Daca iti doresti o reteta simpla si delicioasa pentru o masa de sarbatoare sau o cina deosebita, aceasta pulpa de curcan in sos de unt cu ierburi aromatice este alegerea perfecta. Reteta este foarte simpla si necesita doar cativa pasi pentru a obtine o friptura delicioasa si suculenta. Ingrediente simple, dar aromate, se combina pentru a crea un preparat perfect. Arome subtile de rozmarin si cimbru se imbina perfect cu suculenta carnii de curcan, creand un preparat savuros si memorabil.
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INGREDIENTE (pentru 4 portii)
- O pulpa curcan de aproximativ 1 kg
- 75 grame unt
- 2 crengute rozmarin
- 2 crengute cimbru
- 250 grame supa
- Sare
- Piper
Reteta este foare simpla si necesita doar cativa pasi. Primul pas este sa presaram carnea cu sare, apoi intr-un bol amestecam untul la temperatura camerei cu sare, piper, cimbru si rozmarin.
Ungem foarte bine pulpa de curcan cu acest amestec de unt si o asezam intr-o forma termorezistenta. Turnam deasupra 250 ml supa de pui sau legume, acoperim cu folie de aluminiu si introducem in cuptorul incins la 170 grade Celsius pentru 90 de minute.
La expirarea timpului, indepartam folia de aluminiu si mai lasam in cuptor pornind functia grill inca 15 minute pana cand friptura noastra este frumos rumenita.
Servim cu multa pofta alaturi de sote de ciuperci pleurotus sau alta garnitura care va este pe plac.
Detaliile video ale retetei:
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English version
Turkey Leg in Butter Sauce with Aromatic herbs
If you want a simple and delicious recipe for a festive meal or a special dinner, this turkey leg in butter sauce with aromatic herbs is the perfect choice. The recipe is very simple and requires only a few steps to obtain a delicious and juicy steak. Simple but aromatic ingredients combine to create a perfect dish. Subtle aromas of rosemary and thyme combine perfectly with the juiciness of turkey meat, creating a tasty and memorable dish.
INGREDIENTS (for 4 servings)
- A turkey leg of about 1 kg
- 75 grams of butter
- 2 rosemary sprigs
- 2 thyme sprigs
- 250 grams of soup
- Salt
- Pepper
The recipe is very simple and requires only a few steps. The first step is to sprinkle the meat with salt, then in a bowl we mix one at room temperature with salt, pepper, thyme and rosemary.
Grease the turkey leg very well with this butter mixture and place it in a heat-resistant form. Pour 250 ml of stock or vegetable soup on top, cover with aluminum foil and place in the oven heated to 170 degrees Celsius for 60 minutes.
At the end of the time, we remove the aluminum foil and leave it in the oven, turning on the grill function, for another 15 minutes until our steak is nicely browned.
We serve with great appetite alongside sauteed oyster mushrooms or any other side dish you like.
If you liked the recipe for Turkey leg in butter sauce with aromatic herbs, I invite you to try a Quesadilla Pulled Turkey, a Baked Coquelets with Potatoes or a Taco Salad.
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