Pate de pui cu unt si trufe


In fond, hai sa-i spunem … “the ultimate” pate. De ce? Pentru ca este o reteta fabuloasa de pate de pui cu unt si trufe. Practic contine toate ingredientele grozave pentru un aperitiv remarcabil: ficatei de pui, ceapa, usturoi, unt, cimbru proaspat, smantana dulce si unt aromat cu trufe. Este ideal cu paine proaspata alba sau integrala si se poate servi dimineata, la pranz si seara.

Pate de pui cu unt si trufe


(pentru 8 portii / for 8 servings)

  • 500 grame ficatei de pui / 500 grams chicken livers
  • 175 grame unt / 175 grams butter
  • 1 ceapa / 1 onion
  • 1 catel de usturoi / 1 garlic clove
  • 1/4 lingurita cimbru / 1/4 teaspoon thyme
  • 50 ml smantana dulce / 50 ml double cream
  • 1 lingurita ulei de trufe / 1 teaspoon truffle oil
  • Sare / Salt
  • Piper / Pepper
Pate de pui cu unt si trufe

Spalam bine ficateii de pui si ii stergem cu un servet absorbant. Intr-o craticioara, incalzim 50 de grame de unt si adaugam ceapa si usturoiul taiate marunt. Calim timp de 1 minut si apoi adaugam ficateii si cimbrul. Prajim pana cand ficateii isi schimba culoarea si apoi lasam la racit.

Dupa ce ficateii s-au racit, adaugam sare si piper si rasturnam amestecul in bolul mixerului. Mixam usor apoi adaugam 50 grame de unt la temperatura camerei si smantana dulce.

Pate de pui cu unt si trufe

Impartim amestecul in 4 borcanele si le lasam la rece timp de o ora. Topim apoi restul de unt si adaugam uleiul de trufe si un praf de sare. Turnam untul in fiecare borcan si pastram la rece.

Pate de pui cu unt si trufe

Servim pate-ul de pui cu paine proaspata, castraveti murati si masline.

Pate de pui cu unt si trufe

Daca v-a placut reteta de Pate de pui cu unt si trufe va recomand sa incercati si Pate simplu de pui, Pate de porc sau un Pate extraordinar de ton.

English version

Chicken Pate with Truffle Butter

Basically, let’s say… „the ultimate” pate. Why? Because it is a fabulous recipe for chicken pate with butter and truffles. It practically contains all the great ingredients for a remarkable appetizer: chicken livers, onions, garlic, butter, fresh thyme, double cream and butter flavored with truffles. It is ideal with fresh white or wholemeal bread and can be served in the morning, at lunch and in the evening.

Wash the chicken livers well and wipe them with an absorbent napkin. In a saucepan, heat 50 grams of butter and add finely chopped onion and garlic. Saute for 1 minute and then add the livers and thyme. Fry until the livers change color and then leave to cool.

After the livers have cooled, add salt and pepper and pour the mixture into the mixer bowl. Mix gently, then add 50 grams of butter at room temperature and sweet cream.

Divide the mixture into 4 jars and let them cool for an hour. Then melt the rest of the butter and add the truffle oil and a pinch of salt. Pour the butter into each jar and refrigerate.

Serve the chicken pate with fresh bread, pickles and olives.

If you liked the recipe for chicken pate with butter and truffles, I recommend you to try simple chicken pate, Pork pate or a great tuna rillettes.


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