Rainbow Yogurt Parfait sau culorile curcubeului intr-un singur pahar. Fructe proaspete si straturi de crema fina de iaurt, acest parfait transforma un mic dejun normal intr-un start de zi de mare exceptie, plin de energie si placere. Incercati-l o singura data si se va transforma in dependenta!
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INGREDIENTE (pentru 2 portii)
- 80 grame zahar pudra
- 225 grame iaurt grecesc
- 125 grame mascarpone
- 125 grame smantana dulce
- 1 lingurita pasta de vanilie
- 75 grame afine
- 75 grame mango
- 75 grame capsuni
- 2 kiwi
Intr-un blender mixam iaurtul cu mascarpone, smantana dulce, vanilie si zahar pudra timp de 40 de secunde pana obtinem o crema fina.
Asezam crema de iaurt in straturi alternative cu fructe pana umplem paharele. Eu am ales cubulete de kiwi si mango, afine si felii de capsune.
Servim parfait-ul cu iaurt si fructe, rece, simplu sau alaturi de muesli.
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English version
Rainbow Yogurt Parfait
Rainbow Yogurt Parfait or the colors of the rainbow in one glass. Fresh fruit and layers of fine yogurt cream, this parfait transforms a normal breakfast into an exceptional start to the day, full of energy and pleasure. Try it once and it will become addictive!
INGREDIENTS (for 2 servings)
- 80 grams of powdered sugar
- 225 grams of Greek yogurt
- 125 grams of mascarpone
- 125 double cream
- 1 teaspoon of vanilla paste
- 75 grams of blueberries
- 75 grams of mango
- 75 grams of strawberries
- 2 kiwi
In a blender, mix the yogurt with mascarpone, double cream, vanilla and powdered sugar for 40 seconds until you get a smooth cream.
Place the yogurt cream in alternate layers with fruits until we fill the glasses. I chose kiwi and mango cubes, blueberries and strawberry slices.
Serve the parfait with yogurt and fruit, cold, plain or with muesli.
If you liked the Rainbow Yogurt Parfait recipe, I invite you to try Mango Panna Cotta Cheesecake, Rice Cake Tiramisu or a Double mango pudding.
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