Bine ati venit in lumea culinara unde somonul nu este doar un peste, ci un superstar al bucatariei, iar legumele nu sunt doar garnituri, ci co-staruri intr-un spectacol de arome! Astazi, va invit sa descoperiti o reteta care transforma cina obisnuita intr-o aventura gastronomica: Somon cu susan si legume la cuptor. Este o reteta atat de buna, incat chiar si broccoli-ul pare entuziasmat sa participe. Si daca va intrebati, „Dar de ce susan negru?”, ei bine, este pentru acel twist de mister si eleganta, ca o rochie de seara pentru somon. Asa ca pregatiti-va pentru o experienta culinara care va face chiar si cartofii dulci sa se simta extra speciali. Haideti sa incepem acest spectacol culinar, unde fiecare ingredient joaca un rol esential in crearea unei simfonii de gusturi care va vor face sa spuneti: „Mai vreau!”
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INGREDIENTE (pentru 3 portii)
- 3 fileuri de somon, aproximativ 750 grame
- 3 cartofi dulci
- 400 grame broccoli
- 300 grame rosii cherry
- 2 linguri ulei de masline
- 1 lingura tahini
- 1 lingura iaurt
- Sucul de la 1/2 lamaie
- 3 lingurite susan negru
- Sare
Pentru a pregati somonul, il curatam de solzi si il condimentam cu sare, dupa care il depozitam in frigider. Intre timp, ne ocupam de legume.
Spalam bine cartofii dulci si ii taiem in felii groase. Ii punem la fiert intr-o oala cu apa sau la abur si ii fierbem timp de 7 minute apoi ii scurgem.
Ungem o tava termorezistenta cu ulei si rasturnam cartofii dulci, condimentam cu sare si ii introducem in cuptorul incins la 180 grade Celsius pentru 20 de minute. Intre timp pregatim sosul tahini, amestecand pasta de susan cu iaurt, suc de lamaie si putina sare.
Adaugam apoi buchetele de broccoli, rosiile cherry si fileurile de somon si presaram cu sare. Ungem fileurile de somon cu sos de tahnini cu iaurt, presaram susan si introducem din nou la cuptor pentru inca 20 de minute.
Servim somonul alaturi de legume si sos racoritor de tahini cu iaurt.
Detaliile video ale retetei:
Daca v-a placut reteta de Somon cu susan si legume la cuptor va invit sa incercati si:
English version
Baked Salmon with Sesame and Vegetables
Welcome to the culinary world where salmon is not just a fish, but a superstar of the kitchen, and vegetables are not just side dishes, but co-stars in a show of flavors! Today, I invite you to discover a recipe that turns an ordinary dinner into a gastronomic adventure: Salmon with sesame and baked vegetables. It’s such a good recipe that even the broccoli seems excited to participate. And if you ask yourself, „But why black sesame?”, well, it’s for that twist of mystery and elegance, like an evening dress for salmon. So get ready for a culinary experience that will make even sweet potatoes feel extra special. Let’s start this culinary show, where each ingredient plays an essential role in creating a symphony of tastes that will make you say: „I want more!”
INGREDIENTS (for 3 servings)
- 3 salmon fillets, about 750 grams
- 3 sweet potatoes
- 400 grams broccoli
- 300 grams cherry tomatoes
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
- 1 tablespoon tahini
- 1 tablespoon yogurt
- Juice from 1/2 lemon
- 3 teaspoons black sesame
- Salt
To prepare the salmon, clean it of scales and season it with salt, then store it in the refrigerator. In the meantime, we take care of the vegetables.
Wash the sweet potatoes well and cut them into thick slices. Boil them in a pot of water or steam and boil them for 7 minutes, then drain them.
Grease a heat-resistant tray with oil and turn the sweet potatoes over, season with salt and put them in the oven heated to 180 degrees Celsius for 20 minutes. In the meantime, prepare the tahini sauce, mixing the sesame paste with yogurt, lemon juice and salt.
Then add the broccoli florets, cherry tomatoes and salmon fillets and sprinkle with salt. Brush the salmon fillets with tahini sauce with yogurt, sprinkle with sesame seeds and put back in the oven for another 20 minutes.
Serve the salmon with vegetables and a refreshing tahini sauce with yogurt.
If you liked the recipe for Baked Salmon with Sesame and Vegetables, I invite you to try Salmon Skewers with Mashed Beans, Spinach and Broccoli, Salmon with Steamed Vegetables and Avocado Sauce with Kefir or Salmon with Mango and Shrimp Salsa.
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