Ciolan afumat cu legume coapte este o alternativa la retetele clasice cu fasole sau varza. Legumele coapte in suc de lime si cimbru completeaza perfect gustul ciolanului afumat. Este o mancare pe cat de simplu de executat pe atat de plina de arome si culori.
(pentru 4 portii / for 4 servings)
- 1 ciolan afumat / 1 smoked pork hock
- 2 morcovi / 2 carrots
- 2 bucati pastarnac / 2 parsnips
- 400 grame conopida / 400 grams cauliflower
- 2 sfecle rosii / 2 beetroots
- 4 cepe rosii mici / 4 small red onions
- Sucul de la 1 lime / Juice from 1 lime
- Piper / Pepper
- Fulgi de chilli / Chilli flakes
- Ulei / Oil
- 1 lingurita cimbru / 1 teaspoon thyme
- Patrunjel verde / Parsley
Eu am ales sa pregatesc ciolanul la Tefal One Pot. Insa daca nu detineti aceasta oala, il puteti prepara la cuptor marind timpul de preparare. Deoarece ciolanul afumat este extrem de gustos in sine, am ales sa nu ii mai adaug alte condimente. Asadar am incins 2 linguri de ulei si am prajit ciolanul cate 2 minute pe fiecare parte, folosind functia Brown. Am adaugat o cana de apa si am continuat sa il gatesc cu HP timp de 40 de minute. La sfarsit, am depresurizat si am ales functia Bake pentru a-l rumeni frumos.
Intre timp pregatim si legumele. Le curatam si le spalam, apoi taiem morcovii, pastarnacul si sfecla in cubulete, desfacem conopida in bucatele mici si taiem ceapa in jumatati. Pentru a nu amesteca culorile, pastram sfecla intr-un bol separat si adaugam o lingura ulei de masline, sare, 2 linguri suc de lime si fulgi de chilli. Intr-un alt bol amestecam morcovii, pastarnacul si conopida. Presaram sare, piper proaspat macinat, fulgi de chilli si adaugam 2 linguri ulei de masline si restul de suc de lime. Rasturnam legumele intr-o tava acoperita cu hartie de copt, avand grija sa nu suprapunem legumele. Din loc in loc aranjam jumatatile de ceapa presarate cu putina sare si ulei de masline, iar in celalalt capat al tavii aranjam si sfecla. Coacem legumele la 180 grade Celsius timp de 20 de minute.
Aranjam pe un platou legumele coapte si bucati de ciolan, presaram patrunjel verde si servim cu pofta.
Daca v-a placut reteta de ciolan afumat cu legume coapte, va recomandam sa incercati si retete speciale pentru 1 Decembrie, o ciorba de fasole in paine sau in varianta mai lejera un “ciolan” de curcan cu varza calita.
English version
Smoked hock with baked vegetables
Smoked hock with baked vegetables is an alternative to classic recipes with beans or cabbage. Vegetables cooked in lime and thyme juice perfectly complement the taste of smoked hock. It is a food as simple to execute as it is full of flavors and colors.
I chose to prepare the hock at Tefal One Pot. But if you do not have this pot, you can cook it in the oven by increasing the cooking time. Because the smoked hock is extremely tasty itself, I chose not to add other spices. So I heated 2 tablespoons of oil and fried the hock for 2 minutes on each side, using the Brown function. I added a cup of water and continued to cook it with HP for 40 minutes. In the end, I depressurized and chose the Bake function to brown it nicely.
Meanwhile, prepare the vegetables. Clean and wash them, then cut the carrots, parsnips and beets into cubes, cauliflower into small pieces and onions in halves. In order not to mix the colors, keep the beets in a separate bowl and mix it with 1 tablespoon of olive oil, salt, 2 tablespoons of lime juice and chilli flakes. In another bowl mix the carrots, parsnips and cauliflower. Sprinkle with salt, freshly ground pepper, chilli flakes and add 2 tablespoons of olive oil and the rest of the lime juice. Put the vegetables in a tray covered with baking paper, taking care not to overlap the vegetables. From place to place arrange the onion halves sprinkled with a salt and olive oil, and at the other part of the tray arrange the beets. Bake the vegetables at 180 degrees Celsius for 20 minutes.
Arrange on a plate the baked vegetables and pieces of hock, sprinkle with green parsley and serve with appetite.
If you liked the recipe for Smoked hock with baked vegetables, we recommend you try special recipes for 1st of December, a bean soup in bread or in a lighter version of turkey “hock” with sauerkraut.
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