Waffle cu zucchini, feta si oua posate este o idee super faina pentru un brunch servit in liniste in mijlocul familiei. Aromele de menta si busuioc pun in valoare dovleceii proaspeti. Secretul retetei este scurgerea foarte buna a dovleceilor, astfel incat waffle sa devina crocante. Acesta este pasul cel mai greu deoarece apoi mai avem doar de adaugat restul ingredientelor si sa prajim sub forma de waffle sau pancakes.
(pentru 4 portii / for 4 servings)
- 1 1/2 cana dovlecel ras / 1 1/2 cups grated zucchini
- 2 oua / 2 eggs
- 1/2 cana branza feta / 1/2 cup feta cheese
- 3/4 lingurita praf de copt / 3/4 teaspoon baking powder
- 1/2 cana faina / 1/2 cup flour
- 1 lingura menta taiata marunt / 1 tablespoon chopped mint
- 1 lingura busuioc taiat marunt / 1 tablespoon chopped basil
- Sare / Salt
- 4 oua pentru posat / 4 eggs for poached
Punem dovlecelul ras intr-o sita si il lasam la scurs timp de 30 de minute. Apoi strangem dovlecelul intre palme si il asezam pe un prosop de hartie. Acoperim cu un alt prosop si presam astfel incat sa indepartam excesul de umiditate.
Punem apoi intr-un bol dovlecelul scurs, 2 oua, feta, praful de copt, faina, menta, busuiocul si sare. Amestecam bine.
Incalzim formele de waffle si le ungem cu foarte putin ulei de masline. Turnam in fiecare forma cate un polonic mic din amestecul de dovlecei si prajim timp de 2 – 3 minute pana cand sunt frumos rumenite. Daca nu detineti un aparat de waffle, puteti sa pregatiti sub forma de mini clatite folosind o tigaie antiaderenta.
Impartim waffle in 4 farfurii si servim alaturi de cate un ou posat. Presaram cu chilli si decoram cu frunze de menta proaspata.
Daca v-a placut reteta de Waffle cu zucchini, feta si oua posate, va invit sa incercati si:
English version
Waffle with Zucchini, Feta and Poached Eggs
Waffle with zucchini, feta and poached eggs is a great idea for a brunch served quietly in the middle of the family. The fresh aromas of mint and basil enhance the fresh zucchini The secret of the recipe is to drain the zucchini very well, so that the waffle becomes crispy. This is the most difficult step because then we only have to add the rest of the ingredients and fry them in the form of waffles or pancakes.
Put the grated zucchini in a sieve and let it drain for 30 minutes. Then squeeze the zucchini between the palms and place it on a paper towel. Cover with another towel and press to remove excess moisture.
Then put drained zucchini, 2 eggs, feta cheese, baking powder, flour, mint, basil and salt in a bowl. Mix well.
Heat the waffle molds and grease them with a small quantity of olive oil. Pour a small portion of the zucchini mixture into each mold and fry for 2-3 minutes until they are nicely browned. If you don’t have a waffle maker, you can prepare them in the form of mini pancakes using a non-stick pan.
Divide the waffle into 4 plates and serve with a poached egg each. Sprinkle with chilli and decorate with fresh mint leaves.
If you liked the recipe for Waffles with zucchini, feta and poached eggs, I invite you to try Parmesan Blini, Waffle with prosciutto cotto and smoked salmon or Fluffy Belgian Waffles.
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