Scrambled eggs cu ricotta reprezinta o reinterpretare sofisticata a unei retete clasice, ideale pentru un mic dejun savuros sau un brunch relaxant. Textura cremoasa a oualor, completata de finetea untului si notele delicate ale ricottei, transforma acest preparat intr-o experienta culinara deosebita. Simplitatea ingredientelor este pusa in valoare de tehnica gatitului, care mentine ouale fragede si pline de savoare. Aceasta reteta este perfecta pentru cei care apreciaza combinatiile echilibrate de arome si texturi, oferind un preparat hranitor, usor de realizat, dar totodata rafinat. Pentru un plus de prospetime si savoare, ouale se servesc alaturi de o salsa vibranta din rosii, ceapa si avocado, acompaniata de felii crocante de paine prajita.

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INGREDIENTE (pentru 1 portie)
- 2 oua
- 1 lingura ulei de masline
- 20 grame de unt
- 25 grame ricotta
- sare
Intr-un bol incapator, spargem cu grija doua oua si le batem energic cu un praf de sare, asigurandu-ne ca obtinem o consistenta omogena si spumoasa. Intre timp, punem o tigaie antiaderenta pe foc mediu si adaugam uleiul de masline, lasandu-l sa se incinga usor. Turnam ouale batute in tigaie, distribuindu-le uniform, si le lasam sa se gateasca pana cand marginile incep sa se inchege si sa formeze o textura ferma.

Cu o spatula, amestecam usor compozitia, ridicand ouale de pe fundul tigaii, pentru a crea o textura aerata si stratificata. Cand ouale sunt aproape complet coagulate, dar pastreaza o usoara cremozitate, retragem tigaia de pe foc si adaugam untul, amestecand cu grija pana cand acesta se topeste complet si se incorporeaza in omleta, conferindu-i un plus de finete.

La final, adaugam ricotta, amestecand usor pentru a pastra bucatele vizibile si neomogenizate, care vor aduce un contrast placut de textura si savoare.

Preparatul se serveste cald, alaturi de o salsa proaspata din rosii, ceapa si avocado, acompaniata de felii de paine prajita.

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English version
Ricotta Scrambled Eggs
Ricotta scrambled eggs is a sophisticated reinterpretation of a classic recipe, perfect for a delicious breakfast or a relaxing brunch. The creamy texture of the eggs, complemented by the richness of the butter and the delicate notes of ricotta, transforms this dish into a unique culinary experience. The simplicity of the ingredients is enhanced by the cooking technique, which keeps the eggs tender and full of flavor. This recipe is ideal for those who appreciate balanced combinations of flavors and textures, offering a nourishing, easy-to-make dish that is also refined. For an extra touch of freshness and flavor, the eggs are served alongside a vibrant salsa made of tomatoes, onions, and avocado, complemented by crispy toast.
INGREDIENTS (for 1 serving):
- 2 eggs
- 1 tablespoon olive oil
- 20 grams of butter
- 25 grams ricotta
- Salt
In a large bowl, carefully crack the two eggs and beat them vigorously with a pinch of salt, ensuring you achieve a smooth and fluffy consistency. Meanwhile, heat a non-stick pan over medium heat and add the olive oil, letting it warm up slightly. Pour the beaten eggs into the pan, distributing them evenly, and let them cook until the edges start to set, forming a firm texture.
Using a spatula, gently stir the mixture, lifting the eggs off the bottom of the pan to create an airy, layered texture. When the eggs are almost fully set but still retain a slight creaminess, remove the pan from the heat and add the butter, stirring gently until it melts completely and incorporates into the scrambled eggs, adding a touch of smoothness.
Finally, add the ricotta, stirring gently to preserve the visible, unblended chunks that will add a pleasant contrast in texture and flavor.
Serve the dish warm, accompanied by a fresh salsa made of tomatoes, onions, and avocado, with crispy slices of toasted bread.
If you enjoyed the Scrambled Eggs with Ricotta recipe, I invite you to try Scrambled Eggs with Parmesan and Prosciutto Crudo Chips, Bacon Scrambled Eggs or a Chorizo and Eggs Breakfast Skillet.
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