Sarbatoreste Ziua Internationala a Croissantului pe 30 ianuarie si bucura-te de una dintre cele mai indragite produse de patiserie din lume! Croissantul este un produs de patiserie care exista inca din secolul al XVIII-lea, cand a fost inventat de un brutar austriac. Acum este intalnit si savurat in toata lumea in diverse forme, dimensiuni, arome si umpluturi. De la migdale la cornuri umplute cu ciocolata pana la optiuni savuroase cu sunca si branza – exista cu siguranta macar un sortiment care sa fie indragit de toata lumea!
Evident ca versalitatea acestui preparat a pusa in valoare si in bucataria „Inspiratie la Fix”. Haideti sa vedem cateva variante.
Detalii click pe poza pentru fiecare reteta inspirata :
English version:
Happy Croissant Day
Celebrate International Croissant Day on January 30 and enjoy one of the most beloved pastries in the world! The croissant is a pastry product that has existed since the 18th century, when it was invented by an Austrian baker. Now it is found and enjoyed all over the world in various shapes, sizes, flavors and fillings. From almonds to chocolate-filled croissants to savory options with ham and cheese – there’s sure to be at least one variety to be loved by everyone!
It is obvious that the versatility of this dish has also enhanced the „Fix Inspiration” in the kitchen.
- Scrambled Eggs cu ricotta
- Rayelin Hotel Istanbul Old City
- Bulz ardelenesc
- Salam de biscuiti
- Coaste de porc la cuptor