Descoperiti o salata vibranta care imbina savoarea tonului cu textura bogata a fasolei si aroma intensa a ardeilor copti. Aceasta reteta de salata cu ton, fasole si ardei copti este perfecta pentru o masa satioasa, dar usoara, ideala pentru zilele de vara sau ca o optiune de pranz nutritiv. Fiecare ingredient adauga un strat de complexitate si gust, de la fasolea alba, bogata in proteine, la ardeii kapia dulci si fumurii, cepele rosii crocante, mixul de salata verde proaspata, si pana la combinatia de masline verzi si kalamata. Tonul din conserva, sursa excelenta de Omega-3, se imbina armonios cu textura cremoasa a avocado si cu ouale fierte la perfectiune. Dressingul, un amestec rafinat de mustar, ulei de la conserva de ton si otet balsamic, leaga toate aceste arome, transformand salata intr-o experienta culinara de neuitat. Pregatiti-va sa va delectati papilele gustative cu aceasta salata colorata si plina de nutrienti, care promite sa devina rapid un favorit al familiei!

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INGREDIENTE (pentru 4 portii)
- 240 grame fasole alba din conserva
- 5 ardei kapia
- 2 cepe rosii
- 50 grame mix de salata verde
- 50 grame masline verzi
- 50 grame masline kalamata
- 200 grame ton in conserva
- 1 avocado
- 4 oua fierte
- 1 lingurita mustar
- 2 lingurite ulei de la conserva de ton
- 1 lingura otet balsamic
- Sare

Spalam ardeii si ii coacem in cuptor sau in Actifry timp de 20 – 25 minute. Ii scoatem apoi intr-un bol si ii presaram cu sare mare. Acoperim cu un capac, lasam 15 minute apoi curatam ardeii de coaja si de seminte.

Taiem ardeii in fasii subtiri si ii punem intr-un bol. Adaugam fasolea din conserva, clatita cu apa rece si bine scursa, ceapa rosie taiata in cubulete mici, mixul de frunze de salata, maslinele verzi intregi si maslinele kalamata taiate felii. Amestecam usor si adaugam tonul scurs de ulei, avocado taiat in cubulete si sare.

Pentru dressing amestecam mustarul cu 2 lingurite de ulei din conserva de ton si otetul balsamic. Mixam pana cand obtinem o emulsie cremoasa pe care o adaugam peste salata. Amestecam usor si rasturnam pe un platou.
Decoram cu oua fierte mediu spre tare si servim cu multa pofta alaturi de paine prajita.

Detaliile video ale retetei:
Daca v-a placut reteta de Salata cu ton, fasole si ardei copti, va invit sa incercati si:

English version
Tuna, Beans and Roasted Peppers Salad
Discover a vibrant salad that combines the taste of tuna with the rich texture of beans and the intense aroma of baked peppers. This salad recipe with tuna, beans and baked peppers is perfect for a filling but light meal, ideal for summer days or as a nutritious lunch option. Each ingredient adds a layer of complexity and taste, from the protein-rich white beans, to the sweet and smoky kapia peppers, the crispy red onions, the fresh green salad mix, and to the combination of green olives and kalamata. Canned tuna, an excellent source of Omega-3, combines harmoniously with the creamy texture of avocado and eggs cooked to perfection. The dressing, a refined mixture of mustard, canned tuna oil and balsamic vinegar, binds all these flavors, turning the salad into an unforgettable culinary experience. Get ready to delight your taste buds with this colorful and nutritious salad, which promises to quickly become a family favorite!
INGREDIENTS (for 4 servings)
- 240 grams canned white beans
- 5 capsicum peppers
- 2 red onions
- 50 grams green salad mix
- 50 grams green olives
- 50 grams kalamata olives
- 200 grams canned tuna
- 1 avocado
- 4 boiled eggs
- 1 teaspoon mustard
- 2 teaspoons oil from a can of tuna
- 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
- Salt
Wash the peppers and bake them in the oven or in the Actifry for 20 – 25 minutes. Then take them out in a bowl and sprinkle them with large salt. Cover with a lid, leave for 15 minutes, then clean the peppers from their shells and seeds.
Cut the peppers into thin strips and put them in a bowl. Add the canned beans, rinsed with cold water and well drained, the red onion cut into small cubes, the mix of salad leaves. whole green olives and sliced kalamata olives. Mix gently and add the oil-drained tuna, cubed avocado and salt.
For the dressing, mix the mustard with 2 teaspoons of canned tuna oil and balsamic vinegar. Mix until we get a creamy emulsion that we add on top of the salad. Mix gently and turn over on a plate.
Decorate with medium to hard-boiled eggs and serve with toast bread.
If you liked the recipe for Salad with tuna, beans and roasted peppers, I invite you to try Tuna Salad with Cranberries and Celery, Tuna Rillettes or a Tuna Salad.
- Supa de rosii, linte si cimbru
- Salata de ardei copti cu burrata
- Calamari la cuptor cu rosii si masline
- Perfect Wedges
- Salata de cartofi cu caracatita
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