Chiar daca anotimpurile s-au schimbat iar aromele de toamna le-au inlocuit in meniu pe cele de vara, am ales totusi sa va prezint acest loc minunat cu nostalgii din luna lui Gustar. Asadar, la categoria „Unde mancam in … Sfantu Gheorghe” va prezint acum Restaurantul Szikra – locul in care gastronomia se transforma in experienta.
Restaurantul este amplasat in cadrul Isabella Boutique Hotel – o afacere de familie, situata in doua cladiri antebelice adiacente renovate cu mare atentie la detalii pentru a se potrivi standardelor contemporane de confort, pastrand in acelasi timp caracterul arhitectural de epoca.
Meniul restaurantului, realizat de Chef Madalina Roman, are la baza ingrediente simple, naturale, puse in valoare prin pasiune si creativitate nelimitata. Preparatele sunt realizate cu precadere din ingrediente locale si din produsele gradinii proprii a restaurantului, reusind sa surprinda atat prin gust, dar și prin aspectul unic.
La aperitiv am comandat vinete la cuptor cu menta, iaurt afumat, sirop de coacaze, seminte prajite, aschii de branza maturata cu trufe, ceapa rosie crocanta.
Apoi am incercat o esenta de carne de prepelita cu legume proaspete taiate julien si galusca de carne, o experienta gustativa mult mai intensa decat supa, o adevarata delicatesa gatita peste 10 ore.
La felul principal am ales steak de vita cu millefeuille de cartofi dulci cu salvie, sos de branza albastra cu ciocolata alba, fructe de padure murate si legume grill de sezon. Millefeuille, cu origine franceza, este creat de bucatarul sef din felii subtiri de cartofi dulci unse cu unt si salvie, care se vor reuni datorita aburului dat de cartofi. Asocierea ciocolatei albe cu branza albastra este rezultatul unui sir indelungat de experimente. Fructele de padure sunt murate separat. Carnea de vita poarta amprenta producatorilor locali.
Poate cel mai surprinzator preparat a fost o plachie de pastrav cu mamaliga cu usturoi verde si chips de porumb, o reteta dobrogeana reinterpretata intr-un mod senzational.
Nu a mai fost loc si de desert iar daca n-as fi impartit si restul preparatelor cu siguranta nu as fi facut fata festinului culinar.
Meniul de toamna suna cu adevarat imbietor asa ca numar zilele pana cand voi avea urmatorul drum la Sfantu Gheorghe!
Daca v-a placut recomandarea „Unde mancam in … Sfantu Gheorghe”, va invit la masa si in:
English version
Where to Eat in … Sfantu Gheorghe
Even though the seasons have changed and the autumn flavors have replaced the summer ones on the menu, I still chose to present you this wonderful place with nostalgia from the month of Gustar. So, in the category „Where do we eat in … Sfantu Gheorghe?” I now present to you the Szikra Restaurant – the place where gastronomy turns into an experience.
The restaurant is located within the Isabella Boutique Hotel – a family business, located in two adjacent pre-war buildings renovated with great attention to detail to suit contemporary standards of comfort, while preserving the architectural character of the period.
The restaurant’s menu, created by Chef Madalina Roman, is based on simple, natural ingredients, enhanced by passion and unlimited creativity. The dishes are mainly made from local ingredients and from the products of the restaurant’s own garden, managing to surprise both in terms of taste and unique appearance.
For the appetizer, I ordered oven-baked eggplant with mint, smoked yogurt, currant syrup, fried seeds, shavings of cheese matured with truffles, crispy red onion.
Then I tried an essence of quail meat with fresh julienned vegetables and meat dumpling, a taste experience much more intense than the soup, a real delicacy cooked over 10 hours.
For the main course, I chose beef steak with sweet potato millefeuille with sage, blue cheese sauce with white chocolate, pickled berries and grilled seasonal vegetables. Millefeuille, of French origin, is created by the chef from thin slices of sweet potatoes smeared with butter and sage, which will come together thanks to the steam given off by the potatoes. The association of white chocolate with blue cheese is the result of a long series of experiments. The berries are pickled separately. The beef is local.
Perhaps the most surprising dish was a plate of trout with green garlic and corn chips, a Dobrogean recipe reinterpreted in a sensational way.
We didn’t ordered a dessert and if I hadn’t shared the rest of the dishes, I certainly wouldn’t have faced the culinary feast.
The autumn menu sounds really tempting, so I’m counting the days until I have the next trip to Sfantu Gheorghe!
If you liked the recommendation „Where we eat in … „Where we eat in … Sfantu Gheorghe”, I invite you to the table also in Bucharest, Bran or Cluj-Napoca.
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