Saschiz 175


Am ajuns la Saschiz 175 din pura intamplare … sau mai bine zis din mare noroc (in decembrie am castigat un Giveaway organizat de gazde pe pagina lor de Instagram cu ocazia sarbatorilor de iarna🎅).

Saschiz 175

Nu stiu de ce, desi am trecut de nenumarate ori prin Saschiz, nu am gasit aceasta localitate potrivita pentru un mini-sejur. Satucul este insa, cel mai potrivit loc pentru o reincarcare a bateriilor in cel mai elementar, dar, in acelasi timp eficient, mod: o stare de liniste si simplitate care domina totul! Relativ celebra, deoarece aici s-au filmat in anul 2007 timp de patru luni cateva scene din lungmetrajul fantastic ‘The Dark Is Rising’ (un fel de Harry Potter romano-britanic), comuna muresana este departe de a fi aglomerata sau suprapopulata de turisti.

Saschiz 175

In trecut, Saschizul a rivalizat chiar cu Sighisoara care, in acea vreme, era „capitala” sasilor din Transilvania. Acest orasel era centrul pentru capitulum-ul din Szászkézd (casa pentru adunarea canonicilor), motiv pentru care, in 1663, Mihai Apalfi I princepele maghiar al Transilvaniei (1661-1690), a tinul o dieta (sesiune a Parlamentului) in biserica din localitate. Lucrarile de constructie a acestei biserici au inceput in 1493 si au fost terminate, ca biserica fortificata, in prima jumatate a secolului al XVI-lea. Turnul si biserica mica au ajuns sa aiba infatisarea actuala in anul 1677. Turnul, care seamana cu Turnul cu Ceas din Sighisoara (forma pe care o avea anterior incendiului din 1676), pe care mesterii fauritori l-au avut ca model, a fost renovat in 1832, dar a fost serios avariat de cutremurul din 1986. Acoperisul Turnului, imbracat in tigla smaltuita, colorata in diverse culori, are forma unei piramide ascutite. Dintre obiectele aflate in biserica, o valoare deosebita o are un potir gotic, lucrat acum mai bine de 500 de ani de catre un artist necunoscut.

Saschiz 175

Dar sa revenim la gazdele noastre! Saschiz 175 Guest House este asa cum ii spune si numele o casa de oaspeti amenajata intr-o casa saseasca veche de mai bine de 190 de ani in cel mai autentic stil al locului. Celebra sintagma ‘atentia pentru detalii’ este aici la ea acasa, gazdele avand grija sa pastreze si sa puna in valoare toate elementele decorative mostenite de la matusa sasoaica, fiecare coltisor al proprietatii emanand practic un puternic iz nemtesc.

Saschiz 175
Saschiz 175

Casuta dispune de doua camere spatioase, avand baie proprie si o bucatarie complet echipata.

Saschiz 175
Saschiz 175

Am ajuns pe inserat in prima zi cu zapada din acest sezon. Focul care ardea in semineu si ninsoarea de afara, imi dadeau un puternic vibe de Craciun, unul din cele autentice, traite in copilarie in casa bunicilor. Am retrait acele nopti de iarna neaosa in care linistea simpla era deranjata doar de troznetul lemnelor care ardeau mocnit in soba atunci, in semineu acum.

Saschiz 175

Dimineata a venit in aceeasi tacere, dominata insa de albul imaculat al zapezii. Gazdele noastre mi-au spus ca primavara si vara curtea este acaparata de multicoloritul florilor din gradina, asa ca mi-am propus sa vizitez Saschiz 175 si in sezonul cald.

Saschiz 175
Saschiz 175

In vecinatate se afla o ceainarie, Ceainaria Tei, foarte cozy, pe care din pacate nu am gasit-o deschisa, cel mai probabil din cauza vremii.

Saschiz 175

Se mai pot vizita si ruinele Cetatii Taranesti, acum aflate in plin proces de restaurare si Pivnita Bunicii (care nu-i chiar o pivnita privind din exterior), producator local de dulceturi si alte bunataturi.

