Cu siguranta ca nu ati stiut ca Genova este orasul catorva descoperiri foarte importante in istoria omenirii! Aici a fost creata prima pereche de pantaloni denim, a fost deschisa prima banca publica iar bucataria s-a imbogatit cu celebrul pesto. Tot o descoperire, pe cat de placuta, pe atat de inedita, a fost pentru mine si Le Rune – Ristorante con Funiculare.
L-am ochit din timp, pe cand imi faceam temele pentru aceasta vacanta. Dupa review-uri, poze si preparatele din meniul trimis inainte de gazde am decis ca este un local ce merita incercat, asa ca am rezervat o masa pentru cina.
Restaurantul este amplasat in Salita Inferiore di Sant’Anna, la cativa pasi de Piazza Portello. Situata in centru, aceasta se afla langa maiestuoasa Via Garibaldi, una dintre cele mai faimoase strazi pietonale din oras, renumita pentru Palazzi dei Rolli, plin de fresce si picturi unice. De acolo, mergand cca. 10 minute, te vei afla in Piazza Principe si in doar 5 minute in frumoasa Piazza De Ferrari, unde se poate admira fantana arteziana sau se poate vizita una dintre numeroasele expozitii care au loc periodic la Palazzo Ducale.
Am ajuns asadar destul de usor la Le Rune – locatia actuala si spun aceasta pentru ca restaurantul nu a fost intotdeauna aici. Povestea a inceput in 1997, cand Alberto si Simona au inceput sa lucreze impreuna la restaurantul Le Rune din Genova din Vico Domoculta, acelasi restaurant pe care apoi l-au preluat impreuna cu proprietarii in 2005, reusind cu continuitate si perseverenta sa ajunga in 2010 cand a intrat complet in proprietatea lor. In 2016 s-au mutat in noua cladire din Salita Inferiore Sant’Anna, situata in vecinatate cu Piazza Portello si Via Garibaldi, un loc pe mai multe niveluri, foarte autentic si cu o terasa fantastica cu vedere la Funicularul Sant’Anna.
Spre marea noastra satisfactie am primit cea mai buna masa de pe terasa si anume cea mai apropiata de traseul Funicularului! Cu siguranta sunt multe restaurante in lume care au ceva inedit, iar din acest punct de vedere, Le Rune isi merita numele mentionat la aceasta categorie.
Preparatele sunt si ele senzationale, fiind pregatite cu mult angajament si pasiune, propuneri diferite si creative in functie de sezon, gazdele pastrand fidelitatea pentru produsele din regiune, pentru calitatea si prospetimea materiilor prime.
Produsele si materiile prime folosite in restaurant sunt toate de origine controlata si in cea mai mare parte neconservate: legumele, fructele si pestele sunt aprovizionate de la Ortofrutta Fabrizio Rela din Piata de est din Genova si de la magazinul de peste Gian e Lori din Sestri Ponente; vinurile sunt aduse de la Cantinone iar pentru pastele proaspete de la õ Puntinetto din Sestri Ponente si Pastificio Morelli. Uleiurile folosite sunt aprovizionate de la Frantoio Novella&Vignolo, in timp ce pandolce genovez folosit pentru faimosul semifreddo provine de la Biscottificio Grondona.
Am inceput festinul culinar cu o Focaccia (home-made local bread with pesto and burrata) care a fost absolut senzationala.
La felul principal fiecare dintre noi si-a ales altceva si bine am facut deoarece am putut sa gustam din mai multe preparate: Burrata ravioli with tomato sauce, basil and pistachio crumbs, Grill octopus with panzanella sauce (Tuscany sauce with tomatoes, bread, oil) and wakame si Stuffed squids with shrimps and zucchini on soft garlic cream.
Au mers perfect cu un pahar de Janchin de la crama La Cavaliera, un cupaj de Cortese 40%, Chardonnay 40% si Sauvignon 20% – un vin de culoare galben pai cu reflexe verzui tinere, cu o aroma fructata intensa de fructe proaspete si fructe exotice. Pe bolta palatina, aromele sale sunt intensificate, fara a pierde subtilitatea aciditatii. Este un vin de o mare eleganta cu sapiditate usoara si structura buna, postgust prelungit si placut.
La desert am incercat Tiramisu parfait with savoiardi bisquit si Cheese cake with apricot cream and hazelnut crumbs – delicioase!
