Acest pui cu zaatar si salata Fattoush reprezinta o idee buna pentru o masa de pranz sau o cina de inspiratie orientala. Puiul cu usturoi si condimente este plin de arome si foarte fraged, datorita marinadei sale. Pentru un gust perfect marinam carnea pentru cateva ore la rece sau in mod ideal peste noapte. Servim acest pui cu pita proaspata, hummus, salata Fattoush si un sos de iaurt cu tahini. Salata Fattoush este o salata pe care o vom intalni in restaurantele cu specific libanez, o combinatie proaspata, facuta cu legume de sezon si acoperita cu bucatele mici de lipie extra-crocanta, perfecta pentru a insoti puiul cu zaatar.
![Pui cu Zaatar si Salata Fattoush](
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INGREDIENTE (pentru 4 portii)
Pentru puiul cu zaatar:
- 500 grame muschiulet de pui
- 1 lingurita zaatar
- 8 catei de usturoi
- 2 linguri ulei de masline
- 1/4 lingurita piper
- Sucul de la 1/2 lamaie
- Sare
Pentru salata Fattoush:
- 1/4 salata eisberg
- 5 ridichi
- 2 castraveti cornison
- 2 cepe verzi
- 1 ceapa rosie
- 1/4 ardei gras rosu
- 2 rosii
- 2 catei de usturoi
- 1 legatura patrunjel verde
- 5 fire menta proaspata
- 1 lingurita sumac
- 1/4 rodie
- 2 lipii
- Sucul de la 1/4 lamaie
- 2 linguri melasa rodie
- 2 linguri ulei masline
- Sare
![Pui cu Zaatar si Salata Fattoush](
Pentru aceasta reteta eu am folosit muschiulet de pui, insa putem alege si piept sau pulpe de pui. Presaram carnea cu sare, piper si zaatar. Adaugam sucul de lamaie, usturoiul zdrobit si uleiul de masline. Amestecam bine si lasam la marinat la rece peste noapte.
Dupa marinare, incingem o tigaie tip grill si prajim puiul pe ambele parti. Taiem 2 lipii pe jumatate si le adaugam alaturi de pui pana cand sunt putin rumenite.
![Pui cu Zaatar si Salata Fattoush](
Punem lipiile pe un platou, adaugam desupra puiul si le decoram cu ardei iuti si rodie.
Pentru salata, taiem marunt salata, ardeii fasii, rosiile cuburi, ceapa verde inele si castravetii, ceapa rosie si ridichile felii subtiri. Punem toate legumele intr-un bol incapator si adaugam patrunjelul taiat marunt si rodia.
![Pui cu Zaatar si Salata Fattoush](
Intr-un blender punem frunzele de menta, sucul de lamaie, cateii de usturoi, uleiul de masline, sarea si melasa de rodie si mixam pentru a obtine un dressing gustos.
Intre timp, taiem lipia in fasii mici si o stropim cu foarte putin de ulei de masline si le prajim in Actifry pana cand sunt frumos rumenite.
Adaugam lipia crocanta peste legume si turnam deasupra dressingul. Amestecam bine si pregatim puiul.
![Pui cu Zaatar si Salata Fattoush](
Servim puiul cu zaatar alaturi de salata fattoush, un hummus cremos si un sos de iaurt cu tahini si usturoi.
![Pui cu Zaatar si Salata Fattoush](
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English version
Zaatar Chicken and Fattoush Salad
This chicken with za’atar and fattoush salad is a good idea for an oriental-inspired lunch or dinner. The chicken with garlic and spices is full of flavors and very tender, thanks to its marinade. For a perfect taste, marinate the meat for a few hours in the cold or ideally overnight. We serve this chicken with fresh pita, hummus, Fattoush salad and a yogurt sauce with tahini. Fattoush salad is a salad that we will meet in restaurants with specific Lebanese. A fresh salad, made with seasonal vegetables and covered with small pieces of extra-crispy lipia, perfect to accompany the chicken with za’atar.
INGREDIENTS (for 4 servings)
For the chicken with za’atar:
- 500 grams of chicken muscle
- 1 teaspoon za’atar
- 8 garlic cloves
- 2 tablespoons of olive oil
- 1/4 teaspoon pepper
- Juice from 1/2 lemon
- Salt
For the Fattoush salad:
- 1/4 iceberg lettuce
- 5 radishes
- 2 gherkins
- 2 green onions
- 1 red onion
- 1/4 red bell pepper
- 2 tomatoes
- 2 cloves of garlic
- 1 bunch green parsley
- 5 sprigs of fresh mint
- 1 teaspoon sumac
- 1/4 pomegranate
- 2 sticks
- Juice from 1/4 lemon
- 2 tablespoons pomegranate molasses
- 2 tablespoons of olive oil
- Salt
For this recipe, I used chicken tenderloin, but you can also choose chicken breast or thighs. Sprinkle the meat with salt, pepper and za’atar. Add the lemon juice, crushed garlic and olive oil. Mix well and leave to marinate in the cold overnight.
After marinating, heat a grill pan and fry the chicken on both sides. Cut 2 pita bread in half and add them to the grill until they are slightly browned.
Put the grilled pita breads on a plate, add the chicken on top and decorate them with hot peppers and pomegranate.
For the salad, finely chop the lettuce, bell peppers, diced tomatoes, green onion rings and cucumbers, red onion and radishes thinly sliced. Put all the vegetables in a large bowl and add the finely chopped parsley and pomegranate.
Put the mint leaves, lemon juice, garlic cloves, olive oil, salt and pomegranate molasses in a blender and mix to get a tasty dressing.
In the meantime, cut the pita bread into small strips, sprinkle them with a little olive oil along the way and fry them in the Actifry until they are nicely browned.
Add the crispy paste over the vegetables and pour the dressing on top. Mix well and prepare the chicken.
Serve the chicken with za’atar alongside Fattoush salad, a creamy hummus and a yogurt sauce with tahini and garlic.
If you liked the recipe for Chicken with Zaatar and Fattoush Salad, I invite you to try Baked sea bream with Fattoush salad, Lebanese Mezze or a Turkish Lunch.
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