Imediat ce trece zapada, dam o fuga la piata si cautam urzici. Desi aparent sunt mai aspre decat spanacul, gatite corespunzator vom avea un piure de urzici senzational … primavara si vitaminele in fiecare farfurie. Servite simplu cu mujdei si mamaliga calda sau alaturi de oua ochiuri, posate sau fierte, sunt o masa de pranz autentic romanesc. Asadar, e clar … urzicile, chiar sunt vestitorii primaverii.
(pentru 4 portii / for 4 servings)
- 500 grame urzici / 500 grams nettles
- 50 grame unt / 50 grams butter
- 1 lingura ulei / 1 tablespoon oil
- 5 cepe verzi / 5 scallions
- 1 lingura malai / 1 tablespoon corn flour
- 1 lingura faina / 1 tablespoon flour
- 50 ml lapte / 50 ml milk
- Sare / Salt
Curatam urzicile si le spalam foarte bine. Punem intr-o oala incapatoare apa si o fierbem. Adaugam urzicile si le lasam la fiert timp de 15 minute.
Cu ajutorul unei palete scoatem urzicile intr-un bol si pastram apa in care au fiert. Adaugam in bolul unui blender, pe rand, in functie de capacitatea vasului, urzicile impreuna cu putin malai si cateva linguri de apa de la urzici. Mixam bine, apoi trecem amestecul printr-o sita.
Intr-o cratita antiaderenta, incalzim untul si uleiul de masline si adaugam frunzele de la ceapa verde taiate marunt si amestecul de urzici trecut prin sita.
Adaugam faina dizolvata in lapte, sare dupa gust si lasam la fiert la foc mediu spre mic timp de 30 de minute.
Servim piure-ul de urzici cu mamaliga prajita si mujdei de usturoi, cu oua posate sau ochiuri.
Detaliile video ale retetei le gasiti aici.
Daca v-a placut reteta de Piure de urzici, va invit sa incercati si o Salata cu spanac, o Ciorba de salata sau un Bors de primavara.
English version
Nettles piuree
As soon as the snow passes, run to the market and look for nettles. Although apparently they are tougher than spinach, properly cooked we will have spring and vitamins in every plate. Served simply with garlic sauce and hot polenta or with poached eggs, poached or boiled, they are an authentic Romanian lunch. So, it’s clear… the nettles really are the harbingers of spring.
Clean the nettles and wash them very well. Put water in a large pot and boil it. Add the nettles and let them boil for 15 minutes.
Using a spatula, remove the nettles in a bowl and keep the water in which they boiled. Add the nettles to the blender in a bowl, one at a time, depending on the capacity of the bowl, together with a small quantity of corn flour and a few spoons of water from the nettles. Mix well, then pass the mixture through a sieve.
In a non-stick saucepan, heat the butter and olive oil and add the finely chopped green onion leaves and the nettles mixture passed through the sieve.
Add the flour dissolved in milk, salt to taste and let it cook on medium to low heat for 30 minutes.
Serve the nettles puree with fried polenta and garlic sauce, poached eggs or fried eggs.
You can find the video details of the recipe here.
If you liked the Nettles puree recipe, I invite you to try a Spinach salad, a Lettuce soup or a Spring borscht.
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