Haideti sa incepem o zi lenesa de weekend cu un mic dejun mexican! O combinatie inedita de ingrediente si arome mexicane: avocado, nachos, tabasco acompaniate de oua posate perfect executate.

(pentru 2 portii / for 2 servings)
- 4 oua / 4 eggs
- 1 avocado / 1 avocado
- 2 cepe verzi / 2 green onions
- 1 catel de usturoi / 1 garlic cloves
- 3 linguri ulei de masline / 3 tablespoons olive oil
- 1/2 lime / 1/2 lime
- 2 rosii cherry / 3 cherry tomatoes
- 1 lingura maioneza / 1 tablespoon mayo
- 50 ml smantana dulce / 50 ml double cream
- nachos / nachos
- Sos tabasco / Tabasco sauce
- Sare / Salt
- 4 felii de paine integrala / 4 wholemeal bread slices

Pentru a pregati guacamole, taiem avocado in doua si cu ajutorul unei linguri il scoatem intr-un bol mic. Adaugam ceapa verde si usturoiul taiate marunt, sare, sucul de la lime si uleiul de masline. Amestecam rapid cu o furculita, presand usor, astfel incat sa obtinem un guacamole cremos.
Intre timp, punem apa la fiert in 2 craticioare. Adaugam in fiecare dintre ele cate 2 linguri de otet. Spargem putin coaja oului si il punem intreg la fiert timp de 20 de secunde in prima craticioara. Il scoatem apoi si il spargem in a doua craticioara. Il lasam sa fiarba timp de cateva minute.
Regasiti mai jos cateva detalii video:
Prajim feliile de paine si distribuim crema de avocado in mod egal. Pe fiecare felie de paine punem cativa nachos rupti in bucatele mai mici, cate un ou posat, 1 lingura de maioneza amestecata cu smantana dulce, rosii cherry taiate cubulete mici si stropim cu sos tabasco.

Daca v-a placut reteta de mic dejun mexican, va recomand sa incercati si un mic dejun cu oua turcesti, unt picant si crema de feta, un mic dejun englezesc sau oua romanesti speciale.
Mexican Breakfast
Let’s start a lazy weekend with a Mexican breakfast! An original combination of Mexican ingredients and flavors: avocado, nachos, tabasco accompanied by perfectly executed poached eggs.
To prepare guacamole, cut avocado in 2 and take it out with a spoon in a small bowl. Add finely chopped green onions and garlic, salt, lime juice and olive oil. Mix quickly with a fork, pressing lightly, so as to obtain a creamy guacamole.
Meanwhile, boil water in 2 saucepans. Add in each of them, 2 tablespoons of vinegar. Crack the egg and boil it for 20 seconds in the first pan. Then take it out and break it in the second pan. Let it boil for a few minutes.
Toast the slices of bread and distribute the avocado cream evenly. On each toast put some broken nachos in smaller pieces, one poached egg, 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise, cherry tomatoes cut into small cubes and sprinkle with tabasco sauce.
If you liked the Mexican breakfast recipe, I recommend you try a breakfast with Turkish eggs, spicy butter and feta cream, an English breakfast or special Romanian eggs.
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