Tapassio – Pasiune pentru tapasuri mediteraneene si unguresti


Inspiratie la fix este in vacanta! Si ca orice vacanta care se respecta a inceput cu o oprire la Budapesta. Am gasit aici intre restaurantele deschise in ultima perioada o locatie senzationala despre care urmeaza sa scriu in continuare: Tapassio – Pasiune pentru tapasuri mediteraneene si unguresti sau locul unde spaniolii au fost infranti in deplasare cu cele mai redutabile arme ale lor!

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Tapassio – Pasiune pentru tapasuri mediteraneene si unguresti

Budapesta este frumoasa in orice anotimp decizi sa o vizitezi insa parca cel mai bine arata vara. Am gasit-o insa in perioada in care isi proba hainele pentru sarbatoarea Zilei Nationale a Ungariei si pot spune ca arata superb.

Tapassio – Pasiune pentru tapasuri mediteraneene si unguresti

Marturisesc ca am facut ceva research inainte pentru alegerea unui restaurant pentru cina si pot spune ca nu a fost o misiune usoara deoarece aveam o singura incercare (corespunzatoare unei opriri de o zi) si aveam in minte niste locatii pe care le mai testasem deja, insa si unele noi, care se prezentau destul de bine.

Tapassio – Pasiune pentru tapasuri mediteraneene si unguresti

Tapassio – Pasiune pentru tapasuri mediteraneene si unguresti

Am ales pana la urma ceva inedit pentru Ungaria si anume un restaurant cu tapasuri mediteraneene si unguresti, fiind oaresicum o fana a acestor gustarici de sorginte spaniola, pe care le-am incercat in calatoriile mele in tara lui Cervantes. O alegere curajoasa ar putea spune multi doar incercand sa isi imagineze cum ar arata tapasurile in varianta ungureasca.

Tapassio – Pasiune pentru tapasuri mediteraneene si unguresti

Tapassio – Pasiune pentru tapasuri mediteraneene si unguresti

Ei bine, Tapassio a reusit sa ii infranga pe spanioli in deplasare, chiar la una dintre specialitatile bucatariei iberice, atat prin gustul desavarsit, autentic dar si prin varietate, pe langa variantele clasice facand loc si unora unguresti.

Tapassio – Pasiune pentru tapasuri mediteraneene si unguresti

Tapassio – Pasiune pentru tapasuri mediteraneene si unguresti

Tapassio – Pasiune pentru tapasuri mediteraneene si unguresti

Tapassio este foarte bine locat, in Hercegprímás utca 13 (foarte aproape de Catedrala Sf. Stefan) si arata senzational, iar designul interior si ambianta te teleporteaza aproape instantaneu in Spania.

Tapassio – Pasiune pentru tapasuri mediteraneene si unguresti

Tapassio – Pasiune pentru tapasuri mediteraneene si unguresti

Am fost intampinati de una dintre gazde – chiar imi pare rau ca nu l-am intrebat numele – un tip extraordinar cu ceva ani buni petrecuti in industria ospitalitatii din Cipru – care isi pusesera puternic amprenta asupra modului de abordare, servire. Pe scurt, omul stia ce face!

Tapassio – Pasiune pentru tapasuri mediteraneene si unguresti

Ne-a recomandat “I Trust The Chef” – o specialitate-surpriza a locatiei – insa venisem atat de decisi si aveam temele atat de bine facute (sau cel putin asa imi imaginam) incat am refuzat complet oferta si am comandat ceea ce aveam pe lista aproape din momentul in care m-am hotarat sa fac rezervarea: Melitzanosalata – Ciprusi padlizsánsaláta (Melitzanosalata – Cyprus eggplant salad), Muhammara-Paprikakrém dióval és gránátalmával (Muhammara- Pepper spread, walnuts and pomegranate), Mini lángos sajttal, tejföllel, lilahagymával (Mini „langosh” with cheese, sour cream and red onion).

