Strudel cu mere si inghetata de vanilie


Strudel cu mere si inghetata de vanilie este o delicioasa reteta care combina aromele dulce-acrisoare ale merelor coapte cu crocantul aluatului de foietaj si savoarea nucilor, stafidelor si merisoarelor. Acest desert simplu de preparat aduce un contrast perfect intre textura fina a foietajului si umplutura suculenta de mere, iar servit alaturi de inghetata de vanilie, devine cu adevarat irezistibil. Fie ca il pregatiti pentru o masa de familie sau pentru o ocazie speciala, acest strudel va cuceri cu siguranta toate gusturile. Cu un amestec de ingrediente simple, dar pline de savoare, reteta noastra promite sa devina una dintre cele mai apreciate din repertoriul culinar.

Strudel cu mere si inghetata de vanilie

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INGREDIENTE (pentru 6 portii)

  • 400 grame aluat foietaj
  • 500 grame mere
  • 50 grame nuci
  • 100 grame biscuiti
  • 50 grame stafide
  • 50 grame merisoare
  • 60 grame zahar
  • 2 lingurite scortisoara
  • 1 ou
Strudel cu mere si inghetata de vanilie

Spalam merele, le taiem in sferturi si indepartam cotorul, pastrand insa coaja. Fiecare sfert se taie apoi in felii subtiri, pe care le punem intr-un bol incapator.

Peste mere, adaugam nucile tocate grosier, biscuitii macinati fin, stafidele, merisoarele, zaharul si scortisoara. Amestecam bine cu mana, presand usor pentru a ajuta merele sa isi elibereze sucul, astfel incat compozitia sa devina usor umeda.

Strudel cu mere si inghetata de vanilie

Pe un blat presarat cu faina, intindem aluatul de foietaj cu ajutorul unui sucitor. Plasam compozitia de mere in mijlocul aluatului si o acoperim cu acesta, avand grija ca rulada sa fie bine inchisa. O asezam intr-o tava de copt, cu partea sigilata in jos, si o ungem cu ou batut. Pentru o varianta de post, acest pas se poate omite.

Strudel cu mere si inghetata de vanilie

Introducem rulada in cuptorul preincalzit la 200°C si o coacem timp de 10 minute, apoi reducem temperatura la 180°C si o lasam sa se coaca inca 35 de minute, pana cand devine frumos rumenita.

Lasam sa se raceasca usor, apoi o servim simplu sau cu inghetata, dupa preferinta.

Strudel cu mere si inghetata de vanilie

Detaliile video ale retetei:

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Galuste cu prune la tava
Galuste cu prune la tava
(Altfel de) Strudel cu mere
(Altfel de) Strudel cu mere
Kanelbullar - Rulouri suedeze cu scortisoara
Kanelbullar – Rulouri suedeze cu scortisoara

English version

Strudel with Apples and Vanilla Ice Cream

Baked with the crispiness of puff pastry and the flavors of walnuts, raisins, and cranberries, this dessert offers a perfect contrast between the delicate texture of the pastry and the juicy apple filling. Served alongside vanilla ice cream, it becomes truly irresistible. Whether you’re preparing it for a family meal or a special occasion, this strudel is sure to win everyone’s heart. With a blend of simple yet flavorful ingredients, our recipe promises to become one of the most beloved dishes in your culinary repertoire.

INGREDIENTS (for 6 servings)

  • 400 grams puff pastry
  • 500 grams apples
  • 50 grams walnuts
  • 100 grams biscuits
  • 50 grams raisins
  • 50 grams cranberries
  • 60 grams sugar
  • 2 teaspoons cinnamon
  • 1 egg

Wash the apples, cut them into quarters, and remove the cores while keeping the skin on. Then, slice each quarter into thin pieces and place them in a large bowl.

Add the coarsely chopped walnuts, finely ground biscuits, raisins, cranberries, sugar, and cinnamon to the apples. Mix well with your hands, gently pressing to help the apples release their juice, so that the mixture becomes slightly moist.

On a floured surface, roll out the puff pastry with a rolling pin. Place the apple mixture in the center of the pastry and cover it with the dough, ensuring that the strudel is well sealed. Place it in a baking tray, with the sealed side facing down, and brush it with the beaten egg. For a vegan version, you can skip this step.

Place the strudel in a preheated oven at 200°C and bake for 10 minutes. Then, reduce the temperature to 180°C and bake for another 35 minutes, until golden brown.

Allow to cool slightly, then serve it plain or with ice cream, as preferred.

If you liked the Strudel with Apples and Vanilla Ice Cream recipe, I invite you to try One Pan Plum Dumplings, Apple Strudel or Kanelbullar – Swedish Cinnamon Buns.


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