Daca va intrebati cum poate fi broccoli-ul consumat crud si de ce ar trebui sa-l incercati in aceasta forma, aflati ca este, de fapt, o varianta extrem de gustoasa si nutritiva. Aceasta salata combina prospetimea buchetelelor de broccoli cu dulceata ardeiului rosu si a merelor, accentuate de savoarea semintelor de pin si de un dressing simplu, dar aromat. Fiecare ingredient din aceasta reteta are un rol important, de la vitaminele si antioxidantii din broccoli si ardei, pana la grasimile sanatoase din uleiul de masline si semintele de pin. Tot ce aveti nevoie sunt cateva ingrediente simple si cateva minute pentru a crea o salata de broccoli cu ardei gras rosu si seminte de pin delicioasa, perfecta pentru o masa usoara si plina de energie.
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INGREDIENTE (pentru 4 portii)
- 150 grame broccoli
- 1/2 ardei gras rosu
- 1/2 mar
- 15 grame seminte de pin
- 10 ml ulei de masline
- 7,5 grame otel alb balsamic de fructe
- 1 lingurita miere
- 1 lingurita mustar
- 1/2 lingurita sare aromata cu ierburi sau simpla
- 1/4 lingurita piper negru
Spalam bine legumele si fructele, apoi le pregatim astfel: separam broccoli-ul in buchetele mici, taiem ardeiul in cuburi mici, iar marul il impartim in sferturi.
Introducem toate legumele in blender, adaugand si semintele de pin, uleiul de masline, otetul, mierea, sarea, mustarul si piperul negru, apoi mixam pentru cateva secunde pana obtinem o consistenta omogena.
Daca nu avem la dispozitie un blender, taiem legumele in bucati mai mici si le punem intr-un bol impreuna cu semintele de pin; adaugam ingredientele pentru dressing intr-un borcan cu capac si agitam bine pentru a se omogeniza.
Servim salata la temperatura camerei.
Detaliile video ale retetei:
Daca v-a placut Salata de broccoli cu ardei gras rosu si seminte de pin, va invit sa incercati si:
English version
Broccoli Salad with Red Bell Pepper and Pine Seeds
If you are wondering how broccoli can be eaten raw and why you should try it in this form, find out that it is, in fact, an extremely tasty and nutritious option. This salad combines the freshness of broccoli florets with the sweetness of red pepper and apples, accentuated by the flavor of pine seeds and a simple but aromatic dressing. Every ingredient in this recipe has an important role, from the vitamins and antioxidants in the broccoli and peppers, to the healthy fats in the olive oil and pine seeds. All you need are a few simple ingredients and a few minutes to create a broccoli salad with red bell pepper and fenugreek seeds, perfect for a light and energetic meal.
INGREDIENTS (for 4 servings)
- 150 grams broccoli
- 1/2 red bell pepper
- 1/2 apple
- 15 grams pine seeds
- 10 ml olive oil
- 7.5 grams white fruit balsamic vinegar
- 1 teaspoon honey
- 1 teaspoon mustard
- 1/2 teaspoon herb salt or plain salt
- 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
Wash the vegetables and fruits well, then prepare them as follows: separate the broccoli into small florets, cut the pepper into small cubes, and divide the apple into quarters.
Put all the vegetables in the blender, adding the pine seeds, olive oil, vinegar, honey, salt, mustard and black pepper, then mix for a few seconds until you get a homogeneous consistency.
If we don’t have a blender, cut the vegetables into smaller pieces and put them in a bowl together with the pine seeds; add the ingredients for the dressing in a jar with a lid and shake well to homogenize.
Serve the salad at room temperature.
If you liked the broccoli salad with red bell pepper and pine seeds, I invite you to try Mozzarella, Melon and Prosciutto Salad, Salad with spinach, bacon and pine seeds or Salad with Fennel and Apples
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