Pasta de ton si sardine


Cauti o idee de aperitiv sau mic dejun super rapid? Pasta de ton si sardine poate fi preparata usor si are un gust minunat alaturi de paine prajita si legume proaspete. Aceasta pasta este varianta imbunatatita si mai dietetica a retetei clasice de pasta de peste. Tonul proaspat gatit la abur alaturi de sardine conservate se amesteca cu o crema fina de branza aromata cu lamaie si piper roz.

Pasta de ton si sardine


(pentru 4 portii / for 4 servings)

  • 200 grame ton proaspat / 200 grams fresh tuna
  • 150 grame crema de branza natur / 150 grams nature cottage cheese
  • 1 conserva sardine / 1 can sardines
  • 1 ceapa / 1 onion
  • 1/2 lingurita boabe piper roz / 1/2 teaspoon pink pepper
  • Sucul de la 1/2 lamaie / Juice from 1/2 lemon
  • Sare / Salt
Pasta de ton si sardine

Presaram tonul cu sare si il pregatim la abur timp de 10 minute.

Il lasam sa se raceasca complet, apoi punem in bolul unui blender ceapa rosie, boabele de piper roz, sare, crema de branza si sucul de lamaie.

Pasta de ton si sardine

Mixam bine apoi adaugam tonul rece rupt in bucati mari si sardinele scurse in prealabil foarte bine de ulei. Mixam bine pana obtinem o crema fina pe care o aranjam intr-un bol.

Presaram boabe de piper roz si servim alaturi de paine prajita si legume.

Detaliile video ale retetei le gasiti aici.

Pasta de ton si sardine

Daca v-a placut Pasta de ton si sardine va invit sa incercati si:

Pasta de ton si somon
Rilletes de ton
Tartar de ton

English version

Tuna and Sardine Spread

Looking for a super quick appetizer or breakfast idea? Tuna and sardine pasta can be prepared easily and tastes wonderful with toasted bread and fresh vegetables. This spread is the improved and more dietary version of the classic fish paste recipe. The freshly steamed tuna together with canned sardines is mixed with a fine cream cheese flavored with lemon and pink pepper.

Sprinkle the tuna with salt and steam it for 10 minutes. Let it cool completely, then put the red onion, pink peppercorns, salt, cream cheese and lemon juice in the bowl of a blender.

Mix well, then add the cold tuna, broken into large pieces, and the sardines, which have been well drained of oil beforehand. Mix well until get a fine cream that we arrange in a bowl.

Sprinkle pink peppercorns and serve with toasted bread and vegetables.

You can find the video details of the recipe here.

If you liked Tuna and sardine pasta, I invite you to try Tuna and Salmon Spread, Tuna Rillettes or Tuna Tartar.


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