A doua optiune pentru cina in Genova a fost o alta locatie despre care m-am decis sa scriu in acest articol: Da Leccarsi i Baffi – La cativa pasi de acvariu si portul antic. Am ezitat in a scrie sau nu acest articol deoarece au fost si unele aspecte care nu au fost pe placul meu; insa au fost si unele parti bune pe care merita sa le amintesc.

Si ca in orice experienta care merita amintita voi incepe cu aspectele care mi-au placut. Da Leccarsi i Baffi este bine pozitionat, iar locatia arata foarte bine.

Apoi, atitudinea gazdelor a fost una potrivita fiind intampinati cu caldura si cu un aperitiv din partea casei.

Deoarece mai ‘ciupisem’ cate ceva pe parcursul zilei, am ajuns la restaurant destul de satui si din acest motiv nu am comandat decat cate un fel principal: Mare mosso (Linguine condite con coze, arselle, gamberetti rosa, cicale o scampi, totani e sugo di pomodorini freschi) si Trofie (con fagiolini e patate) o Mandilli – foarte bune ambele.

Dezamagirea a fost Frittura mista, recomandata chiar de maestrul de ceremonii al localului, care a continut prea putin peste (Pescato del goirno) si cam multe legume (verdure)…

Un alt minus al acestei experiente a fost atmosfera din local… Stiu, eram in Italia, iar vorbitul cu sonorul mai tare este aici modul normal de comunicare, insa localul mi s-a parut exagerat de zgomotos.Una peste alta, a fost o experienta autentica, pur genoveza.

Daca v-a placut articolul Da Leccarsi i Baffi – La cativa pasi de acvariu si portul antic, va invit sa incercati si:

English version
Da Leccarsi i Baffi – A Few Steps from the Aquarium and the Ancient Port
The second option for dinner in Genoa was another location that I decided to write about in this article: Da Leccarsi i Baffi – A few steps from the aquarium and the ancient port. I hesitated whether or not to write this article because there were some aspects that I do not like it so much; but there were also some good parts that are worth mentioning.
And as in any experience worth remembering, I will start with the aspects that I liked. Da Leccarsi i Baffi is well positioned and the location looks very good.
Then, the attitude of the hosts was a suitable one, being greeted with warmth and an aperitif from the house.
Since I had eaten a few things during the day, I arrived at the restaurant quite full and for this reason we have ordered only the main dish: Mare mosso (Linguine condite con coze, arselle, gamberetti rosa, cicale o scampi, totani e sugo di pomodorini freschi) and Trofie (con fagiolini e patate) o Mandilli – both very good.
The disappointment was the mixed frittura, recommended even by the restaurant’s master of ceremonies, which contained too little fish (Pescato del goirno) and too many vegetables (vegetables)…
Another minus of this experience was the atmosphere in the restaurant… I know, I was in Italy, and speaking louder is the normal way of communication here, but the restaurant seemed excessively noisy. All in all, it was an authentic experience, purely Genoese.
If you liked the article Da Leccarsi i Baffi – A few steps from the aquarium and the ancient port, I invite you to try Le Rune Genova – Ristorante con Funicolare, Agriturismo Ai Dossi – from agricultural to agrotourism or Caffè Monte Baldo – Canapes and Wine since 1909.
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