Tapassio – Pasiune pentru tapasuri mediteraneene si unguresti

Am continuat cu Gnocchi gorgonzolával, serranóval és dióval (Gnocchi with gorgonzola, serrano and walnuts), Chipirones – Sült bébi-tintahal (Chipirones – Deep fried calamari), Gambas al ajillo – Fokhagymás tigrisrák (Gambas al ajillo – Prawns with garlic and olive oil), Csípős, vörösboros bébi-pol (Spicy baby octopus in red wine), Parmezános sült polenta szarvasgomba olajjal (Fried polenta with parmesan and truffle oil). Totul la superlativ! Eram atat de satisfacuta de preparate si mai ales de alegerile facute incat am ratat chiar cel mai reusit preparat…

Tapassio – Pasiune pentru tapasuri mediteraneene si unguresti

Tapassio – Pasiune pentru tapasuri mediteraneene si unguresti

Tapassio – Pasiune pentru tapasuri mediteraneene si unguresti

Sesizand incapatanarea si indaradnicirea, gazda ne-a adus din partea casei ceea ce refuzasem chiar de la inceput si anume: Vörösboros marhapofa (Beef cheek stew in red wine) – o varianta a gulasului unguresc deconstruita intr-un tapas autentic. Senzational!

Tapassio – Pasiune pentru tapasuri mediteraneene si unguresti

In materie de vinuri am mers tot pe recomandarea lui (Malatinszky Signature Chardonnay bio, 2022, Villány) si nu am dat gres nici aici. Unul dintre insotitori si-a dorit un cocktail – Lychee Martini (vodka, lychee, Martini Fiero, eggwhite) si acesta foarte reusit!

Tapassio – Pasiune pentru tapasuri mediteraneene si unguresti

Am ajuns insa si la marea lovitura de final: desertul, sau mai bine spus deserturile! Desi cu greu mai aveam loc de depozitare, am decis sa comandam o Kókuszos pannacotta erdei gyümölcs öntettel (vegán) (Coconut pannacotta with forest fruit sauce) – care s-a dovedit a fi una dintre cele mai reusite incercate vreodata, dar si o Madártej Fior di latte fagylalttal és pisztáciával (Floating Island with fior di latte ice cream and pistachio) – care este cea mai reusita reinterpretare a celebrei retete de Lapte de pasare, preparat pe care il ador, si a carui reteta traditionala o puteti regasi aici. Mi-am propus insa sa reproduc pe cat posibil (sper sa si reusesc) varianta incercata la Tapassio, pe care o consider una de senzatie!

Tapassio – Pasiune pentru tapasuri mediteraneene si unguresti

Tapassio – Pasiune pentru tapasuri mediteraneene si unguresti

La final am primit din partea gazdelor cate un shot pe baza de vodka si fructul pasiunii (nu l-am vazut in meniu, insa cu siguranta il mai pot reproduce la cerere) si am plecat multumindu-le pentru experienta senzationala. Voi reveni cu siguranta in aceasta minunata locatie de cate ori voi avea ocazia. 

Tapassio – Pasiune pentru tapasuri mediteraneene si unguresti

Daca v-a placut articolul Tapassio – Pasiune pentru tapasuri mediteraneene si unguresti, va invit sa incercati si:

Negro Carbon – Granada
Omaira Eiland Vishandel Amsterdam
g.Vino Wine Bar – Colourful Tbilisi

English version

Tapassio – Mediterranean and Hungarian Tapas with Passion

Inspiratie la Fix is on vacation! And like any self-respecting vacation, it started with a stop in Budapest. I found here among the recently opened restaurants a sensational location about which I am going to write next: Tapassio – Passion for Mediterranean and Hungarian tapas or the place where the Spanish were defeated abroad with their most formidable weapons!

Budapest is beautiful in any season you decide to visit, but it seems to look best in summer. But I found her when she was trying on her clothes for the Hungarian National Day celebration and I can say that she looked gorgeous.