Saschiz 175

In concluzie, la Saschiz nu vii neaparat ca sa faci ceva, ci mai degraba sa nu faci nimic! Sa stai, sa te regasesti, sa retraiesti clipe pe care nu le mai stiai posibile, sa fii din nou TU …

Saschiz 175

Daca pana acum articolele de pe blog se rezumau la retete si locuri faine in care am mancat ceva bun, Saschiz 175 m-a determinat sa inaugurez o noua rubrica: locuri care mi-au placut si in care m-am simtit bine. Felicitari gazdelor pentru initiativa si implicare!

Saschiz 175

Daca v-a placut articolul Saschiz 175, va recomand sa incercati si o excursie in Cluj sau Constanta.

English version

Saschiz 175

I arrived at Saschiz 175 by pure chance… or rather, by great luck (in December I won a Giveaway organized by the hosts on their Instagram page on the occasion of the winter holidays🎅).

I don’t know why, but even though I passed through Saschiz countless times, I didn’t find this town suitable for a mini-stay. The village is, however, the most suitable place for recharging the batteries in the most basic, but at the same time effective, way: a state of peace and simplicity that dominates everything! Relatively famous, because several scenes from the fantastic feature film ‘The Dark Is Rising’ (a kind of Romanian-British Harry Potter) were filmed here in 2007 for four months, the Muresan commune is far from being crowded or overpopulated with tourists .

In the past, the Saxons even rivaled Sighisoara, which, at that time, was the „capital” of the Saxons in Transylvania. This town was the center for the capitulum of Szászkézd (the house for the assembly of canons), which is why, in 1663, Mihai Apalfi I, the Hungarian prince of Transylvania (1661-1690), held a diet (Parliament session) in the local church . The construction works of this church began in 1493 and were finished, as a fortified church, in the first half of the 16th century. The tower and the small church reached their current appearance in 1677. The tower, which resembles the Clock Tower in Sighisoara (the shape it had before the fire of 1676), which the craftsmen had as a model, was renovated in 1832, but it was seriously damaged by the earthquake of 1986. The roof of the Tower, clad in glazed tiles, colored in various colors, has the shape of a pointed pyramid. Among the objects in the church, a Gothic chalice, made more than 500 years ago by an unknown artist, has a special value.

But let’s return to our hosts! Saschiz 175 Guest House is, as the name suggests, a guest house set up in a more than 190-year-old Saxon house in the most authentic style of the place. The famous phrase ‘care for details’ is here at her home, the hosts taking care to preserve and highlight all the decorative elements inherited from the Saxon aunt, every corner of the property practically emanating a strong German fragrance.

The house has two spacious rooms with their own bathroom and a fully equipped kitchen.

I arrived in the evening on the first snow day of this season. The fire burning in the fireplace and the snow outside gave me a strong Christmas vibe, one of the authentic ones, experienced as a child in my grandparents’ house. I recalled those winter nights when the simple silence was disturbed only by the crackling of the wood burning smolderingly in the stove then, in the fireplace now.

The morning came in the same silence, but dominated by the immaculate white of the snow. Our hosts told me that in spring and summer the yard is dominated by the multicolored flowers in the garden, so I decided to visit Saschiz 175 in the warm season as well.

Nearby there is a very cozy teahouse, Tei Teahouse, which unfortunately I did not find open, most likely because of the weather.

You can also visit the ruins of the Fortress, now in the process of restoration, and Pivnita Bunicii (which is not really a cellar from the outside), a producer of jams and other goodies.

In conclusion, you don’t necessarily come to Saschiz to do something, but rather to do nothing! Stay, find yourself, relive moments you didn’t know were possible, be YOU again!

If until now the articles on the blog were limited to recipes and nice places where I ate something good, Saschiz 175 led me to inaugurate a new column: places that I liked and where I felt good. Congratulations to the hosts for their initiative and involvement!

If you liked the article Saschiz 175, I recommend you also try a trip to Cluj or Constanta.


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