Cand esti plictisit de platourile de mezeluri si branzeturi si te gandesti cu ce sa mai surprinzi, iata cea mai buna idee … Epic Potato Board. Exista si un motiv pertinent pentru care ne plac aceste platouri – sunt delicioase si adaptabile. Azi este momentul pentru “comfort food”, o idee excelenta pentru pentru o cina cu prietenii.

(pentru 4 portii / for 4 servings)
- 4 cartofi mari / 4 big potatoes
- 300 grame bacon / 300 grams bacon
- 200 grame cascaval / 200 grams cheese
- 200 grame smantana / 200 grams sour cream
- 200 grame porumb / 200 grams corn
- 8 fire ceapa verde / 8 scallions
- 150 grame unt / 150 grams butter
- Sare / Salt

Spalam bine cartofii si ii stergem cu un servet. Ii asezam intr-o tava si ii introducem in cuptorul incalzit la 180 grade Celsius. Coacem cartofii intre 90 si 120 de minute in functie de dimensiunea lor.

Intre timp pregatim topping-urile: cascaval ras, bacon prajit, ceapa verde taiata marunt, porumb, smantana si unt.

Cand cartofii sunt moi ii scoatem din cuptor. Ii taiem pe mijloc si presam usor pe capete. Amestecam mijlocul cartofului cu un cub de unt si adaugam topping-uri dupa plac.

Detaliile video ale retetei le gasiti aici.
Daca v-a placut Epic Potato Board, va invit sa incercati si Cartofi cu sos de iaurt, Cartofi copti zdrobiti sau Cartofi dulci copti cu branza si avocado.
English version
Epic Potato Board
When you’re bored with charcuterie and cheese platters and you’re thinking of what to surprise yourself with, here’s the best idea… Epic Potato Board. There is no pertinent reason not to like these platters – they are delicious and adaptable. Today is the time for „comfort food”, an excellent idea for a dinner with friends.
Wash the potatoes well and wipe them with a napkin. Place them in a tray and put them in the oven heated to 180 degrees Celsius. Bake the potatoes between 90 and 120 minutes depending on their size.
In the meantime, prepare the toppings: grated cheese, fried bacon, finely chopped green onions, corn, cream and butter.
When the potatoes are soft, remove them from the oven. Cut them in the middle and press lightly on the ends. Mix the middle of the potato with a cube of butter and add toppings as you like.
You can find the video details of the recipe here.
If you liked Epic Potato Board, I invite you to try Potatoes with yogurt sauce, Smashed Baked potatoes or Sweet potatoes baked with cheese and avocado.
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