Descopera o reteta delicioasa care imbina savoarea pastelor cu prospetimea legumelor: Spaghetti pomodoro cu crispy zucchini! Acest fel de mancare este perfect pentru o cina de vara, combinand textura ferma a pastelor cu dulceata rosiilor si crocantețea zucchini-ului. Sosul pomodoro, bogat in arome datorita usturoiului si oregano-ului, este simplu de preparat si transforma spaghetele intr-o experienta culinara italiana autentica. Dovleceii crispy, taiati subtire si imbracati intr-un amestec de pesmet si parmezan, adauga un contrast de textura care incanta simturile. Finalizat cu mozzarella topita si busuioc proaspat, acest fel de mancare este o adevarata sarbatoare a gusturilor.

INGREDIENTE (pentru 2 portii)
- 200 grame spaghetti
- 400 grame rosii in sos tomat
- 2 catei de usturoi
- 1 lingurita de oregano
- 1 dovlecel
- 1 ou
- 1/2 cana pesmet
- 1/2 cana parmezan
- 1/2 cana mozzarella rasa
- 2 linguri ulei de masline
- 1/4 lingurita fulgi de chilli
- Sare
- Busuioc

Primul pas este pregatirea sosului pomodoro. Incalzim o lingura de ulei de masline intr-o tigaie si adaugam cateii de usturoi zdrobiti. Ii calim timp de 20 de secunde apoi adaugam rosiile in sos tomat, sare si oregano. Zdrobim rosiile cu ajutorul unei linguri si gatim la foc mediu pentru 15 minute.

Pentru pregatirea dovleceilor, ii spalam si ii taiem in felii subtiri. Intr-un bol batem oul cu sare si adaugam feliile de dovlecel, pesmet, parmezan si fulgii de chilli. Amestecam bine si transferam pe o tava acoperita cu hartie de copt. Aranjam dovleceii intr-un singur strat si distribuim restul amestecului crocant in tava. Introducem in cuptorul incins la 180 grade Celsius pentru 15 – 20 de minute pana cand sunt frumos rumeniti.

Scoatem tava din cuptor si presaram cu mozzarella rasa. Mai lasam la cuptor inca 5 minute, apoi scoatem si presaram cu busuioc si stropim cu o lingura de ulei de masline.

Intre timp fierbem spaghetele conform indicatiilor de pe ambalaj, le scurgem si le adaugam peste sosul de rosii. Amestecam si incalzim timp de un minut, apoi distribuim pastele in doua farfurii adanci. Adaugam dovlecelul crocant, presaram cu parmezan ras si busuioc proaspat.

Servim cu multa pofta alaturi de un pahar cu vin alb.

Daca v-a placut reteta de Spaghetti pomodoro cu crispy zucchini, va invit sa incercati si:

English version
Spaghetti Pomodoro with Crispy Zucchini
Spaghetti Pomodoro with Crispy Zucchini. This dish is perfect for a summer dinner, combining the firm texture of pasta with the sweetness of tomatoes and the crunchiness of zucchini. Pomodoro sauce, rich in flavors thanks to garlic and oregano, is simple to prepare and turns spaghetti into an authentic Italian culinary experience. Crispy zucchini, thinly sliced and dressed in a mixture of breadcrumbs and Parmesan cheese, add a textural contrast that delights the senses. Finished with melted mozzarella and fresh basil, this dish is a true feast of tastes.
INGREDIENTS (for 2 servings)
- 200 grams spaghetti
- 400 grams tomatoes in tomato sauce
- 2 cloves garlic
- 1 teaspoon oregano
- 1 zucchini
- 1 egg
- 1/2 cup breadcrumbs
- 1/2 cup parmesan
- 1/2 cup grated mozzarella
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
- 1/4 teaspoon chili flakes
- Salt
- Basil
The first step is to prepare the pomodoro sauce. Heat a spoonful of olive oil in a pan and add crushed garlic cloves. Saute them for 20 seconds, then add the tomatoes in tomato sauce, salt and oregano. Crush the tomatoes with a spoon and cook on medium heat for 15 minutes.
To prepare the zucchini, wash them and cut them into thin slices. In a bowl, beat the egg with salt and add the zucchini slices, breadcrumbs, parmesan and chili flakes. Mix well and transfer to a tray covered with baking paper. Arrange the zucchini in a single layer and distribute the rest of the crunchy mixture in the pan. Place in the oven heated to 180 degrees Celsius for 15 – 20 minutes until they are nicely browned.
Remove the pan from the oven and sprinkle with grated mozzarella. Leave in the oven for another 5 minutes, then take out, sprinkle with basil and sprinkle with a spoonful of olive oil.
In the meantime, cook the spaghetti according to the instructions on the package, drain it and add it over the tomato sauce. Mix and heat for a minute, then distribute the pasta in two deep plates. Add the crispy zucchini, sprinkle with grated parmesan and fresh basil.
Serve with great appetite with a glass of white wine.
If you liked the Spaghetti pomodoro recipe with crispy zucchini, I invite you to try Wholemeal Pasta with Lemon Sauce and Burrata, Tomatoes Sauce, Burrata and Parmesan with Basil Linguine or Truffle Tagliolini with Butter Sauce.
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