Coaste de porc la cuptor, o alegere ideala pentru o masa consistenta si plina de arome. Perfect condimentate si gatite lent, aceste coaste devin atat de fragede incat carnea se desprinde usor de pe os si aproape se topeste in gura. Este o reteta care combina simplitatea cu rafinamentul, transformand o bucata de carne intr-un festin de neuitat. Fie ca le pregatiti pentru o masa de familie, o intalnire cu prietenii sau o sarbatoare, coastele de porc la cuptor vor fi mereu in centrul atentiei. Secretul consta in alegerea carnii, marinarea atenta si gatitul lent, care intensifica aromele si asigura textura perfecta. Servite alaturi de garnituri precum cartofi prajiti aromati sau muraturi crocante, coastele de porc la cuptor sunt cu siguranta o experienta culinara de neuitat!
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INGREDIENTE (pentru 6 portii)
- 3 kg coaste
- 3 lingurite sare mare
- 3 lingurite cimbru
- 3 lingurite paprika dulce sau iute, dupa preferinte
- 2 lingurite piper
- 300 ml supa Zwup de pui
Pentru aceasta reteta, alegem o carne de calitate superioara, alegand un sir de coaste care sa contina o proportie adecvata de carne, si nu doar oase. Curatam cu atentie carnea cu servetele absorbante si o condimentam cu sare, cimbru, paprika si piper. Permitem carnii sa se marineze timp de 24 de ore, iar ideal ar fi sa o vidam si sa o pastram la frigider.
In ziua urmatoare, desfacem carnea si preincalzim o tigaie la temperatura ridicata. Prajim fiecare coasta timp de doua minute pe fiecare parte, fara a adauga ulei. Plasam bucatile prajite intr-o tava de cuptor si le acoperim cu supa de pui. Acoperim carnea cu o hârtie de copt umezita cu apa si apoi sigilam cu folie de aluminiu.
Introducem tava in cuptorul preincalzit la 160 de grade Celsius pentru patru ore. Dupa acest interval, indepartam folia de aluminiu si hartia de copt, stropim coastele cu sosul din tava si le lasam la cuptor pentru inca 45-60 de minute, pana cand friptura devine frumos rumenita. Pentru a obtine o culoare atragatoare si un gust delicios, stropim friptura din cand in cand cu sosul din tava.
Servim coastele fragede alaturi de cartofi prajiti cu parmezan, patrunjel si usturoi, sosuri la alegere si muraturi si evident un pahar de Protocol 2021 Merlot sec de la Crama Stramutata.
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English version
Oven-Baked Pork Ribs
Oven-baked pork ribs are an ideal choice for a meal that is both hearty and full of flavor. Perfectly seasoned and slow-cooked, these ribs become so tender that the meat easily falls off the bone and practically melts in your mouth. This recipe combines simplicity with refinement, transforming a piece of meat into an unforgettable feast. Whether you prepare them for a family dinner, a gathering with friends, or a special celebration, oven-baked pork ribs will always be the centerpiece of the table. The secret lies in selecting high-quality meat, careful marination, and slow cooking, which intensifies the flavors and ensures the perfect texture. Served with side dishes like aromatic fried potatoes or crunchy pickles, oven-baked pork ribs are undoubtedly a culinary experience to remember!
INGREDIENTS (for 6 servings)
- 3 kg pork ribs
- 3 teaspoons coarse salt
- 3 teaspoons thyme
- 3 teaspoons sweet or hot paprika, depending on preference
- 2 teaspoons pepper
- 300 ml Zwup chicken broth
For this recipe, select high-quality meat, choosing a rack of ribs with a good proportion of meat, not just bones. Carefully pat the meat dry with paper towels, then season it with salt, thyme, paprika, and pepper. Allow the meat to marinate for 24 hours, ideally vacuum-sealing it and storing it in the refrigerator.
The next day, take the meat out and preheat a pan to high heat. Sear each rib for two minutes on each side without adding oil. Place the seared pieces in a baking dish and cover them with chicken broth. Top the meat with a sheet of parchment paper moistened with water, then seal the dish with aluminum foil.
Place the dish in a preheated oven at 160°C (320°F) for four hours. After this time, remove the aluminum foil and parchment paper, baste the ribs with the sauce from the dish, and return them to the oven for another 45–60 minutes, until beautifully browned. To achieve an attractive color and enhance the flavor, occasionally baste the meat with the sauce from the dish.
Serve the tender ribs with Parmesan, parsley, and garlic-seasoned fries, your favorite sauces, and pickles.
If you enjoyed the recipe for oven-baked pork ribs, I invite you to try these as well Pork Ribs with Baked Potatoes, Veal ribs with caramelized quince sauce and horseradish or Pork Ribs with Thyme.
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