N-as fi putut sa plec din Genova fara sa experimentez celebra Focaccia alla Genovese chiar in locul in care aceasta a fost inventata. Am descoperit aici ca variantele incercate de mine pe blog Focaccia si Ultimate Foccacia Bread se apropie foarte mult de suratele ei din orasul lui Columb. Am incercat Focaccia alla Genovese in doua locatii: Verde Salvia Bakery & Fossatello’s Border Café, ambele foarte reusite.

Prima incercare am avut-o in Verde Salvia Bakery o locatie care se afla pe langa maiestuoasa Via Garibaldi, una dintre cele mai faimoase strazi pietonale din oras, renumita pentru Palazzi dei Rolli plin de fresce si picturi unice.

Fiind o patiserie autentica, aici pot fi incercate mai multe bunatati, insa Foccacia este vedeta. Buna, pufoasa, fiecare dintre felii s-a potrivit la fix cu una dintre cele doua surori: 019 La Bianca / 019 La Bionda.

Cea de-a doua incercare, la fel de reusita a fost Fossatello’s Border Café, o terasa situata fix in Centrul istoric al orasului Genova.

Locatia ofera o varietate buna de mancare si bauturi pentru micul dejun, sandwich-uri, minuturi, prajituri italiene, clatite, muesli, fructe si iaurt, avocado pe paine prajita, cafea buna si fresh-uri.

Deoarece caldura infernala de august isi cerea tributul, cele trei sortimente de bere au mers la fix.

Focaccia cu pesto a facut pereche in meniu cu un Aperol Spritz, tutto vero Genovese. Un lucru era de la bun inceput foarte clar, insa cu aceasta vizita in Genova a fost si demonstrat: Focaccia este ceva care nu trebuie ratat daca vrei ca experienta din aceasta provincie a Italiei sa fie cu adevarat completa.

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English version
Focaccia alla Genovese – Verde Salvia Bakery & Fossatello’s Border Café
I could not have left Genoa without experiencing the famous Focaccia alla Genovese in the very place where it was invented. I discovered here that the versions I tried on the blog Focaccia and Ultimate Foccacia Bread are very close to her faces from the city of Columbus. I tried Focaccia in two locations, Verde Salvia Bakery & Fossatello’s Border Café, both (preparations and locations) very successful.
I had my first try at Verde Salvia Bakery, a location next to the majestic Via Garibaldi, one of the most famous pedestrian streets in the city, famous for the Palazzi dei Rolli full of unique frescoes and paintings.
Being an authentic pastry shop, you can try several delicacies here, but Foccacia is the star. Good, fluffy, each of the slices matched perfectly with one of the two sisters: 019 La Bianca / 019 La Bionda.
The second, equally successful attempt was Fossatello’s Border Café, a terrace located right in the historic center of the city of Genoa.
The location offers a good variety of food and drinks for breakfast, sandwiches, minutes, Italian cakes, pancakes, muesli, fruit and yogurt, avocado on toast, good coffee and fresh drinks.
Because the infernal heat of August demanded its tribute, the three types of beer went very well.
Focaccia with pesto was paired on the menu with an Aperol Spritz, tutto vero Genovese. One thing was very clear from the very beginning, but with this visit to Genoa it was also demonstrated: Focaccia is something that should not be missed if you want the experience in this province of Italy to be truly complete.
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