Mancare de ardei copti cu feta


Intr-o era in care viata trepidanta ne face sa tanjim dupa simplitate si autenticitate, reteta de mancare de ardei copti cu feta este o rasuflare de nostalgie, un tribut adus deliciilor din copilarie. Personal, imi aduc aminte cum bunica mea ii pregatea, nu cu feta, ci cu o telemea robusta, maturata de oaie. O muscatura este o calatorie inapoi in timp, unde aromele intense si texturile variate se imbina pentru a oferi o experienta culinara de neuitat. Ardeii kapia, copti la perfectiune, se marita perfect cu branza feta sarata si oregano-ul parfumat, creand un preparat reconfortant si satisfacator. Este o reteta care nu numai ca iti va incanta papilele gustative, dar iti va si incalzi inima, aducandu-ti aminte de zilele insorite din copilarie, petrecute in bucataria bunicilor.

Mancare de ardei copti cu feta

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INGREDIENTE (pentru 4 portii)

  • 6 ardei kapia
  • 2 linguri ulei de masline
  • 75 grame branza feta
  • 1 lingurita sare mare
  • 1/4 lingurita oregano
Mancare de ardei copti cu feta

Incepem prin a spala ardeii si a-i usca cu un prosop de hartie. Coacem ardeii pe aragaz, in cuptor sau folosind un aparat Actifry, dupa care ii transferam intr-un bol. Presaram cu sare grunjoasa si acoperim bolul cu o farfurie pentru 15 minute. Dupa acest timp, indepartam pielea si semintele ardeilor si ii taiem in fasii de aproximativ 1 cm latime.

Mancare de ardei copti cu feta

Aceasta este etapa a fost cea mai solicitanta, pentru ca urmeaza partea simpla. Incingem uleiul de masline intr-o tigaie si adaugam ardeii copti, impreuna cu sucul lor. Condimentam cu oregano si putina sare, apoi prajim totul, amestecand din cand in cand, timp de 5 minute. Adaugati 50 de grame de branza feta zdrobita si continuam sa gatim inca un minut.

Mancare de ardei copti cu feta

La final, presaram restul de branza feta si servim preparatul cu chifle proaspete cu masline.

Mancare de ardei copti cu feta

Detaliile video ale retetei:

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English version:

Baked Pepper with Feta Cheese

In an era where hectic life makes us yearn for simplicity and authenticity, the recipe for baked peppers stuffed with cheese is a breath of nostalgia, a tribute to childhood delights. Personally, I remember how my grandmother used to prepare them, not with feta, but with a robust, matured sheep cheese. A bite is a journey back in time, where intense flavors and varied textures combine to offer an unforgettable culinary experience. Peppers, baked to perfection, go perfectly with salty feta cheese and fragrant oregano, creating a comforting and satisfying dish. It is a recipe that will not only delight your taste buds, but will also warm your heart, reminding you of the sunny days of your childhood, spent in your grandmother’s kitchen.

INGREDIENTS (for 4 servings)

  • 6 red peppers
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 75 grams feta cheese
  • 1 teaspoon large salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon oregano

Start by washing the peppers and drying them with a paper towel. Bake the peppers on the stove, in the oven or using an Actifry device, then transfer them to a bowl. Sprinkle with coarse salt and cover the bowl with a plate for 15 minutes. After this time, remove the skin and seeds from the peppers and cut them into strips approximately 1 cm wide.

This stage was the most demanding, because it follows the simple part. Heat the olive oil in a pan and add the roasted peppers, together with their juice. Season with oregano and a little salt, then fry everything, stirring from time to time, for 5 minutes. Add 50 grams of crushed feta cheese and continue cooking for another minute.

At the end, sprinkle the remaining feta cheese and serve the dish with fresh buns with olives.

If you liked the recipe for Baked Peppers with Feta, I invite you to try Zucchini with Yogurt and Feta Dip, Italian Stuffed Eggplants or a Whipped Cottage Cheese and Marinated Tomatoes.


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