Descoperiti o reteta care transforma ingrediente simple intr-o experienta culinara rafinata: pate de ficat de pui cu jeleu de mere. Acest preparat, perfect pentru orice ocazie, combina textura cremoasa a pateului cu dulceata acidulata a jeleului de mere, creand un contrast delicios care va incanta papilele gustative. Fiecare ingredient este atent selectionat pentru a aduce in prim-plan aromele bogate si naturale. De la ceapa caramelizata cu mere pana la cidrul care completeaza jeleul, fiecare pas al prepararii este o calatorie in lumea gusturilor autentice. Asadar, pregatiti-va pentru o aventura culinara ce va transforma masa intr-o sarbatoare a simturilor!
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INGREDIENTE (pentru 8 portii)
Pentru pate:
- 150 grame ceapa
- 250 grame mere verzi
- 80 grame unt
- 400 grame ficatei de pui
- 1/4 lingurita cimbru
- Sare
Pentru jeleul de mere:
- 10 grame gelatina alimentara
- 50 ml apa rece
- 20 grame zahar
- 1 mar verde
- 330 ml cidru de mere
Incepem prin a pregati ficateii. Ii spalam bine si ii lasam in apa rece timp de o ora, dupa care ii scurgem si ii stergem cu un servet absorbant.
Intr-un blender, punem ceapa taiata in sferturi si merele feliate, mixand pana se maruntesc. Adaugam 20 de grame de unt si gatim la foc mic timp de 5 minute.
Apoi, adaugam restul de unt, ficateii de pui si cimbrul, continuand sa gatim inca 5 minute. La final, adaugam sare si pasam toata compozitia cu ajutorul blenderului.
Transferam pateul in vase mici de sticla, lasam sa se raceasca si apoi il punem in frigider pentru cateva ore.
Pentru jeleul de mere, punem gelatina intr-un bol mic si o acoperim cu apa rece, lasand-o sa se hidrateze timp de 10 minute.
Intr-un blender, mixam zaharul cu marul, apoi adaugam 100 ml de cidru si continuam sa mixam pana obtinem un amestec fin. Transferam acest amestec intr-un ibric, adaugam restul de cidru si gatim timp de 5 minute, fara a fierbe. Stingem focul si adaugam gelatina, amestecand pana cand se topeste complet.
Turnam amestecul intr-un vas de sticla si lasam sa se raceasca, apoi il introducem in frigider pentru cateva ore, pana cand se intareste.
Servim pateul de ficatei de pui cu jeleu de mere, alaturi de paine prajita si o salata delicioasa cu zmeura, mere si nuci caramelizate. Reteta pentru salata o gasiti aici.
Detaliile video ale retetei:
Daca v-a placut reteta de Pate de ficat de pui cu jeleu de mere, va invit sa incercati si:
English version
Chicken Liver Pate with Apple Jelly
Discover a recipe that transforms simple ingredients into a refined culinary experience: chicken liver pate with apple jelly. This preparation, perfect for any occasion, combines the creamy texture of the pate with the acidic sweetness of the apple jelly, creating a delicious contrast that will delight the taste buds. Each ingredient is carefully selected to bring out the rich and natural flavors. From the caramelized onions with apples to the cider that completes the jelly, every step of the preparation is a journey into the world of authentic tastes. So, get ready for a culinary adventure that will turn the meal into a feast for the senses!
INGREDIENTS (for 8 servings)
For the chicken liver pate:
- 150 grams onion
- 250 grams green apples
- 80 grams butter
- 400 grams chicken liver
- 1/4 teaspoon thyme
- Salt
For the apple jelly:
- 10 grams gelatin
- 50 ml cold water
- 20 grams sugar
- 1 green apple
- 330 ml apple cider
Start by preparing the livers. Wash them well and leave them in cold water for an hour, after which drain them and wipe them with an absorbent napkin.
In a blender, put the onion cut into quarters and the sliced apples, mixing until they crumble. Add 20 grams of butter and cook on low heat for 5 minutes.
Then, add the rest of the butter, chicken livers and thyme, continuing to cook for another 5 minutes. At the end, add salt and puree the whole composition with the help of the blender.
Transfer the pate into small glass containers, let it cool and then put it in the refrigerator for a few hours.
For the apple jelly, put the gelatin in a small bowl and cover it with cold water, leaving it to hydrate for 10 minutes.
In a blender, mix the sugar with the apple, then add 100 ml of cider and continue mixing until you get a smooth mixture. Transfer this mixture to a kettle, add the rest of the cider and cook for 5 minutes, without boiling. Turn off the heat and add the gelatin, stirring until it melts completely.
Pour the mixture into a glass bowl and let it cool, then put it in the fridge for a few hours, until it hardens.
Serve chicken liver pate with apple jelly, along with toast bread and a delicious salad with raspberries, apples and caramelized walnuts. You can find the recipe for the salad here.
If you liked the Chicken Liver Pate recipe, I invite you to try Chicken Pate with Truffle Butter, Poultry Liver Pate or Chicken Liver Pate.
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