Pate de pastrav afumat, o reteta pe care astazi am incercat-o cu acest fel de peste, dar desigur ca puteti opta si pentru alte variante, cum ar fi somon, macrou, hering. Acest pate este foarte usor de pregatit cu ajutorul robotului din bucatarie. Este neted, rece si cremos si se asorteaza perfect atat cu painea proaspata cat si cu diversi biscuiti integrali. Pentru un succes garantat, cel mai bine este sa servim acest aperitiv dupa ce a fost refrigerat cateva ore, ideal peste noapte.
(pentru 4 portii / for 4 servings)
- 125 grame pastrav afumat / 125 grams smoked trout
- 60 ml apa / 60 ml water
- 1 lingurita gelatina / 1 teaspoon gelatine powder
- 1 ceapa rosie mica / 1 small red onion
- 1 lingurita mustar / 1 teaspoon mustard
- 3 linguri suc de lamaie / 3 tablespoons lemon juice
- 60 grame crema de branza / 60 grams cream cheese
- 1 lingurita sos Tabasco / 1 teaspoon Tabasco sauce
- 60 ml smantana dulce / 60 ml double cream
- Sare / Salt
- Piper / Pepper
Mixam intr-un blender pastravul afumat pana cand obtinem bucatele mici.
Punem gelatina la hidratat in apa timp de 10 minute, apoi incalzim pana cand gelatina este topita, avand grija sa nu fierbem compozitia.
Adaugam peste gelatina crema de branza, ceapa taiata marunt, mustarul, sarea, piperul, sucul de lamaie, Tabasco si jumatate din cantitatea de pastrav. Mixam bine pana cand obtinem o crema fina si adaugam restul de pastrav.
Amestecam bine si rasturnam in 2 forme pe care le lasam la frigider minim 5 – 6 ore.
Servim ca aperitiv alaturi de felii de paine prajita sau felii de Fin Crisp si legume.
Detaliile video ale retetei le gasiti aici.
Daca v-a placut reteta de Pate de pastrav afumat, va invit sa incercati si:
English version
Smoked Trout Pate
Smoked trout pate, a recipe that I tried today with this type of fish, but of course you can also opt for other options, such as salmon, mackerel, herring. This pate is very easy to prepare with the help of the kitchen robot. It is smooth, cold and creamy and goes perfectly with both fresh bread and various biscuits. For a guaranteed success, it is best to serve this aperitif after it has been refrigerated for a few hours, ideally overnight.
Mix the smoked trout in a blender until we get small pieces.
Put the hydrated gelatin in water for 10 minutes, then heat until the gelatin is melted, being careful not to boil the composition.
Add cream cheese, finely chopped onion, mustard, salt, pepper, lemon juice, Tabasco and half of the amount of trout over the gelatin. Mix the wine until get a fine cream and add the rest of the trout.
Mix well and pour into 2 molds and leave in the refrigerator for at least 5-6 hours.
Serve as an appetizer with slices of fried bread or salty biscuits and vegetables.
You can find the video details of the recipe here.
If you liked the smoked trout pate recipe, I invite you to try Tuna and Sardine Spread, Chicken Liver Pate or Vegetable pate.
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