Rillettes de ton este un pate de ton de origine frantuzeasca ce are la baza ton proaspat preparat la abur, crema de branza si verdeturi. Este delicios servit cu o felie de paine prajita, atat ca starter cat si ca mic dejun. Merge acompaniat perfect de legume proaspete sau un pesto de rosii uscate.

(pentru 4 portii / for 4 servings)
Pentru pate-ul de ton / For tuna rillettes
- 300 grame ton proaspat / 300 grams fresh tuna
- 100 grame crema de branza / 100 grams cream cheese
- 1 ceapa alba / 1 white onion
- 4 cepe verzi / 4 scallions
- 2 linguri patrunjel / 2 tablespoons parsley
- Sucul de la 1/2 lamaie / Juice from 1/2 lemon
- 1 lingura ulei de masline / 1 tablespoon olive oil
- Sare / Salt
- Piper / Pepper
Pentru pesto de rosii uscate / For dried tomato pesto
- 50 grame rosii uscate / 50 grams dried tomatoes
- 2 linguri seminte pin / 2 tablespoons pine seeds
- 4 linguri patrunjel / 4 tablespoons parsley
- 4 catei de usturoi / 4 garlic cloves
- Sucul de la 1/2 lamaie / Juice from 1/2 lemon
- 5 linguri de ulei de masline / 5 tablespoons olive oil
- 2 linguri apa minerala / 2 tablespoons mineral water
- Sare / Salt

Pentru pate-ul de ton, presaram tonul cu sare si il pregatim la abur timp de 3 minute. Eu am ales sa folosesc Tefal One Pot, functia “Steam”. Lasam tonul la racit si apoi il pasam cu ajutorul unei furculite sau cu un blender. Adaugam crema de branza, sare, piper, sucul de lamaie, uleiul de masline, ceapa taiata fin si verdeturile. Mixam bine pana obtinem o pasta fina. Pastram pate-ul de ton la frigider pana in momentul servirii.
Pentru pesto de rosii uscate, mixam toate ingredientele in blender pana obtinem o crema fina.
Reteta video poate fi vizualizata aici.

Chiar daca cele 2 retete provin din gastronomii diferite, ele se completeaza foarte bine. Asadar, servim pate-ul de ton cu pesto de rosii uscate si legume proaspete. Eu am ales ridichi si ceapa verde.

Daca v-a placut reteta de Rillettes de ton, va recomand sa incercati si un tartar de ton, un pate de porc sau un pate de pui.
English version
Tuna Rillettes
Tuna rillettes is a tuna pate of French origin, based on fresh steamed tuna, cream cheese and green herbs. It is delicious served with toast bread, as a starter and as a breakfast. It goes perfectly with fresh vegetables or a dried tomato pesto.
For the tuna pate, sprinkle the tuna with salt and steam for 3 minutes. I chose Tefal One Pot, „Steam” function. Let the tuna cool and then pass it with a fork or blender. Add cream cheese, salt, pepper, lemon juice, olive oil, finely chopped onion and herbs. Mix well until you get a fine paste. Keep the tuna pate in the fridge until serving.
For the dried tomato pesto, mix all the ingredients in a blender until you get a fine cream.
Even if the 2 recipes come from different gastronomy, they complement each other very well. So, serve the tuna pate with dried tomato pesto and fresh vegetables. I chose radishes and scallions.
If you liked the Tuna Rillettes recipe, I recommend you try a tuna tartar, a pork pate or a chicken pate.
- Supa de rosii, linte si cimbru
- Salata de ardei copti cu burrata
- Calamari la cuptor cu rosii si masline
- Perfect Wedges
- Salata de cartofi cu caracatita
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