Coaste de porc cu cartofi copti


Coaste de porc cu cartofi copti este o reteta potrivita pentru o zi in care avem chef de mancare romaneasca. Coaste fragede, rumenite alaturi de cartofi copti crocanti pe exterior si incredibil de cremosi la interior, desavarsite cu mujdei de usturoi si servite cu muraturi asortate pregatite dupa o reteta traditionala.

Coaste de porc cu cartofi copti


(pentru 4 portii / for 4 servings)

  • 1 kg coaste de porc / 1 kg pork ribs
  • 8 cartofi / 8 potatoes
  • 6 linguri ulei de masline / 6 tablespoons olive oil
  • 25 grame parmezan / 25 grams parmesan
  • Sare / Salt
Coaste de porc cu cartofi copti

Pentru pregatirea acestei retete eu am ales sa folosesc multicooker-ul Tefal One Pot. Asadar, sa incepem. Presaram coastele cu sare si le lasam cateva ore la rece. Inainte de preparare le lasam la temperatura camerei o ora. Adaugam in vasul TOP 3 linguri ulei de masline si alegem functia “Brown”. Rumenim coastele pe toate partile, adaugam o ceasca de apa, inchidem capacul si pregatim coastele la “High Pressure” pentru 40 de minute. La sfarsit, alegem functia “Bake” timp de 20 de minute pentru a obtine niste coaste frumos rumenite. In cazul in care nu detinem un multicooker, vom praji coastele pe toate partile intr-o tigaie apoi le introducem in cuptor pentru 2 ore.

Intre timp pregatim cartofii. Ii spalam foarte bine cu ajutorul unui burete si ii taiem in bucati mari, presaram cu sare, parmezan si adaugam 3 linguri de ulei de masline. Rasturnam cartofii intr-o tava cu hartie de copt si ii introducem in cuptorul incins la 180 grade Celsius pentru 40 de minute. La jumatatea timpului intoarcem cartofii pentru a se rumeni pe toate partile.

Coaste de porc cu cartofi copti

Servim coastele de porc cu cartofi copti presarati cu patrunjel, mujdei de usturoi si muraturi asortate. Si daca va este pe plac, puteti sa adaugati si cativa carnati de casa.

Coaste de porc cu cartofi copti

Daca v-a placut reteta de coaste de porc cu cartofi copti, va invit sa incercati si Coaste de vita cu sos de gutui caramelizate si hrean, Bulz cu branza & Mix de coaste si carnati afumati la garnita sau Coaste de vita la cuptor cu sos de usturoi copt si vin.

English version

Pork Ribs with Baked Potatoes

Pork ribs with baked potatoes is a recipe suitable for a day when we feel like eating Romanian food. Tender ribs, browned with crispy baked potatoes on the outside and incredibly creamy on the inside, topped with garlic sauce and served with assorted pickles prepared according to the traditional recipe.

For the preparation of this recipe I chose to use the Tefal One Pot multicooker. So let’s get started. Sprinkle the ribs with salt and leave them in the fridge for a few hours. Leave them at room temperature for an hour before cooking. Add 3 tablespoons of olive oil to the TOP bowl and choose the „Brown” function. Brown the ribs on all sides, add a cup of water, close the lid and cook the ribs at „High Pressure” for 40 minutes. At the end, choose the „Bake” function for 20 minutes to get some nicely browned ribs. If you do not have a multicooker, fry the ribs on all sides in a pan and then put them in the oven for 2 hours.

Meanwhile, prepare the potatoes. Wash them very well with a sponge and cut them into large pieces, sprinkle with salt, Parmesan cheese and add 3 tablespoons of olive oil. Turn the potatoes in a tray with baking paper and put them in the oven heated to 180 degrees Celsius for 40 minutes. Halfway through, turn the potatoes to brown on all sides.

Serve the pork ribs with baked potatoes sprinkled with parsley, garlic sauce and assorted pickles.

If you liked recipes for pork ribs with baked potatoes, I invite you to try Veal ribs with caramelized quince sauce and horseradish, Cheese polenta with ribs and smoked sausages or Veal short ribs with baked garlic and wine sauce.


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