Daca esti in cautarea unei retete rapide, gustoase si pline de arome asiatice, noodles cu vita si legume reprezinta solutia perfecta. Aceasta combinatie delicioasa de carne frageda de vita, legume proaspete si taitei savurosi, toate imbinate intr-un sos picant si usor dulceag, iti va transforma cina intr-o experienta culinara memorabila. Pe langa faptul ca este o reteta usor de preparat, taiteii cu vita sunt versatili si pot fi adaptati cu ingrediente pe care le ai deja in bucatarie. Te invit sa descoperi pas cu pas cum sa aduci un strop de Asia in farfuria ta!

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INGREDIENTE (pentru 4 portii)
- 250 grame noodles
- 800 grame muschi vita
- 1 morcov
- 1/4 bucata praz
- 1 ardei gras
- 4 catei usturoi
- 2 linguri otet de orez
- 4 linguri sos de soia
- 2 linguri ulei picant
- 1 lingura sos de stridii
- 1 lingura pasta de ardei sau sos chinezesc
- ceapa verde pentru decor

Taiem muschiul de vita in felii subtiri, apoi in fasii. Presaram sare si adaugam otet de orez, 2 linguri de sos de soia si usturoiul zdrobit. Amestecam bine si lasam la temperatura camerei timp de 30 de minute, cat timp pregatim restul ingredientelor.
Curatam legumele si le taiem in fasii subtiri. Punem apa la fiert si pregatim taiteii conform instructiunilor de pe ambalaj.
Incalzim uleiul picant intr-o tigaie wok si adaugam carnea de vita. O sotam timp de 10 minute, amestecand ocazional, apoi adaugam legumele taiate, 2 linguri de sos de soia, sosul de stridii si pasta de ardei sau sosul chinezesc. Continuam sa gatim la foc iute pentru inca 5 minute, dupa care adaugam taiteii scursi. Mai lasam pe foc un minut.

Presaram cu ceapa verde tocata marunt si servim pastele cu muschi de vita calde alaturi de un pahar de Cuvée Alexandru 2019 de la Crama Serve Ceptura a carei complexitate aromatica, in care se simt in special fructele negre, murele, coacazele, ciocolata neagra, precum si structura sa deosebit de puternica, va continua sa il transforme intr-un vin absolut iesit din comun, cu un potential de invechire de minimum 20 de ani.

Detaliile video ale retetei:
Daca v-a placut reteta de Noodles cu vita si legume, va invit sa incercati si:

English version
Noodles with Veal and Vegetables
If you are looking for a quick, tasty recipe full of Asian flavors, noodles with veal and vegetables are the perfect solution. This delicious combination of tender beef, fresh vegetables and tasty noodles, all combined in a spicy and slightly sweet sauce, will turn your dinner into a memorable culinary experience. Besides the fact that it is an easy recipe to prepare, beef noodles are versatile and can be adapted with ingredients you already have in the kitchen. I invite you to discover step by step how to bring a touch of Asia to your plate!
INGREDIENTS (for 4 servings)
- 250 grams noodles
- 800 grams veal tenderloin
- 1 carrot
- 1/4 piece leek
- 1 bell pepper
- 4 cloves garlic
- 2 tablespoons rice vinegar
- 4 tablespoons soy sauce
- 2 tablespoons spicy oil
- 1 tablespoon oyster sauce
- 1 tablespoon pepper paste or Chinese sauce
- green onion for decoration
Cut the veal into thin slices, then into strips. Sprinkle salt and add rice vinegar, 2 tablespoons of soy sauce and crushed garlic. Mix well and leave at room temperature for 30 minutes, while we prepare the rest of the ingredients.
Clean the vegetables and cut them into thin strips. Boil the water and prepare the noodles according to the instructions on the package.
Heat the spicy oil in a wok pan and add the beef. Saute it for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally, then add the chopped vegetables, 2 tablespoons of soy sauce, oyster sauce and pepper paste or Chinese sauce. Continue to cook on high heat for another 5 minutes, after which we add the drained noodles. Leave it on the fire for another minute.
Serve the pasta with warm beef tenderloin alongside a glass of Cuvée Alexandru 2019 from the Serve Ceptura Winery, whose aromatic complexity, in which black fruits, blackberries, currants, dark chocolate are especially felt, as well as its particularly strong structure, will continues to transform it into an absolutely extraordinary wine, with an aging potential of at least 20 years.
If you liked the recipe for Noodles with beef and vegetables, I invite you to try Spicy Mushroom Noodle, Veal Noodles with Mangetout or Stir Fry Soba Noodles.
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