Este aproape imposibil sa nu te indragostesti de aceste Noduri cu usturoi. Painici calde scaldate in sos gustos de usturoi si patrunjel proaspat. Servim alaturi de un platou de branzeturi si mezeluri si vom avea un aperitiv grozav pentru o petrecere. Asta in cazul in care va mai raman. Pentru ca odata ce sunt scoase din cuptor si tavalite prin sos, va fi extrem de greu sa ne abtinem sa nu le tot gustam.
(pentru 8 portii / for 8 servings)
- 700 grame faina / 700 grams flour
- 400 ml apa calda / 400 ml warm water
- 80 grame unt / 80 grams butter
- 1 lingurita sare / 1 teaspoon salt
- 1 lingura zahar / 1 tablespoon sugar
- 25 grame drojdie proaspata / 25 grame fresh yeast
- 6 catei de usturoi / 6 garlic cloves
- 3 linguri patrunjel tocat / 3 tablespoons chopped parsley
- 100 ml ulei de masline / 100 ml olive oil
- Sare / Salt
Metoda de prepare a aluatului este cea clasica de paine. Punem intr-un bol apa calduta, drojdia si zaharul si lasam 10 minute. Adaugam apoi faina, sarea si untul la temperatura camerei si incepem sa framantam pana obtinem un aluat omogen. Punem aluatul intr-un bol uns cu putin ulei, acoperim cu un prosop si lasam la dospit timp de 90 de minute.
Dupa ce aluatul este dospit, il rasturnam pe un blat infainat si il intinem sub forma de dreptunghi cu latime de aproximativ 15 cm si grosime de 1,5 cm. Taiem aluatul in fasii late de 2 cm.
Fiecare fasie se tavaleste prin faina apoi se trece peste degete de doua ori si se rupe excesul de aluat, scotand capatul prin mijloc. Asezam nodurile pe o tava si le mai lasam la dospit sub prosop inca 30 de minute.
Intre timp incingem cuptorul la 180 grade Celsius. Introducem in cuptor o tava cu apa, pe care o mentinem acolo pana se coc painicile. Coacem nodurile timp de 20 de minute.
Intre timp mixam intr-un blender ingredientele pentru sos: usturoiul, patrunjelul, sarea si uleiul de masline.
Cand nodurile sunt coapte, le rasturnam intr-un bol si turnam sosul peste ele, amestecand bine astfel incat toate painicile sa fie acoperite cu sos.
Sevim painicile calde alaturi de un platou de mezeluri si branzeturi.
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English version
Garlic Knots
It’s almost impossible not to fall in love with these Garlic Knots. Warm bread dipped in tasty garlic sauce and fresh parsley. Serve with a platter of cheeses and charcuterie and we will have a great appetizer for a party. This is in case you have any left. Because once they are taken out of the oven and rolled in sauce, it will be extremely difficult not to keep tasting them.
The dough preparation method is the classic bread method. Put warm water, yeast and sugar in a bowl and leave for 10 minutes. Then add the flour, salt and butter at room temperature and start kneading until we get a homogeneous dough. Put the dough in a bowl greased with a small quantity of oil, cover with a towel and leave to rise for 90 minutes.
After the dough is ready, turn it over on a floured surface and roll it into a rectangle with a width of approximately 15 cm and a thickness of 1.5 cm. Cut the dough into 2 cm wide strips.
Each strip is passed through the flour, then it is passed over the fingers twice and the excess dough is torn off, passing the end through the middle. Place the knots on a tray and leave them to rest under a towel for another 30 minutes.
Meanwhile, heat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius. Put a pan with water in the oven, which we keep in the oven until the bread is baked. Bake the knots for 20 minutes.
Meanwhile, mix the ingredients for the sauce in a blender: garlic, parsley, salt and olive oil.
When the knots are cooked, turn them over in a bowl and pour the sauce over them, mixing well so that all the breads are covered with the sauce.
Serve the warm bread with a platter of cheeses and charcuterie.
If you liked the recipe for Knots with garlic, I invite you to try Ultimate Foccacia Bread, Olive & Oregano Fougasse or Bagels.
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