Lasagna rolls reprezinta o reinterpretare delicioasa a clasicelor lasagna, transformandu-le in portii individuale perfecte pentru o cina in familie sau pentru o seara speciala cu prietenii. Acest fel de mancare imbina savoarea sosului ragu de pui cu textura cremoasa a ricottei si a smantanei dulci, completate de mozzarella topita si parmezanul aromat. Aceasta reteta transforma lasagna intr-o experienta culinara unica, oferind o prezentare eleganta si o portionare simpla, facand din lasagna rolls alegerea ideala pentru o seara memorabila.
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INGREDIENTE (pentru 6 portii)
Pentru sosul ragu:
- 600 grame piept de pui
- 100 grame bacon
- 2 tije telina apio
- 1 morcov
- 1 ceapa
- 15 grame ulei de masline
- 25 grame unt
- 70 grame vin rosu
- 250 grame pasta de tomate
- 70 ml apa
- 1 foaie de dafin uscata
- Sare
Pentru asamblare:
- 250 grame ricotta
- 150 ml smantana dulce
- 150 grame mozzarella proaspata
- 1/2 lingurita oregano
- 4 linguri parmezan ras
- 200 grame foi lasagna proaspete
- Sare
Tocam marunt ceapa, telina apio, morcovul si baconul. Intr-o tigaie incingem uleiul de masline si untul si adaugam legumele si baconul, impreuna cu 20 ml de apa calduta. Calim la foc mic, amestecand ocazional timp de 3 minute.
Adaugam carnea de pui tocata si o sotam timp de 5 minute, apoi adaugam vinul rosu, pasta de tomate, 50 ml apa calduta, foaia de dafin si sarea. Gatim la foc mic spre mediu timp de 20 de minute, amestecand ocazional.
Intre timp, pregatim sosul alb. Amestecam ricotta cu smantana dulce, oregano si sare.
Ungem o tava termorezistenta cu o lingurita de ulei si adaugam 4 linguri de sos de carne pe care il distribuim uniform in tava, apoi adaugam 4 linguri de sos de ricotta si presaram jumatate din cantitatea de mozzarella razuita in prealabil si 2 linguri de parmezan.
Taiem foile de lasagna in jumatate pe lungime si adaugam pe fiecare parte cate o lingura de crema de ricotta pe care o distribuim uniform si apoi cate 2 linguri de carne. Rulam fiecare foaie si o asezam in tava. Mie mi-au iesit 8 rulouri de lasagna.
Acoperim rulourile cu restul de mozzarella, sos de carne si parmezan. Introducem tava in cuptorul incins la 180 grade Celsius pentru 30 de minute.
Servim rulourile de lasagna fierbinti cu multa pofta alaturi de un pahar de vin.
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English version
Lasagna Rolls
Lasagna rolls are a delicious reinterpretation of the classic lasagna, turning them into individual portions perfect for a family dinner or a special evening with friends. This dish combines the flavor of the chicken ragout sauce with the creamy texture of ricotta and sweet cream, complemented by melted mozzarella and aromatic parmesan. This recipe turns lasagna into a unique culinary experience, offering an elegant presentation and simple portioning, making lasagna rolls the ideal choice for a memorable evening.
INGREDIENTS (for 6 servings)
For the ragu sauce:
- 600 grams chicken breast
- 100 grams bacon
- 2 celery stalks
- 1 carrot
- 1 onion
- 15 grams olive oil
- 25 grams butter
- 70 grams red wine
- 250 grams tomato paste
- 70 ml water
- 1 bay leaf
- Salt
For assembly:
- 250 grams ricotta
- 150 ml sweet cream
- 150 grams fresh mozzarella
- 1/2 teaspoon oregano
- 4 tablespoons grated parmesan
- 200 grams fresh lasagna sheets
- Salt
Finely chop the onion, celery, carrot and bacon. Heat the olive oil and butter in a pan and add the vegetables and bacon, along with 20 ml of warm water. Cook over low heat, stirring occasionally for 3 minutes.
Add the minced chicken and saute for 5 minutes, then add the red wine, tomato paste, 50 ml warm water, the bay leaf and salt. Cook on low to medium heat for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Meanwhile, prepare the white sauce. Mix ricotta with sweet cream, oregano and salt.
Grease a heat-resistant pan with a teaspoon of oil and add 4 tablespoons of meat sauce, which will be distribute evenly in the pan, then add 4 tablespoons of ricotta sauce and sprinkle half of the amount of previously grated mozzarella and 2 tablespoons of parmesan.
Cut the lasagna sheets in half lengthwise and add a spoonful of ricotta cream on each side, distributed evenly, and then 2 spoons of meat. Roll each sheet and place it in the tray.
Cover the rolls with the remaining mozzarella, meat sauce and parmesan. Place the tray in the oven heated to 180 degrees Celsius for 30 minutes.
Serve hot lasagna rolls with great appetite with a glass of wine.
If you liked the Lasagna Rolls recipe, I invite you to try a Lasagna Zucchini Boats, Lasagna or Gnocchi al forno.
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