a few hours, at least 2 hours.
Meanwhile, mix flour, spices, a little salt and baking powder in a bowl.
Take the chicken out of the refrigerator and add an egg white on top. Mix well, so that all the chicken pieces are well covered.
Pass all the chicken pieces through the flour mixture and put them in the Actifry pan previously greased with ½ teaspoon of olive oil.
Choose the special program for chicken and fry for 20 minutes, until the popcorn turns golden.
For the sauce, mix the yogurt with mustard and ketchup (it would be ideal to choose a version homemade). Add red onion on a small grater and add salt to taste.
Serve chicken popcorn with fried potatoes, ideally also prepared at Actifry, delicious sauce and pickled cucumbers.
If you liked the Chicken Popcorn recipe, I invite you to try Chicken Nuggets, Chicken Kebab with Yogurt Sauce or Chicken wings with parmesan and garlic.
- Supa de rosii, linte si cimbru
- Salata de ardei copti cu burrata
- Calamari la cuptor cu rosii si masline
- Perfect Wedges
- Salata de cartofi cu caracatita
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