Salata cu mozzarella, pepene galben si prosciutto sau ce faci cand soarele arde implacabil si caldura verii te face sa te gandesti de doua ori inainte de a aprinde aragazul. Ce poate fi mai racoritor decat o salata care combina dulceata pepenelui galben cu savoarea prosciutto-ului si delicatetea mozzarellei? Ei bine, dragi gurmanzi, pregatiti-va pentru o aventura culinara care va va rasfata papilele gustative fara a va supraincalzi bucataria! Aceasta salata cu mozarella, pepene galben si prosciutto nu este doar un festin pentru simturi, ci si o opera de arta comestibila, care aduce un omagiu lenii zilelor de vara. Cu ingrediente care par sa fi fost facute unul pentru celalalt si un mod de preparare atat de simplu incat chiar si un maimutoi dresat ar putea sa-l urmeze, aceasta salata este vedeta necontestata a oricarui picnic sau pranz lenes de duminica. Deci, scoateti bolurile, pregatiti-va de taiat si sa ne bucuram de aceasta simfonie de arome!
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INGREDIENTE (pentru 4 portii)
- 1 pepene galben mic
- 150 grame mini mozzarella
- 75 grame prosciutto crudo
- Busuioc proaspat
- 1 lingura ulei de masline
- 1 lingura otet balsamic
Modul de preparare este foarte simplu. Curatam pepenele de coaja si de semintele din interior, apoi il taiem in cubulete sau, daca avem un instrument special, il transformam in sfere.
Intr-un bol, aranjam pepenele galben, bilele de mozzarella si fasiile de prosciutto. Decoram cu frunze de busuioc proaspat.
Servim cu ulei de masline si otet balsamic, alaturi de o felie de focaccia sau o chifla cu masline.
Detaliile video ale retetei:
Daca v-a placut reteta de Salata cu mozzarella, pepene galben si prosciutto, va invit sa incercati si:
English version
Mozzarella, Melon and Prosciutto Salad
Mozzarella, Melon and Prosciutto Salad or what do you do when the sun burns relentlessly and the summer heat makes you think twice before turning on the stove. What can be more refreshing than a salad that combines the sweetness of melon with the taste of prosciutto and the delicacy of mozzarella? Well, dear foodies, get ready for a culinary adventure that will pamper your taste buds without overheating your kitchen! This salad with mozzarella, melon and prosciutto is not only a feast for the senses, but also an edible work of art, which pays homage to the laziness of summer days. With ingredients that seem to have been made for each other and a preparation method so simple that even a trained monkey could follow it, this salad is the undisputed star of any picnic or lazy Sunday lunch. So, take out the bowls, get ready to cut and let’s enjoy this symphony of flavors!
INGREDIENTS (for 4 servings)
- 1 small melon
- 150 grams mini mozzarella
- 75 grams prosciutto crudo
- fresh basil
- 1 tablespoon olive oil
- 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
The preparation method is very simple. Clean the watermelon from the skin and the seeds inside, then we cut it into cubes or, if you have a special tool, transform it into spheres.
In a bowl, arrange the melon, the mozzarella balls and the prosciutto strips. Decorate with fresh basil leaves.
Serve with olive oil and balsamic vinegar, along with a slice of focaccia or a bun with olives.
If you liked the recipe for Salad with mozzarella, melon and prosciutto, I invite you to try a Summer Salad, Raspberries, Apples and Caramelized Walnuts Salad or a Salad with Fennel and Apples.
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