

O combinatie inedita intre chiflele pufoase si covrigii crocanti sta la baza unor sandwich-uri extrem de populare in Statele Unite. Creati-va proprii bagels, dupa plac! Acoperiti-i cu seminte de mac, susan alb, susan negru, mix de seminte sau de ce nu, sare mare! Umpleti-i obligatoriu cu un strat generos de crema de branza, iar apoi, puteti alege avocado, sunca, pastrama, somon, oua! Si nu in ultimul rand, lasati imaginatia sa isi faca datoria sau inspirati-va de aici! 😀


(pentru 12 bucati / for 12 pieces)

  • 500 grame faina / 500 grams flour
  • 275 ml apa calda / 275 ml warm water
  • 7 grame drojdie uscata / 7 grams dried yeast
  • 30 grame zahar / 30 grams sugar
  • 1 lingurita sare / 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 lingura ulei de masline / 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 ou / 1 egg
  • Seminte / Seeds

Intr-un bol, punem faina, drojdia uscata, zaharul si apa calda. Mixam pana sunt incorporate toate ingredientele si adaugam sarea si uleiul. Framantam pana obtinem un aluat elastic. Il lasam la dospit intr-un vas acoperit, timp de 2 ore.

Dupa ce aluatul este dospit, il impartim in 12 parti egale, pe care le modelam sub forma de sfera. Le mai lasam la dospit o ora. Apoi punem pe foc o oala cu 2 litri de apa cu o lingurita de sare. In momentul in care fierbe, luam fiecare sfera si o aplatizam usor cu palma. Cu ajutorul unui decupator rotund, mic scoatem mijlocul aluatului.

Fierbem bagels in apa fierbinte, timp de 30 de secunde pe fiecare parte si ii scoatem cu ajutorul unei palete, scurgandu-i foarte bine, pe tava de copt.

Ii ungem cu ou batut, ii presaram cu seminte, dupa plac si ii coacem timp de 20 de minute in cuptorul incins la 200 grade Celsius.

In acest moment, puteti sa va creati propriul vostru bagels sau va puteti inspira de aici.

English version:

A unique combination of fluffy buns and crispy pretzels is the basis of some extremely popular sandwiches in the United States. Create your own bagels, as you like! Cover with poppy seeds, white sesame, black sesame, seed mix or why not, salt! Fill it with a generous layer of cream cheese, and then choose avocado, ham, pastrami, salmon, eggs. And last but not least, let your imagination run wild or get inspired from here! 😀

In a bowl, put flour, dry yeast, sugar and hot water. Mix until all ingredients are incorporated and add salt and oil. Knead until you get an elastic dough. Leave it to rise in a covered bowl for 2 hours.

After 2 hours, divide it into 12 equal parts and shape into a sphere. Leave them to rise for another hour. Then put on the fire a pot with 2 liters of water and a teaspoon of salt. When it boils, take each sphere and flatten it lightly with your palm. Using a round, small cutter, remove the middle of the dough.

Boil the bagels in hot water for 30 seconds on each side and remove them with a spatula, draining very well and put them in the baking tray.

Grease them with beaten egg, sprinkle them with seeds, as you like and bake them for 20 minutes in the oven heated to 200 degrees Celsius.

At this point, you can create your own bagels or get inspired from here.

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