I confess that I did some research before choosing a restaurant for dinner and I can say that it was not an easy mission because I had only one attempt (corresponding to a one-day stop) and I had in mind some locations that I had already tested, but and some new ones, which presented themselves quite well.

I finally chose something unique for Hungary, namely a restaurant with Mediterranean and Hungarian tapas, being somehow a fan of these snacks of Spanish origin, which I tried during my travels in the country of Cervantes. A brave choice many could say just by trying to imagine how the tapas would look in the Hungarian version.

Well, Tapassio managed to defeat the Spaniards, even at one of the specialties of the Iberian cuisine, both through the perfect, authentic taste but also through the variety, besides the classic versions making room for some Hungarian ones as well.

Tapassio is very well located, in Hercegprímás utca 13 (very close to St. Stephen’s Cathedral) and it looks sensational, and the interior design and ambience teleport you almost instantly to Spain.

We were greeted by one of the hosts – I’m really sorry I didn’t ask his name – a sensational guy with some good years spent in the hospitality industry in Cyprus – who had left a strong mark on the way of approach, service. In short, the man knew what he was doing!

He recommended „I Trust The Chef” – a surprise specialty of the location – but we had come so determined and had done our homework so well (or at least so I imagined) that we completely refused the offer and ordered what we had on hand the list almost from the moment I decided to make the reservation: Melitzanosalata – Ciprusi padlizsánsaláta (Melitzanosalata – Cyprus eggplant salad), Muhammara-Paprikakrém dióval és gránátalmával (Muhammara- Pepper spread, walnuts and pomegranate), Mini lángos sajttal, tejföllel, lilahalmaval (Mini „langosh” with cheese, sour cream and red onion).

We continued with Gnocchi gorgonzolával, serranóval és dióval (Gnocchi with gorgonzola, serrano and walnuts), Chipirones – Sült bébi-tintahal (Chipirones – Deep fried calamari), Gambas al ajillo – Fokhalumgas tigrisrák (Gambas al ajillo – Prawns with garlic and olive oil ), Csípős, vörösboros bébi-pol (Spicy baby octopus in red wine), Parmezános sült polenta szarvasgomba olajjal (Fried polenta with parmesan and truffle oil). Everything great! I was so satisfied with the dishes and especially with the choices made that I missed even the most successful dish…

Sensing our stubbornness, the host brought us from the house what we had refused from the very beginning, namely: Vörösboros marhapofa (Beef cheek stew in red wine) – a variant of the Hungarian goulash deconstructed into an authentic tapas. Sensational!

In terms of wines, I followed his recommendation (Malatinszky Signature Chardonnay bio, 2022, Villány) and I did not make a mistake here either. One of the companions wanted a cocktail – Lychee Martini (vodka, lychee, Martini Fiero, eggwhite) and it was very successful!

But we also reached the big final blow: the dessert, or better said the desserts! Although we hardly had any storage space left, we decided to order a Kókuszos pannacotta erdei gyümüks öntettel (vegán) (Coconut pannacotta with forest fruit sauce) – which turned out to be one of the most successful ever tried, but also a Madártej Fior di latte fagylalttal és pisztáciaval (Floating Island with fior di latte ice cream and pistachio) – which is the most successful reinterpretation of the famous Romanian Floating Milk recipe, a preparation that I adore, and whose traditional recipe you can find here. However, I have proposed to reproduce as much as possible (I hope I will succeed) the version tried at Tapassio, which I consider a sensation!

At the end, I received from the hosts a shot each based on vodka and passion fruit (I didn’t see it on the menu, but I can certainly reproduce it on request) and I left thanking them for the sensational experience. I will definitely return to this wonderful location whenever I have the opportunity.

If you liked the article Tapassio – Passion for Mediterranean and Hungarian tapas, I invite you to try Negro Carbon – Granada, Omaira Eiland Vishandel Amsterdam or g.Vino Wine Bar – Colourful Tbilisi.


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