Iahnie de fasole cu ciolan afumat este o mancare traditional romaneasca cu care vom sarbatori Ziua Nationala a Romaniei. Iahnia, de regula, servita cu ciolan afumat, carnati sau costita afumata si muraturi asortate va fi un deliciu pentru toata familia. Ideal este sa o gatim lent alaturi de legume si carne de porc la ceaun, insa in lipsa acestuia ne putem descurca cu o oala sub presiune sau un multicooker.

(pentru 8 portii / for 8 servings)
- 1 ciolan afumat de aproximativ 1,5 kg / 1 smoked hock of approximately 1.5 kg
- 500 grame fasole alba uscata / 500 grams dried white beans
- 1 lingurita bicarbonat / 1 teaspoon backing soda
- 1 ceapa / 1 onion
- 1 morcov mare sau 2 mici / 1 big carrot or 2 small carrots
- 200 ml pasta de tomate / 200 ml tomato sauce
- 2 linguri ulei / 2 tablespoons oil
- 2 frunze dafin / 2 bay leaves
- 2 lingurite boia dulce / 2 teaspoons sweet paprika
- Sare / Salt

Primul pas este sa punem fasolea la inmuiat in apa rece timp de 8 ore, ideal de pe o zi pe alta.
A doua zi, curatam bine ciolanul afumat si eventual il parlim daca este cazul. Il asezam in oala de la Tefal One Pot sau in alta oala sub presiune si il acoperim cu apa rece. Il fierbem sub presiune timp de 60 de minute. Depresurizam oala, scoatem ciolanul pe un platou si il desfacem in bucatele mai mici.

Scurgem fasolea de apa si o asezam intr-o oala. Acoperim cu apa, adaugam o lingurita de bicarbonat si din momentul in care fierbe lasam 20 de minute. Scurgem apa si mutam fasolea in oala sub presiune. Acoperim cu apa in care a fost preparat ciolanul si fierbem sub presiune timp de 20 de minute.
Intr-o cratita adanca incalzim 2 linguri de ulei si adaugam ceapa si morcovul taiate marunt. Calim timp de 1 minut si adaugam 2 polonice cu apa in care a fiert fasolea, boia si dafinul. Inabusim timp de 5 minute. Adaugam pasta de tomate si mai adaugam din cand in cand cate un polonic de apa de la fasole.

Gatim timp de 10 minute si adaugam bucatile de ciolan. Gatim timp de 20 de minute la foc mediu, adaugand dupa caz cate un polonic de apa. Adaugam apoi fasolea si mai gatim timp de 10 minute, amestecand constant.
Servim iahnia de fasole cu ciolan afumat alaturi de muraturi asortate si paine proaspata.

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English version
White Bean Stew with Smoked Hock
White bean stew with smoked hock is a traditional Romanian dish for celebrating Romania’s national day. Served with smoked hock, sausages or smoked ribs and assorted pickles, it will be a delight for the whole family. It is ideal to cook it slowly together with vegetables and pork in a cauldron, but in its absence we can manage with a pressure cooker or a multicooker.
The first step is to soak the beans in cold water for 8 hours, ideally overnight.
The next day, clean the smoked hock well and, if necessary, pare it. Place it in the pot from Tefal One Pot or in another pot under pressure and cover it with cold water. Boil it under pressure for 60 minutes. Depressurize the pot, remove it on a plate and break it into smaller pieces.
Drain the beans from the water and place them in a pot. Cover with water, add a teaspoon of backing soda and leave for 20 minutes from the moment it boils. Drain the water and move the beans to the pressure cooker. Cover with the water in which the beans were boiled and boil under pressure for 20 minutes.
In a deep pan, heat 2 tablespoons of oil and add finely chopped onion and carrot. Saute for 1 minute and add 2 cups of water in which the beans, paprika and bay have been boiled. Simmer for 5 minutes. Add the tomato paste and from time to time add a ladleful of water from the beans.
Cook for 10 minutes and add the pieces of hock. Cook for 20 minutes on medium heat, adding a ladleful of water as needed. Then add the beans and cook for another 10 minutes, stirring constantly.
Serve the bean stew with smoked hock alongside assorted pickles and fresh bread.
If you liked the recipe for White Bean Stew with Smoked Hock, I invite you to try Creamy beans with caramelized onion, Spooky Pumpkin Salad or Beans soup in bread.
- Supa de rosii, linte si cimbru
- Salata de ardei copti cu burrata
- Calamari la cuptor cu rosii si masline
- Perfect Wedges
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