Si daca preparatele gazdelor au fost unele care au fost pe placul nostru, se pare ca si pozele noastre i-au impresionat pe cei de la Le Rune, deoarece si-au gasit cu cinste locul chiar pe site-ul official, aspect care ne onoreaza teribil.
Asadar, mii de multumiri pentru experienta, Le Rune!
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English version
Le Rune Genova – Ristorante con Funicolare
You probably didn’t know that Genoa is the city of several important discoveries in human history! The first pair of denim pants was created here, the first public bank was opened, and the cuisine was enriched with the famous pesto. Another discovery, both pleasant and unusual, was for me Le Rune – Ristorante con Funicolare.
I had my eye on it for some time while doing my homework for this vacation. After reading reviews, looking at photos, and checking out the menu sent by the hosts, I decided it was a place worth trying, so I booked a table for dinner.
The restaurant is located on Salita Inferiore di Sant’Anna, just a few steps from Piazza Portello. Situated in the city center, it is near the majestic Via Garibaldi, one of the most famous pedestrian streets in the city, renowned for its Palazzi dei Rolli, full of frescoes and unique paintings. From there, after about a 10-minute walk, you’ll find yourself in Piazza Principe, and just 5 minutes away is the beautiful Piazza De Ferrari, where you can admire the fountain or visit one of the numerous exhibitions held periodically at Palazzo Ducale.
So, we reached Le Rune fairly easily – its current location, and I say this because the restaurant hasn’t always been here. The story began in 1997 when Alberto and Simona started working together at Le Rune in Genoa on Vico Domoculta, the same restaurant they later took over with the owners in 2005. Through continuity and perseverance, they reached 2010 when it became fully their property. In 2016, they moved to the new building on Salita Inferiore Sant’Anna, near Piazza Portello and Via Garibaldi – a multi-level, very authentic place with a fantastic terrace overlooking the Sant’Anna Funicular.
To our great satisfaction, we got the best table on the terrace, the one closest to the Funicular route! Surely, there are many restaurants around the world with something unique, and from this point of view, Le Rune truly deserves its mention in this category.
The dishes are sensational as well, prepared with great commitment and passion, offering different and creative options depending on the season, while the hosts stay true to local products, ensuring quality and freshness in the ingredients.
The products and raw materials used in the restaurant are all of controlled origin and mostly preservative-free: vegetables, fruits, and fish are supplied by Ortofrutta Fabrizio Rela from the eastern market in Genoa and the fish store Gian e Lori from Sestri Ponente; wines come from Cantinone; fresh pasta from õ Puntinetto in Sestri Ponente and Pastificio Morelli. The oils used are sourced from Frantoio Novella&Vignolo, while the Genoese pandolce used for their famous semifreddo comes from Biscottificio Grondona.
We started the culinary feast with a Focaccia (homemade local bread with pesto and burrata), which was absolutely sensational.
For the main course, each of us chose something different, and it was a good decision because we got to taste several dishes: Burrata ravioli with tomato sauce, basil and pistachio crumbs, Grilled octopus with panzanella sauce (Tuscan sauce with tomatoes, bread, oil), and Stuffed squid with shrimp and zucchini on soft garlic cream.
These paired perfectly with a glass of Janchin from La Cavaliera Winery, a blend of 40% Cortese, 40% Chardonnay, and 20% Sauvignon – a straw-yellow wine with young greenish reflections, an intense fruity aroma of fresh and exotic fruits. On the palate, its flavors are intensified without losing the subtlety of its acidity. It is a wine of great elegance, with light sapidity, good structure, and a prolonged, pleasant aftertaste.
For dessert, we tried the Tiramisu parfait with savoiardi biscuit and Cheesecake with apricot cream and hazelnut crumbs – both delicious!
And if the hosts’ dishes were to our liking, it seems our photos impressed the team at Le Rune too, as they proudly found their place on the restaurant’s official website, which greatly honors us.
So, a thousand thanks for the experience, Le Rune!
If you liked the article Le Rune Genova – Ristorante con Funicolare, I invite you to also try Caffè Monte Baldo – Canapes and Wine since 1909, La bottega della Gina XXL or superlative pasta or Tapassio – Mediterranean and Hungarian Tapas with Passion.
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